As our City continues to expand and develop, embracing and protecting the social and architectural heritage that defines our streets and neighbourhoods is an essential part of our planning work.

A heritage property is a property that is either:
- Located within the Heritage Protection Area of Mount Lawley, Menora or Inglewood
- On the State Register of Heritage Places
- On the City's Heritage List contained within the City’s Local Planning Scheme.
The City also has a non-statutory Local Heritage Survey.
The State Register of Heritage Places is a list of buildings that are significant to the state. This list is administered by the Heritage Council of Western Australia.
For more information or to see the State Register of Heritage Places, please visit the Heritage Council of Western Australia’s website or contact the Heritage Council or Western Australia.
The City has adopted a Heritage Protection Area which covers the majority of the below suburbs:
- Mount Lawley;
- Menora; and
- Inglewood.
Local Planning Policy 3.1 Character Retention Guidelines Mount Lawley and Menora and 3.1A Character Retention Guidelines Inglewood, outline objectives and provisions for development within the specific areas. For detailed information please refer to the specific Local Planning Policy.
Heritage protection area map
The City of Stirling has created a Heritage List within its Local Planning Scheme, identifying those places which are of cultural significance and worthy of conservation under the provisions of the Scheme.
The City of Stirling Heritage List contains properties considered to be of local cultural heritage significance and worthy of conservation. All applications involving development of properties on the heritage list will be assessed on their merits.
The City may require a heritage assessment to be carried out prior to the approval of any development. Applications involving demolition will be required to be referred to Council for consideration.
The City’s Heritage List has the following categories:
- Category A - Places of Exceptional Cultural Heritage Significance
- Category B - Places of Considerable Cultural Heritage Significance
- Category C - Places of Some Cultural Heritage Significance
View the City’s Heritage List document to learn more.
Local Heritage Surveys (LHS), formerly known as municipal inventories, identify and record places that are, or that might become, of cultural heritage significance.
The LHS is a starting resource for local heritage planning and in itself has no statutory role. The LHS helps the City make decisions that reflect local heritage values, and supports the creation of a heritage list or heritage areas, which identify places to be protected under the local planning scheme.
The City’s LHS has the following categories:
- Category 1 - Conservation Essential
- Category 2A - Conservation Recommended
- Category 2B - Conservation Desirable
- Category 2C – Historic Site
- Category 3 – Contributes to Local Character
View the City’s Local Heritage Survey to learn more.
Heritage Restoration Rebates
Our Heritage Restoration Rebates have been developed to demonstrate the City of Stirling’s commitment to property owners who want to contribute to the retention and enhancement of buildings on the City’s heritage list and those categorised as 1 or 2A on the City's Local Heritage Survey.
Eligible property owners are able to apply for half the value of the works undertaken up to a maximum of $5,000.
The heritage restoration rebates are run each financial year.
For more information on what works are eligible, please view the Heritage Restoration Rebates Information Sheet.
Visit the Heritage Restoration Rebate page to learn more or apply.
Heritage Rates Concessions
Owners of rateable residential and commercial properties included on the City’s heritage list can apply for a discount on their general rates charge, to assist with the care and maintenance of their property.
Residential properties are eligible for a 50% concession on their general rates charge while commercial properties are eligible for a $2,000 capped concession per property.
For more information on what works are eligible please view the Heritage Rates Concessions Information Sheet or the City’s Rates Rebate web page.
Waiver of Associated Development Application Fees
Properties on the City’s heritage list can apply to have their development application fee waived for eligible works.
For more information on what works are eligible please view the Waiver of Associated Development Application Fees Information Sheet.
Heritage Technical Advice
Properties on the City’s heritage list can apply for heritage technical advice for eligible works.
For more information on what works are eligible please view the Heritage Technical Advice Information Sheet.
The City established the biannual Heritage Awards to recognise the efforts made by individuals and groups in the pursuit of conserving the City’s heritage.
For more information please visit the Heritage Awards webpage.
Development and building approval
A development application is required for demolitions, renovations, extensions and new buildings on heritage listed properties or properties in the City's Heritage Protection Area.
A building permit is required for all structural work.
Please note, demolition or building work cannot start until development approval is granted.