The positive side to parking infringements

13 February 2025

Nothing spoils a nice day at the beach or an evening at your favourite restaurant quite like returning to a parking infringement.  

Nothing spoils a nice day at the beach, or an evening at your favourite restaurant quite like a parking infringement.

City of Stirling officers issue parking infringements to ensure community members are not inconvenienced, or worse, have their safety compromised.   

For instance, parking across footpaths can obstruct pedestrians, including people with disabilities, users of wheelchairs, and parents with prams, often leaving them without a safe alternative route.

Similarly, parking in an ACROD bay without a valid permit can seriously impact someone’s day. 

The City is currently inviting input on access and inclusion priorities like this as part of the Everyone Belongs community engagement initiative. 

Complete the City’s Belonging Survey or join the Belonging journey by visiting the project page

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