Contact details
Peter Axton
The My Neighbourhood project is a local initiative to bring all ages of our community together to reflect on what defines the area and to represent that in a fun artwork.
The small charge holds your place in the workshop and provides you with a box style frame to display your finished artwork. Open to all residents from age 7 upwards.
At the workshop, anyone aged 7-12 requires adult accompaniment to work as a team.
Your teacher will be Annie Rawle who works in various media. She’ll show you how to combine your own pictures or models with found objects and images. She will teach craft techniques focused on using recycled materials, wire, wood, thread and paints, etc. You’ll get worksheets and ideas of what to paint or make to fit the theme.
After the workshop, there will be an optional exhibition and competition to enter. Details to come.
Materials on the workshop day will be free, but you may need some basic things at home to finish, e.g. paint, glue etc.