Streets, verges, crossovers and traffic

This page provides information about verges and crossovers. Verges are public land areas between a street’s kerb line and an adjoining property’s boundary. Crossovers are driveway sections that cross the verge from the property boundary to the road edge. The page also covers traffic counters, city-installed devices for monitoring vehicle speed, volume, and addressing residents’ concerns.


The verge is the area of public land located between a street kerb line and the boundary of an adjoining property.

Verges play a significant role in our community by establishing an area for street trees, lawns, and gardens which soften the landscape. Verges present an opportunity to establish Waterwise gardens and increase native flora across the City for local wildlife. They also accommodate overhead and underground utilities such as power, water, gas, and communications infrastructure.

The City acknowledges the care that residents take in maintaining verges, which improves the overall appearance of the street and their properties. The City's street trees however must not be interfered with under any circumstances.


Verge modifications

Verge changes and modifications are referred to as verge treatments. The City allows residents to plant or install lawn, plants, and/or organic mulch on the verge without prior approval.

Materials which require approval include paving, synthetic turf, and in-situ concrete. A verge treatment application form must be submitted and approved before any work using these materials takes place.

All works must comply with the verge treatment policy, the City of Stirling Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law 2009, and the verge treatment guidelines and specifications.

Verge treatment application form


A crossover is the section of a driveway that crosses over the verge, from the edge of the property boundary to the edge of the road.

The City requires prior approval for all crossover works before construction. If you are planning to install a new crossover, please make sure you follow the key requirements provided in the Crossover Specifications and Guidelines (see useful documents below).

The City will contribute towards the cost of the first concrete or brick-paved crossover or the replacement of an existing bitumen crossover to the property, provided it is constructed in accordance with the City’s requirements.

Crossover FAQs

Street lights

Western Power maintains the majority of street lighting within the City of Stirling.

Street light faults

  • To report a street light fault visit the Western Power website or call 1800 622 008
  • To report an issue with a street light maintained by the City, please take note of the power pole asset number and phone our Customer Contact Centre.

Traffic counts

Traffic counters provide the City with data on vehicle speed and volume and are installed as part of either the City’s ongoing traffic monitoring program, assessing developments or road changes or in response to resident concerns of speed and/or volumes along a road.