Bin and waste collections

This page provides information about residential bin collections, including how to find out when your next bin day is, how to request new bins or upgrade your residential waste service and how to report damaged or missing bins.

Please note that due to supply chain issues, there is an estimated 4 week delay in requesting new, additional and replacement bins. This matter is beyond the City’s control however we apologise for the inconvenience caused. Once replacement bins and parts are received, we will be working hard to deliver these as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

Find your next collection day

Waste collections occur on all public holidays except Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, and Good Friday. If a collection is scheduled for any of these days, it will take place on the following day.

To find your next bin collection, please enter your residential address below. Please note, you must use a full address or you can select an address from the drop down field below.

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Waste collection dates

There is no information available for the address you have entered.

This data updates annually based off of property records, if your address is a new home or a sub division, please contact the City where we can assist you in locating your bin day/verge pick up information. 

To view your bin days in a different format, please see the links below.

Week 1 calendar Week 2 calendar

Bin collection checklist

Bin collection checklist

To make sure your bin gets emptied, please: 

  • Ensure bins are placed out on the verge for collection by 6.00am on your service day
  • Ensure bins are not obstructed by cars
  • Bins are 1m away from obstacles such as cars, trees and posts
  • Bins are to be 1m away from overhead powerlines
  • Make sure bins are not overflowing or too heavy
  • Make sure you are using a City of Stirling bin.

Residential bin request types

Please note that due to supply chain issues, there is an estimated 4 week delay in requesting new, additional and replacement bins.  This matter is beyond the City’s control however we apologise for the inconvenience caused.  Once replacement bins and parts are received, we will be working hard to deliver these as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

Types of bins

The City of Stirling operates a three-bin system where households have access to three different bins:

  • A red lid bin for general waste. Collected every week
  • A yellow lid bin for recycling materials. Collected fortnightly on alternate weeks
  • A lime green lid bin for garden organics. Collected fortnightly on alternate weeks. 

By working together to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill, we can ensure a more sustainable future for our community.

Missed bins

When reporting a bin that has not been emptied, please note: 

  • Please check your bin to see if there is a non-collection sticker present. If so, please rectify the issue before completing the form

  • Please ensure both sides of the street has been collected before reporting

  • It may take up to 3 working days for the bin to be emptied

  • If you have forgotten to present your bin on time on multiple occasions, or you have reported it outside of the 24-hour time-frame, there may be a fee of $75 to empty your bin. Subject to the City's fees and charges

  • To report multiple bins, a separate form will need to be completed for each bin.

If your bin isn’t emptied as scheduled, please lodge a residential bin request. Please ensure both sides of the street has been collected before reporting.

Report a missed bin

Missing bins

If your current bin is missing, you can report a missing bin by lodging a residential bin request.

  • Bins will be replaced within 10 working days.

Report a missing bin

Damaged bins

If your current bin is damaged, you can request the City to repair or replace your bin for free. 

  • Bins will be repaired or replaced within 10 working days.

Please place your bin on the verge for a successful collection. The first truck will empty it, and the second truck will repair or replace it. Even if your bin is damaged, you can continue using it while waiting for repairs or replacement.

Report a damaged bin

New/additional bins

Standard bins for your property

All properties within the City will be provided the standard package of bins: 

  • One red lid (general waste) bin - 140 litre
  • One yellow lid (recycling) bin - 240 litre.


Multi-unit complexes

If you live in a multi-unit complex of 6 or more units, a request for residential bins must be made by your strata manager.

Homeswest tenants

If you are a Homeswest tenant, please arrange for a written request to be submitted by the Department of Housing via the general enquiry and feedback form.

Additional bins for your property

If you need additional bins, please ensure that you have upgraded your bins first. Cost of additional bins will be added to your rates notice. 

  • One additional yellow lid (recycling) bin - 360 litre
  • One additional lime green lid (garden organics) bin - 240 litre.

Request a new or additional bin

Please note that all new and additional bins will be delivered to the verge within 10 working days. 

Request a new bin

Request an additional bin

Fees and charges

Standard/new binsAdditional yellow lid binAdditional green lid bin

One red lid (general waste) bin - 140 litre

One yellow lid (recycling) bin - 240 litre

One optional lime green (garden organics) bin - 240 litre

One additional yellow lid (recycling) bin – 360 litreOne additional green lid (garden organics) bin - 240 litre

$380 per year (23/24 financial year)

$200 one-time establishment fee

$45 extra per year

$100 one-time establishment fee

$45 extra per year

$100 one-time establishment fee

Bin upgrades

If your current bin isn’t meeting your househould needs, you can request an upgrade of the existing service for an additional fee. While upgrading a green waste bin isn't currently available, you can request for an additional bin.

  • A red lid (general) bin - from 140 litre to 240 litre
  • A yellow lid (recycling) - from 240 litre to 360 litre.

Request a bin upgrade

Fees and charges

Red lid bin upgradeYellow lid bin upgradeGreen lid bin upgrade
One red lid (general waste) bin - from 140 litre to 240 litreOne yellow lid (recycling) - from 240 litre to 360 litreCurrently not available, please request for an additional bin.

$150 extra per year

$100 one-time establishment fee

$20 extra per year 


Other bin requests

For all other bin requests and enquiries, please contact us via the general enquiry and feedback form.

If you are looking for on-demand waste collections, you can learn more about on-demand through our video playlist, or please visit our page here for more information.

Lodge other bin request

Sorting your waste correctly

Sorting your waste correctly

Residents are encouraged to sort their waste correctly into the different bins with the help of our Waste and Recycling Guide or our A - Z waste guide. Sorting your waste correctly means that you’re diverting waste from landfill, and creating a more sustainable future for our community.

Did you know?

When our three bin system was rolled out in July 2015, garden organics (GO) bins were only delivered to properties of 400sqm or more. If you do not have a garden organics waste bin and wish to apply for one, please phone our Customer Contact Centre

Residential waste FAQ

The City can provide assistance for residents who cannot physically put their bins out on the verge or do not have anyone else to assist them.

  1. Please arrange for a request to be submitted via the general enquiry and feedback form
  2. The City will get in touch to confirm if they can set up the service for you.

Who qualifies?

  • If you’re part of the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)
  • If you receive the Disability Support Pension (shown on your Centrelink Card)
  • If you have a letter from your current disability or mental health provider
  • If you have a letter from your GP (doctor) or another allied health professional
  • If you have a companion card (which proves you have a disability).

Is it your bin day? Use our bin day search function above to check. We collect bins between 6.00am and 6.00pm. If it’s your bin day, we might not have reached your area yet due to varying truck rounds. If your bin was out on time and it was missed, please report it within 48 hours. Otherwise, you may need to arrange a paid return collection or wait until your next bin day. If you forgot to place your bin out on your bin day or missed the reporting window, you can still arrange a paid return collection.

For more information, please submit a general enquiry and feedback form.

All your bins must be stored on your property between collections, not on the footpath, verge or street. If you are unable to securely store your bins during demolition and construction, please contact the City to have them removed. Please note a fee may occur for the bins to be returned at the end of this period.

Our drivers will place a sticker on your bin to let you know there is an issue with your bin. This can sometimes explain why your bin has not been collected.

All bins are collected on public holidays except for Good Friday, Christmas Day and New Year's Day. On these days the bin collections will take place on the following day.

If you're unsure of how to dispose of certain waste items, please refer to our Waste and Recycling Guide or our A - Z waste guide.

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