The City strongly recommends that you contact our experienced development services team before submitting your application. We can help save you time by enabling you to submit a successful application.
Development applications
- Standard applications: 60 calendar days
- Complex applications: 90 calendar days
Building permits
- Certified application:10 business days
- Uncertified application: 25 business days.
- Occupancy permit: 10 business days.
Health approvals
A health application will be processed within 10 business days, please note this is subject to the correct information being provided and a satisfactory site visit. If a development application requires health referral we will endeavour to provide comments back to the planning officer within 3 business days..jpg)
As part of your Development Approval, tree planting may be required on the verge and/or your private land. Residents are not permitted to plant their own street tree.
Private trees
Private trees required as part of Development Approval must be planted prior to the development being occupied. The City will monitor the presence and growth of your new trees as part of its annual aerial Canopy Monitoring program. The trees and development page has more information.
Street trees
Upon completion of your development, the City will schedule the planting of at least one new street tree if no existing street tree exists. Trees are planted in the next planting season, generally between May and September and fees apply.
For uncertified and certified Class 1 and 10 buildings and incidental structures, upon completion of work, the builder must provide a Notice of Completion (BA7) to the permit authority within seven days of completion of work. If this work includes a swimming pool or pool safety barriers, an inspection certificate must accompany the notice. Please note, the requirement to provide this inspection certificate as part of the Notice of Completion is separate to the requirement for a local government to inspect existing pools in its district at least once every four years.
For certified Class 2 to Class 9 buildings, the builder must provide a Notice of Completion to the permit authority along with the relevant inspection certificates within seven days of the work.
This establishes the end date of the permit for compliance and record keeping purposes. Until the notice is received, the person named as builder or demolition contractor remains liable for the building or demolition complying with the Building Act 2011 until a Notice of Cessation (BA8) or a Notice of Completion (BA7) is issued.
The builder must ensure that each inspection certificate that accompanies a Notice of Completion contains the following information:
- The number of the building permit for the building work inspected or tested
- A description of the purpose, extent and outcome of the inspection or test
- The date and time the inspection or test was conducted
- The name, contact details and qualifications of the person conducting the inspection or test
- Any other document or evidence of the outcome of the inspection or test that the person conducting the inspection or test considers relevant.
Occupancy permit applications for newly completed buildings must include:
- A Certificate of Construction Compliance (form BA17) signed by a registered private building surveyor
- Evidence of approval from relevant authorities, dependent on the building or structure
- A completed Notice and Request for Consent to Encroach or Adversely Affect form (BA20) and an unauthorised works form is applicable
- Payment of any fees as detailed in the Building Permit Fees and Charges.
- To occupy a completed new building or a new part of an existing building
- To occupy an incomplete building or part of a building on a temporary basis
- To modify a current occupancy permit for additional use of a building on a temporary basis
- To occupy a building or part of a building that has undergone a permanent change of use or classification
- To authorise and occupy an unauthorised building or an unauthorised part of a building
- To authorise a building with an existing approval with a new or replacement occupancy permit.
Occupancy permit applications for existing authorised buildings must include:
- A Certificate of Building Compliance (form BA18) signed by a registered private building surveyor confirming that the existing building has been inspected
- A completed Occupancy Permit Application Form (BA9) signed by the owner/occupier
- Payment of any fees as detailed in the Building Permit Fees and Charges.
Retrospective occupancy permit applications for unauthorised building or change of use must include:
- A Certificate of Building Compliance Form (BA18) signed by a registered private building surveyor confirming that the building has been inspected and complies with all applicable building standards
- A completed Occupancy Permit Application Form (BA9) signed by the owner/occupier
- Payment of any fees as detailed in the Building Permit Fees and Charges.
The City has 10 business days decide on an occupancy permit application. A further information request may be sent to the nominated builder or applicant if additional information is required. The builder/applicant then has 21 calendar days to provide the requested information.
The City has the right to refuse an application if the required information is not provided within the designated 21 day timeframe. The City also has the right to retain the application fee.