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Managing our coastline – next steps
In January 2023, the City released the Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaption Planning (CHRMAP) report.
In January 2023, the City released the Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaption Planning (CHRMAP) report. The report identified Mettams Pool and Watermans Bay as being at high risk of impact by coastal erosion.
The CHRMAP report recommended a detailed adaptation options assessment be undertaken to determine the best protection methods for our coastline at these high risk, high value beaches.
In response, a dedicated project team, including Elected Members and City and State representatives, and led by specialist coastal engineers, has been investigating the most effective ways to reduce the impact of erosion.
The coastal protection options being investigated include:
Beach nourishment
Groyne/headland enhancement
Nearshore reefs
Key considerations for selecting the best option for each location are the community coastal values established through previous community consultation, environmental impact and economic factors including construction and ongoing maintenance costs.
Coastal update for Mettams Pool and Watermans Bay
The City is committed to hosting ongoing coastal conversations with residents and beachgoers to chat about their experiences of change along our coastline and investigate the most effective ways to reduce the impact of erosion.
Please join us after the Walking Together Local Convo.
Coastal update for Mettams Pool and Watermans Bay
Date Thursday 26 September
Time 9.00am to 10.00am
Meeting point Canteen Trigg, 364 West Coast Dr, Trigg.
Coastal update for Mettams Pool and Watermans Bay
Date Tuesday 10 September
Time 9.00am to 10.00am
Meeting point Little Bay Cafe.
Can’t make it?
For more information, please contact Engineering Services on (08) 9205 8555 or submit an enquiry via www.stirling.wa.gov.au/enquiry.