Lodging and tracking applications

The City's online lodgement service allows customers to easily lodge a building permit or development application online in a few simple steps.

The online services platform enables the lodgement of applications without prior registration for new customers, with existing customers able to lodge applications via their existing login details.

Please note the City can only accept certain applications offline (via the front counter at our Administration Centre) or via email.

Copy of plans delays

Due to a high volume of applications currently under assessment, please be aware that there may be delays in processing times for Copy of Plan applications. We are addressing this by allocating additional resources to manage the increased demand. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and patience.

For urgent matters or further assistance, please contact Development Services at development@stirling.wa.gov.au.

Methods of lodgement

The following applications can be made via the formats below. 

Scroll sideways
Type of applicationSubmission methods

Online lodgementIn person at front counter or by mail to 25 Cedric Street,
Stirling WA 6021
Email via development@stirling.wa.gov.au 
Development applications

Building permits (BA1 and BA2)

Demolition application (BA5)

Footpath activation permit

Deemed-to-comply check

Building approval certificate

Occupancy permit (BA9)

Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) application

Subdivision clearance

Written planning advice

Notice of Completion (BA7)

Liquor and Gaming - Section 39, 40 & 55

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Required lodgement information

Once the City receives your application, officers will check your submission to confirm it is complete and ready for assessment. If further information is required, the City will contact you to request this information.

The application will not be lodged until all required information including payment has been submitted and the application is capable of assessment by the City.

Once lodged, the City will endeavour to assess and determine your application in a timely and efficient manner.

Online lodgement

Which type of user are you?

  • Are you a new or existing customer? Select the correct button below.
  • Fill out the relevant information and attach the required supporting documents to complete your application.
  • Lodge the application and pay the fee. Payment of applications can also be made via invoice and paid at a later date.

Planning applications

Now that you know which types of applications you can submit online, in person or by mail, check what you will need to complete the application below.

Building applications

Now that you know which types of applications you can submit online, in person or by mail, check what you will need to complete the application below.

Health applications

Now that you know which types of applications you can submit online, in person or by mail, check what you will need to complete the application below.

For more information relating to section 39/40 or section 55 certificates, please phone our Customer Contact Centre at (08) 9205 8555. 

For more information on liquor licence applications, please visit the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor website.

Fees and charges

For applications lodged online, the applicable fee will be calculated upfront as part of the lodgement process, with the option to pay online. A schedule of all relevant fees and charges can be found below.

Track an application

The City's online services platform allows easy tracking of development applications, building permits and copy-of-plan requests.

Please note the application tracker does not provide an exhaustive or fully accurate summary of the current application status, the tracker is a guide only and provides a general guide on the application status.

Track an application FAQs