The City of Stirling is committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, accessible and engaged community through our services and facilities.

Access and Inclusion Plan 2021-2025
The City’s and Inclusion Plan (AIP) 2021-2025, demonstrates its commitment to building an inclusive and diverse community where people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds can participate and contribute.
The plan aims to empower the community by being more inclusive and improving physical access not only for people with disability, their family and carers, but also:
- Parents with prams, who benefit from ramps and blended kerbs
- Older people, who may require slip-resistant, even surfaces for their mobility
- People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, who need access to information that is easy to understand
- Tourists and visitors who require clear and visible signage
- Pregnant women, who may benefit from facilities such as handrails on stairs
- Young children, who may need access to family changerooms and toilets
- People experiencing mental illness, who require access to information on services and support
- People carrying heavy loads, who would benefit from ramps and automatic doors.
View the Access and Inclusion Plan 2021-2025
For more information, to request the document in alternative formats or languages or to provide input into the Access and Inclusion Plan 2025-2030, please contact accessandinclusion@stirling.wa.gov.au.