Tree types
Verges are constrained by a paved road, a property line, driveways, and, in some cases, powerlines, and often the original soil has been replaced by clean fill. These characteristics make verges unsuitable for the majority of native trees. Only a handful of local native trees can thrive in these conditions.
Therefore non-native tree species are essential to ensuring adequate diversity and resilience of our urban forest.
Brush Box currently makes up more than 15% of the street tree population. This species is a proven performer in the hostile verge environment, not only in Perth but also in other cities around the world. They were a commonly planted species from the 1940s through to the 1980s.
As a thriving urban forest needs to include adequate tree species and age diversity, the City has reduced the proportion of Brush Box planted each year.
Brush Box species are now only planted in streets where they are a common theme. This will ensure a tried and tested species use continues while also maintaining the cultural heritage of those streets.
In streets without a high number of these species, they are being replaced by other tree species as they reach the end of their lives.
Verge and street trees
Where space allows and the City’s street tree placement guidelines are satisfied, additional trees can be requested.
There are two types of requests:
- You received a letter and know that your street is part of a recent/current street tree planting project, and would like to request additional trees - please submit a new enquiry via the Street Tree Planting Project enquiry form
- You have not received a letter and your street is not part of a recent/current tree planting project area, already have an existing tree and would like an additional tree, you will need to lodge your request via the general enquiry and feedback form.
Consistent avenues of street trees have been found to add value to properties and also create a sense of character and uniformity.
A tree species is typically determined by the dominant tree species within the streetscape. However, in some instances the City can offer flexibility on the species to be planted.
To check species information and if your verge is included in a recent/current street tree planting project please visit our current tree projects.
When enquiring about a change of location, please note:
There is a set alignment in which street trees are planted in accordance with the Utility Service Providers Code of Practice
- The standard alignment runs 2.4m – 3m from the front property boundary (typically 2.7m) in line with existing trees and above ground power services
- A distance of 2m from driveways and 3m from property lines (neighbours) is typically maintained
- This is explained in more detail in the street tree placement guidelines.
There is some flexibility on planting locations to accommodate accessibility and personal preferences where practicable - including verge parking and access, and vegetation.
If you would like to request an adjustment to the location of your street tree, please submit a new enquiry via the Street Tree Planting Project enquiry form.
It also helps if you place a marker (such as a garden stake or spray paint) in the preferred location. If your nominated position does not meet the guidelines, it will be adjusted to the closest compliant location.
The City marks its planting locations one week prior to installation. If no alternate location has been nominated (as per above), trees will be installed in the original location.
We understand that many people have reticulated verges and this can pose some issues, however reticulation doesn't mean a tree can't be planted. Locations can be adjusted to accomodate existing reticulations systems. You can also help avoid damage by marking out retic or requesting a location adjustment as detailed above by submitting a new enquiry via the Street Tree Planting Project enquiry form.
Whilst effort is always made to avoid damage to reticulation in the installation process, sometimes it can occur. In the event that damage to reticulation does occur, residents can contact the City to assess and address where deemed appropriate.
Where a hardstand verge treatment such as paving, synthetic turf or concrete has been placed on the verge, it is a condition of the City’s verge treatment policy that a street tree must be planted.
Currently hardstand verge treatments are restricted within the City and may only be applied to a maximum of one third of the verge area. Prior to mid-2013 the total verge area could have a hardstand treatment applied, though provision needed to be made to plant a street tree.
Where verge treatments have been installed before the 2013 policy change or by a previous owner, the City will make the necessary modification at no expense to current owners to enable the planting of a street tree.
To find out further information relating to Tree Wells and verge treatments within the City:
There is some flexibility on tree well locations. Detail on location requirements can be found in the street tree placement guidelines and in the location adjustment section above.
Property owners are encouraged to consider moving away from turfed and reticulated verge spaces and towards water smart (and low maintenance) plantings instead.
More information on verge gardens can also be found on the sustainability initiatives page.