Play in the Park - Cubby Building

Play in the Park - Cubby Building
Environment and sustainabilityFamilies and childrenSchool holidays Free
  • Date

    Monday 14 April - Wednesday 16 April, 9.30am - 11.30am

  • Address

    Bina Parkland Playground
    Princess Rd, Balga

    Get directions

  • Cost


  • Event types
    Family event
  • City of Stirling event

Contact details

As part of WA Tree Festival, join Educated by Nature for a hands-on, tactile cubby building play opportunity in the beautiful surrounds of Bina Parkland, Balga.

Building shelters connects people with a sense of identity and place – so we encourage you to come and construct, decorate and enjoy playing in cubbies. All materials and expert instruction provided.

Important information

  • Please meet near the playground at Bina Parkland
  • Parents and carers must stay on site for the duration of the session and are encouraged to join in
  • This session is open to kids of all ages
  • Please bring a hat, sunscreen and water.

This is a drop-in session - so feel free to bring a picnic and enjoy a day in the park. Bina Parkland is located within Princess Wallington Reserve. The park includes traditional play equipment, BMX track (beginners and experienced), nature play and a flying fox with plenty of grassed area for picnics.

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