The City of Stirling offers parking facilities for cars and other vehicles. Find out about parking locations and fees, parking rules, parking permits, parking infringements and parking agreements.

The City of Stirling offers parking facilities for cars and other vehicles. Find out about parking locations and fees, parking rules, parking permits, parking infringements and parking agreements.
City of Stirling kaadatj Nyoongar moort Nyoongar boodja-k Wadjak boodja-k. Ngalak kaadatj Nyoongar nedingar wer birdiya koora koora wer yeyi. Baalabang koondarm, malayin wer nakolak baalap yang ngalany-al. Ngalak dandjoo barn wer kaaratj bandang boodja-k.
The City of Stirling acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land, the Wadjak people of the Nyoongar Nation, and pays respect to the Elders both past and present for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Aboriginal Australia.