This page provides information about the City’s bulk green waste verge collections and collection tips.
The City of Stirling conducts a bulk green waste verge collection for residents every nine months. This allows you to dispose of bulk garden and organic waste.
Bulk green waste can be placed on the verge up to nine days before your scheduled collection and may take up to two weeks to be collected. With the introduction of garden organics (GO) waste bins, green waste bags are no longer available.
Bulk green waste placed on the verge more than nine days in advance of your collection is considered illegal dumping and will be subject to penalties. It is illegal to put green waste in parks, reserves, on vacant land or on commercial property.

Important information regarding bulk green waste collection
Due to the detection of polyphagous shot-hole borer (PSHB) in Perth, we are working with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) to reduce the risk of spreading this pest during your bulk green waste collection.
You can place bulk green waste on your verge as usual but please inspect your trees and plants for PSHB symptoms before and after pruning.
If you find any suspicious symptoms, keep the plant or pruning's on your property and report it to DPIRD immediately.
Symptoms to look for include shot holes that are approximately the size of a ballpoint pen tip, galleries (tunnels) and frass (noodles) or crystalline foam (sugar volcanoes) coming from the holes.
If you suspect borer damage, report it through the MyPestGuide™ Reporter app or contact the Pest and Disease Information Service at 08 9368 3080 or
Find your next collection day
Waste collections occur on all public holidays except Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, and Good Friday. If a collection is scheduled for any of these days, it will take place on the following day.
To find your next bin collection, please enter your residential address below. Please note, you must use a full address or you can select an address from the drop down field below.
Waste collection dates
This data updates annually based off of property records, if your address is a new home or a sub division, please contact the City where we can assist you in locating your bin day/verge pick up information.
To view your bin days in a different format, please see the links below.

Bulk green waste verge collection checklist
To make sure your green waste is collected from your verge, please:
- Ensure branches are no longer than 1.5m and are cut into 30cm lengths
- Loose and small green waste (weeds and leaves) should be placed in your green waste (lime green lid) bin for collection fortnightly
- Green waste is not in hessian, polypropylene or plastic bags
- Green waste is free from contamination
- Green waste is 500mm away from obstacles such as cars, trees and posts.

Sorting your waste correctly
Residents are encouraged to sort their waste correctly into the different bins with the help of our Waste and Recycling Guide or our A - Z waste guide. Sorting your waste correctly means that you’re diverting waste from landfill, and creating a more sustainable future for our community.