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Minister announces new underground power program

The Minister for Energy recently joined Mayor Mark Irwin at Robinson Reserve to announce the State Government’s new Targeted Underground Power Program (TUPP).
The Minister for Energy, Hon Bill Johnston MLA, recently joined Mayor Mark Irwin at Robinson Reserve, Tuart Hill to announce the State Government’s new Targeted Underground Power Program (TUPP).
The new program builds on the State Underground Power Program (SUPP), improving on equity by using Western Power’s network-driven approach and tiered funding to ensure all areas benefit from underground power. Across 12 Perth metropolitan areas, 31 projects have been targeted involving more than 50,000 homes.
At the October Council meeting, the City of Stirling voted unanimously to participate in the Osborne Park/Tuart Hill/Joondanna, the Doubleview/Scarborough/Innaloo and the North Perth/Mount Hawthorn (68 properties in the City of Stirling) projects, as well as indicating support for future projects.
The Doubleview and North Perth/Mount Hawthorn projects are both due for design completion in June of 2023, with construction starting by the end of 2023.
Under the TUPP, the costs of the program are shared between Western Power, local government and the State Government, with the City adopting a user pays model. The amount the State Government contributes takes into account socio-economic indicators in each suburb, based on four tiers of median house prices. Suburbs with a median house price of:
- $420,000 or less receive a State Government capital contribution of 50 per cent
- between $420,000 and $629,999 receive 25 per cent
- between $630,000 to $787,500 received 10 per cent, and
- above $787,500 receive no contribution.
Mayor Mark Irwin said the City had been part of the SUPP since it began in 1996, and was pleased to join the Minister to acknowledge the successful delivery of seven completed projects for the community under this model in the City.
“The power infrastructure identified for this Targeted Underground Power Program includes the overhead power lines that are reaching their end of life, which means Western Power can either replace the old overhead wires with new overhead wires, or go down the underground power pathway,” he said.
“The City of Stirling believes that the fairest way possible to move from ageing overhead wires to safer and more efficient underground power is to do so in collaboration with Western Power and the State Government. Participation in the TUPP allows all parties to take advantage of the cost sharing arrangements and the progressive cost support built into the State Government’s contribution for lower socio-economic areas.
“This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to remove overhead power infrastructure and connect to the new underground power network.”
Minister for Energy Hon Bill Johnston MLA said underground power is safer, more reliable and costs less to maintain, which means property owners pay less.
“The McGowan Labor Government recognises these benefits, with the new program significantly improving on the efficiency of Western Power’s previous State Underground Power Program,” he said.
“Western Power is also replacing traditional streetlights with new energy saving LED lighting and ensuring the network is more resilient to extreme weather events.”
Image (left to right): Western Power Chief Executive Officer Sam Barbaro, Minister for Energy Hon Bill Johnston MLA, President of the Legislative Council Hon Alanna Clohesy MLC, Member for Balcatta and Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier David Michael MLA, Mayor Mark Irwin and Member for Scarborough Stuart Aubrey MLA.