Karrinyup SwapMart

Karrinyup SwapMart
Environment and sustainability
  • Date

    Every Sunday

  • Address

    Karrinyup SwapMart
    Karrinyup Shopping Centre, Davenport Road, Karrinyup

    Get directions

  • Cost


  • Event types
    Family event Wheelchair accessible event

Contact details

The Swapmart, run by the Rotary Club of Scarborough, is open every Sunday and only closed on those Sundays of special significance (e.g. Easter Sunday).

The Swapmart is located in the B1 'Yellow' Carpark off Davenport road.

Swapmart closures will be advised on this site or by visiting http://scarboroughrotary.org.au/SitePage/karrinyup-swapmart


Casual Sellers should arrive between 5.00am and 5.30am in order to set up before buyers arrive.

They will be given a number to enter the selling area and are admitted into the undercover selling area at 5:45am. When rain or very hot days are forecast there will be more sellers than usual. Maximum height of vehicles admitted - 2.2m.

Sellers are charged $10 per car bay they and their car occupied.

SwapMart opens at 6.30am to buyers.

Entry is $2 with free entry for children. Please leave dogs at home as they will not be allowed in. 

Please like our facebook page here.  
Organised by the Scarborough Rotary, with generous support from Karrinyup Shopping Centre Management. 

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