If you’d like to learn how to live a greener life, the City has a range of workshops, events and volunteer opportunities to help build knowledge and encourage involvement. The City is passionate about protecting its natural environment and assists residents to create more sustainable homes and cool, green neighbourhoods.
Programs are released throughout the year, subscribe to the monthly Living Green Newsletter to stay in the loop.
Programs and resources
City of Stirling residents can receive up to four free trees for their garden, and ten native plants to help create cooler, happier, and healthier communities.
Registrations are open now. Review the tree species list to select your trees. Please note, some species have limited availability. There is no species list for plants. The City will select 10 WA native plants on each collection day based on the best species available. For this reason, plants cannot be pre-selected and cannot be changed or substituted.
Registrations are open for the following days:
- Session 1 | Saturday 19 April | Register now
- Session 2 | Thursday 24 April | Register now
- Session 3 | Saturday 3 May | Register now
- Session 4 | Saturday 31 May | Register now
- Session 5 | Thursday 5 June | Register now
- Session 6 | Saturday 14 June | Register now
Where can I plant the trees and plants?
- Trees: Trees can only be planted in your garden. They cannot be planted on the verge adjacent to your property
- Plants: Plants can be planted in your garden or on the verge adjacent to your property in accordance with the City's Verge Treatment Guidelines.
Who can get free trees and plants?
The program is open to eligible residents and tenants of the City of Stirling who reside at the address where the trees and shrubs will be planted.
I am a tenant, can I claim free trees?
Yes – however all tenants must have approval of the homeowner.
Can my partner and I both order plants? We live in the same house.
No – the program is limited to one plant pack and four trees per household.
Can I claim trees and plants for my investment property?
Residents cannot claim plant packs or trees for investment properties at which they do not live.
When can I order my free trees and plants?
Registrations for the 2025 free trees and plants program are now open.
I’m not available on the registration day. What do I do?
You can arrange for someone to order your plants on your behalf. They will need your full name, tree selection and residential address to register.
I don’t have access to a computer, how can I register?
Support is available at our City Libraries (Dianella, Inglewood, Karrinyup, Mirrabooka, Osborne Park and Scarborough). This is available on a first-served basis and is subject to staff availability.
How do I register online?
Online registrations for the free trees and plants program are now open.
A limited number of trees and plants will be available on each collection day. When registering:
- Choose your collection date from the following sessions:
- Session 1 | Saturday 19 April | Register now
- Session 2 | Thursday 24 April | Register now
- Session 3 | Saturday 3 May | Register now
- Session 4 | Saturday 31 May | Register now
- Session 5 | Thursday 5 June | Register now
- Session 6 | Saturday 14 June | Register now
- Choose your preferred collection time
- Choose your preferred tree species (maximum of four per household)
- Choose a garden or verge plant pack (maximum of one per household)
- Complete your registration
- Add your pickup day and time to your calendar (we will also send you a reminder).
If your preferred trees are not available on your selected time, we suggest trying an alternate time (and/or date) or choosing a different species.
Plant and tree selection
How many plants and trees can I get?
Eligible residents can register for 4 trees and 1 plant pack per property. Trees will be supplied in forestry tubes and each plant pack has TEN (10) forestry tube size plants. The plants and trees selected are suited to a wide variety of soil types and growing conditions.
What plants are available?
There are two types of plant packs available, each containing 10 labelled WA native waterwise plants.
- Verge Pack: to be planted on your front verge or in your garden
- Garden Pack: to be planted in your garden only.
The specific varieties included in each pack* cannot be pre-selected and will be chosen by the City to ensure species health and availability. 10 WA native plants will be included in each pack. Sample species include Beaufortia aestieva (Kalbarri Beaufortia), Anigozanthos flavidus (Tall Kangaroo Paw), Verticordia nitens (Christmas Morrison), Hypocalymma robustum (Swan River Myrtle), Banksia dallanneyi (Couch Honeypot) and Guichenotia macrantha (Yanchep Bells).
Packs cannot be changed once selected. Pack contents also cannot be changed or substituted.
*There is no species list for plant packs. The Specific varieties included in each pack will be chosen by the City to ensure species health and availability.
What trees are available?
Residents can pre-order up to four trees from the species list provided on the registration link.
The tree species list is now available to download. Please use this guide to assist in selecting trees appropriate to your property.
Trees are listed in heights - short, medium and tall. Please note:
- Trees are not to be planted on verges
- Trees are recommended to be planted a minimum of two (2) metres from a building, wall, fence or property boundary (including the front boundary) to allow for healthy canopy growth and pruning access if required.
Why are you giving away tube stock instead of pots?
Plants grown from tube stock generally have a better survival rate
They generally will establish better to the new environment with strong root structures
Within 2 years tube stock trees have grown larger than those planted from pots, and
You can dig smaller holes, always a win!
I don’t have a garden, can I keep my plants in pots?
Trees and plants must be planted in the ground, not in pots or containers.
Collecting your plants
Where do I collect my plants?
Plant and tree collection is from the Henderson Environment Centre in North Beach.
When can I collect my plants?
Collection dates are as follows:
- Session 1 | Saturday 19 April | Register now
- Session 2 | Thursday 24 April | Register now
- Session 3 | Saturday 3 May | Register now
- Session 4 | Saturday 31 May | Register now
- Session 5 | Thursday 5 June | Register now
- Session 6 | Saturday 14 June | Register now
Collection times are allocated in one hour blocks (e.g. 9.00am to 10.00am). Please select the best time and date that suits you when completing the check out process on Humanitix.
Note: All plant packs must be collected on the day selected. We do not have the capacity to reschedule plant pickup days once booked.
What do I need to bring with me on collection day?
Please bring proof of your home address e.g. driver's license, utility bill etc., that shows your name and the registered address.
Please also bring a bag or box to carry your trees and plants. The City does not provide bags or boxes.
I can’t make the pick-up day that I selected. Can I change my day?
No – we do not have the capacity to reschedule plant pick-up days once booked. You can however send a proxy in your place. Please ensure they have appropriate proof of identification.
Can you deliver my plants?
No – all plants and trees must be collected in-person from the Henderson Environmental Centre in North Beach.
Save money and help the environment! Get free advice from a sustainability expert through the Home Sustainability Support Program.
Learn how to cut down your bills, create a comfortable home, and a wildlife-friendly garden. You can also receive up to $50 worth of free products like LED lights, pedestal fans, soil improvers, and bee houses.
After you sign up, a friendly expert will reach out within a month to set up a visit or a remote session if you cannot meet face-to-face. Check if you’re eligible and join the program today.
- Households must be located within the City of Stirling
- Both homeowners and tenants can apply
- Households that have previously received a Home Sustainability Support Session at the same address are not eligible
- Households with low energy and water use may not be eligible for a support session. We will contact you to discuss your needs and assess each case separately.
- If you need to reschedule or cancel your support session you must provide at least 24 hours notice to the sustainability expert. Late notice may make you ineligible to reschedule
- You will need to provide 12 months billing history (electricity, gas, water) to the sustainability expert before the session
- Free sustainability products will be provided during the session and chosen by your sustainability expert based on the household needs.
The city also offers loans of Home Energy Assessment Toolkits from its libraries. To find out more about the toolkits visit Energy and Emissions.
The City has partnered with Switch Your Thinking to unlock a variety of discounts for residents and buisnesses on energy efficient, waterwise and sustainable products. Think solar panels, batteries, pool blankets, worm farms and more!
To learn how you can access the rewards and discounts available, visit the Rewards for Residents or Rewards for Business pages on the Switch Your Thinking website.
Another perk for businesses is the Switched on Business Awards which celebrate environmentally conscious businesses who have made great efforts to make their operations more sustainable. Twice a year, businesses in the City of Stirling can apply to the Switched on Business Awards to be celebrated for their efforts to reduce environmental impacts. Winners will receive a framed certificate which is presented by a Councillor from the local government at an official event. If you are the winner, your business will be acknowledged on the Switch Your Thinking website, Facebook and LinkedIn pages and the e-newsletters. For more information, head to the Switched on Business page.
Keep informed
To keep up to date on sustainability news, read about success stories from local government and learn about exciting opportunities and events coming up, subscribe to the Switch Your Thinking monthly e-newsletters.
You can also opt in for a monthly Energy Smart SMS service where Switch Your Thinking delivers a monthly SMS tip with simple ways you can reduce your electricity use at home.
Energy Toolkit – Home energy toolkits, designed to help you reduce your electricity use and save money on your bills are available to hire from all City of Stirling libraries. Find out more on the energy and emissions page.
Battery collection - Drop off your old battery's at participating primary schools and shopping centre.
For a full list of drop off centres, visit the Recycling Near You website.
Containers for Change – Return your containers to earn or donate 10 cents per item. View the complete list of drop off and recycling centres here.
Be Waterwise - for top tips and resources to reduce your water use, visit our water management page.
Reduce energy use - top tips and resources to reduce your energy use, visit our energy and emissions page.
Get involved
Interested in protecting and enhancing our environment? Here are some blooming good ways to get involved!
The City supports a number of local community gardens which are managed by community volunteers.
They can be food gardens, producing vegetables and/or fruit, or bush gardens, either focused on bush tucker or just on creating a space with local plants for the community to enjoy.
Some of the gardens also run events and workshops for garden members and the local community.
There are a variety of volunteering opportunities for those who would like to restore and manage the City's natural areas, including conservation volunteers, community sustainability volunteers, and becoming a Turtle Tracker volunteer!
The City is committed to building a sustainable future for the community. We recognise the valuable role that community groups, organisations and individuals can play in driving sustainability and protecting our natural environment.
We encourage all eligible groups to apply.