The City maintains over 1,000km of roads within the City of Stirling. Maintenance of roads is partly funded by municipal rates, with additional funding provided through federal and state government grants.
The City of Stirling constructs, maintains and improves facilities and services within the road reserve to improve safety, ease of access and aesthetics in our community.
Roads and traffic management
The City receives many requests from residents, motorists and Elected Members to assess traffic and road safety issues on the local roads that we manage and are responsible for.
All requests are assessed under the City’s Traffic Management Warrants Policy. This policy allows requests to be prioritised based on a range of safety and amenity factors including traffic volumes, travel speeds, crash history, road geometry, road users and activity generators.
This method is considered to be best practice for determining the need for traffic management measures in a fair and transparent manner.
By following a consistent method of assessing road and traffic-related requests, we can ensure that the City’s limited funding resources are allocated to the highest priority projects.
Did you know?
The City of Stirling is responsible for the management of more than 1,000 km of roads. If put together end-to-end, they would make a road stretching from Perth to beyond Carnarvon!
What does the City seek feedback on?
When a road is assessed as meeting the warrants for a traffic management upgrade, the City develops a concept proposal to address the identified issues. Before finalising the design, the City seeks input from the owners and residents of properties located on the section of road that is proposed to be upgraded.
I don't like a particular type of traffic calming device. Why has the City chosen it?
Not all traffic calming devices are effective or suitable in every situation. The City makes a decision on the best option after considering all of the factors relevant to the particular road.
How does the City make a decision on traffic management proposals?
The City seeks input from the owners and occupiers of properties on the section of road that is proposed.
What happens if I don’t provide feedback?
The City considers all non-responses as having no objection to either the installation, or non-installation of the proposed works.
What is the timeframe for completion of the upgrade?
Design and public consultation are undertaken approximately 12–24 months prior to the on-site construction works.
How does the City determine whether a road should have traffic calming?
A road that has been reported as having a traffic or road safety issue is assessed under the City’s Traffic Management Warrants Policy. Crash data is sourced from a database of all crashes reported to the Police in WA and traffic speed and volume data obtained from traffic surveys conducted by the City.
How does the City select the type of traffic calming treatments used?
An extensive assessment of all local road characteristics and constraints determine the most suitable traffic calming devices to be used.
Some of the factors considered during the selection process include, space for treatments, volume and type of traffic, drainage, vegetation and existing driveways. There are many different types of traffic calming features, such as vertical displacement devices like speed humps and speed cushions and horizontal displacement devices like chicanes and roundabouts. The effectiveness and suitability of each are assessed according to the individual situation.
Why doesn’t the City install traffic signs or use speed cameras?
The installation and management of all regulatory traffic signs in WA, such as speed limit, Stop and Slow Down, is solely under the jurisdiction of Main Roads WA (MRWA). MRWA has strict criteria in place for the installation of these traffic signs. The City can apply to MRWA for their installation, if the road is assessed as meeting these criteria.
Speed cameras can only be used by WA Police.
How does the City know that this treatment will improve the safety on our road?
The City has extensive experience in constructing traffic safety projects on its road network. After each project, the City conducts post-implementation traffic surveys to determine the effect of the works on traffic conditions. This experience indicates that the traffic treatments used by the City typically improve safety by reducing the prevailing speeds of the traffic.
Will I still be able to enter and exit my driveway?
Upgrades are designed to retain the same level of access into existing driveways.
I agree with the need for traffic calming but I do not want a treatment in front of my house.
With any type of treatment, the City recognises that some residents may feel more impacted than others. Once a road has been identified as warranting traffic calming, the City has an obligation to address this problem for the benefit of the broader community. The decision on traffic calming proposals will be made based on the input from all residents and owners of properties impacted by the works
How will we be informed about the outcome of the consultation?
The outcome of the consultation will be communicated to the owners and residents that received the original letter and made a submission.
What will happen if my verge or driveway is damaged or if it has to be modified as part of this plan?
All driveways affected by the proposed works will be reinstated according to the City’s standards. Any irrigation affected in the verge area will be adjusted and reinstated to property owner’s requirements.
Notify the City of proposed works
The City of Stirling needs to be made aware of:
- Any proposed works which affect the City’s residents and businesses
- Works which require temporary traffic management or involve interference with the City’s roads and assets.
To notify the City of proposed works, please use the General enquiries and feedback form and provide your full name, email, street address, daytime contact number. The City will then provide you with login details to your eLodgement account.
Once you have received login details from the City, click the link below to sign in and apply for a Site Access Authority Permit.
Road signage
The City of Stirling is responsible for the installation of all signage within the road reserve which applies a parking restriction or prohibition. This includes the following signage:
- No stopping
- No parking
- No parking on verge
- Timed parking restrictions
- Paid parking
- Bus zone
- Loading/taxi zone
- Kiss-and-ride
- ACROD parking
- Street name signs
- Directional signs
- All other signage within the road reserve is the responsibility of Main Roads WA.
Requests for new regulatory signs must be made in writing to the City. If a request is deemed to be warranted, a request will be forwarded to Main Roads WA. It is then up to Main Roads WA to make a final decision.
To request street signage within the road reserve, please use the customer enquiry and feedback form.
Advertising signage
The City of Stirling is responsible for encouraging the rationalisation of advertising signs on individual premises and for promoting the incorporation of advertising signs into the design of buildings. Most signs require a licence prior to installation, and some signs may also require planning approval.
Advertising signs within the City’s boundaries are subject to the following restrictions:
- Signs on private sites must not adversely impact on the amenity of surrounding land
- The overuse of signs on individual sites and buildings must be avoided
- Signs must not impact the streetscape of major roads
- Signs must not be discriminatory or offensive
- Signs should only relate to services and products on the site where they are displayed.
To report illegally placed signage in a public place or to request the return of impounded signage, please phone our Customer Contact Centre. Please note, impounded signage will be released on payment of a fee.