Doing business with the City

Looking to do business with the City? This page is your first step in learning how the City selects suppliers for goods and services.

All City officers and employees must observe the highest standards of ethics and integrity in any purchasing activity, and act in an honest and professional manner. The following principles, standards and behaviours must be observed and enforced through all stages of the purchasing process. This ensures the fair and equitable treatment of all parties.
  • Accept full accountability for all purchasing decisions and the efficient, effective and proper use of public monies based on achieving value for money
  • Purchasing practices must comply with relevant legislation, regulations, and requirements consistent with City policies and the code of conduct
  • Purchasing is made on a competitive basis where all potential suppliers are treated impartially, honestly and consistently
  • All processes, evaluations and decisions are transparent, free from bias and fully documented in accordance with applicable policies and audit requirements
  • Any actual or perceived conflicts of interest are identified, disclosed and appropriately managed
  • Any information given to the City by a supplier is treated as commercial-in-confidence and is not to be released unless authorised by the supplier or relevant legislation.

Value for money is an overarching principle governing purchasing that allows the best possible outcome for the City. This is more important than achieving the lowest price, and should take into account:
  • User requirements
  • Quality standards
  • Sustainability
  • Life cycle costing
  • Service benchmarks.

The City of Stirling implemented Open Windows as its Contract Management System on the 28 January 2020. Any Supplier under a current contract or engaging in a new contract will be invited to register to the Supplier Portal in Open Windows.

There are a number of benefits associated with the Open Windows platform as a registered Supplier and these include:
  • Trackability of communications between the City and your Business no matter how many people are involved in those communications
  • Easy access to a list of all your contracts for customers using Open Windows (not just City of Stirling's contracts but other businesses across Australia using Open Windows)
  • Submission of contract related documents only once to reduce duplication and wasted time in the Contract Management process, e.g. Insurances. Certain contract specific documents will still need to be lodged for each contract but this will be for documents like Registrations and Licenses
  • A consistent framework for dealing with contract items with the City
  • Alerts provided via the Supplier Portal when certain contract documents are due to expire
  • Access to a larger customer base as Open Windows is used by many businesses across Australia and ability to see Tenders that are processed through the Open Windows platform
  • Full support will be provided by Open Windows when you use the platform (support hours are based on Eastern States Business hours).
To find out more information, visit the Open Windows website here.

Supplier Business Registration

The City of Stirling encourages local and other businesses interested in supplying goods and services to the City to register in our Supplier Business database. This program is designed to support and promote local businesses.

To make the City aware of goods and the services your Business can offer, please select ‘Supplier registration form’ below. This will add your business to the City’s Supplier register which is for those companies interested in non tenders and smaller contracts. For tenders you must register on the City’s e-tendering system and ensure that you select the regions and industries relevant to your organisation. This will ensure you receive relevant tender opening notifications.

WALGA preferred supplier arrangement

The City can access WALGA preferred supplier arrangements where appropriate.

For more information on becoming a preferred supplier, please visit the Western Australian Local Government Association website.

State common use arrangement

The City can access Department of Finance common use arrangements (CUA) where appropriate. 

For more information on being included as a CUA preferred supplier, please visit the Department of Finance website.

Image of the City of Stirling coastline along West Coast Drive

Sustainable procurement

The City of Stirling is committed to sustainable procurement and where appropriate will endeavour to design quotes and tenders to provide goods, services and/or processes that minimise environmental and negative social impacts.

Sustainable considerations must be balanced against value-for-money outcomes in accordance with the City's sustainability objectives.