Contact details
City of Stirling Sustainability Team
Explore Star Swamp and the Henderson Centre and learn more about the nature at your doorstep, using a nature journal! Have fun being creative in nature these school holidays.
About your nature journaling host
Kim Lapere Kim is a scientist, educator, artist and nature lover. Kim's been nature journaling for five years now all over Australia and enjoys teaching others how to use a sketchbook or journal to discover more about the environment around them. Kim has a YouTube channel dedicated to Australian nature journaling and teaches workshops and excursions around Perth.
Important information
- This event is best suited to children aged 8 years and over
- All children need to be supervised by an accompanying adult
- Parents and carers must stay on site for the duration of the session and are encouraged to join-in
- Please meet at the Henderson Environmental Centre, North Beach
- Bring your own journal or sketch book and/or favourite writing materials
- Additional materials will be provided
- Bring closed in shoes, hat, a water bottle and maybe a snack
- Remember to slip-slop-slap-wrap if the sun's out, and raincoat if there's a chance of rain
- Tea and coffee provided for adults.
Image courtesy of Kim Lapere.