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- City of Stirling’s new push to put the brakes on abandoned shopping trolleys
City of Stirling’s new push to put the brakes on abandoned shopping trolleys

“This is a widespread problem that affects local governments all over Western Australia,” City of Stirling Mayor Mark Irwin said.
The City of Stirling has drafted a new local law that aims to reduce the number of abandoned shopping trolleys in the community.
As well as being unsightly, abandoned trolleys can create access obstructions, safety risks and environmental hazards.
The City’s proposed Shopping Trolleys Local Law 2025 would require retailers to implement measures to keep trolleys within their shopping precincts.
“This is a widespread problem that affects local governments all over Western Australia,” City of Stirling Mayor Mark Irwin said.
“On a local level, our residents have told us they are seeing more abandoned trolleys in the community and they are frustrated that no one seems to be doing anything about it.
“This local law is designed to keep shopping trolleys at the shops, where they belong, and make our community cleaner and safer.”
The City currently addresses the issue of abandoned shopping trolleys through its Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law 2009, however those provisions would be revoked with the creation of the Shopping Trolleys Local Law 2025.
The new local law would strengthen the City’s stance on the issue, creating a range of new offences and increasing penalties.
It would reduce the amount of time given to retailers to remove abandoned trolleys and broaden the City’s scope for impounding them.
“Although this local law would introduce tougher penalties, we would really like to get to a point where we don’t have to intervene,” Mayor Irwin said.
“People shouldn’t be dumping or stealing shopping trolleys, but we're also asking retailers to do the right thing by the community and take more responsibility for their property.”
The proposed local law has been advertised for public comment, with the consultation period closing on Thursday 13 March.
Community feedback will be presented to Council in May for consideration.
To give your feedback and find out more about abandoned shopping trolleys, visit www.stirling.wa.gov.au/trolleyslocallaw.