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Joint media release: Opening of Princess Wallington Reserve cricket clubrooms

Hon Dr Anne Aly MP and Mayor Mark Irwin joined local Ward Councillor Andrea Creado, as well as Cavaliers Cricket Club representatives this week.
The Hon Dr Anne Aly MP
Minister for Early Childhood; Youth
Mark Irwin
City of Stirling Mayor
Hon Dr Anne Aly MP and Mayor Mark Irwin joined local Ward Councillor Andrea Creado, as well as Cavaliers Cricket Club representatives this week to celebrate the opening of the refurbished Princess Wallington Reserve Cricket Clubrooms in Balga.
Delivered over two stages, the upgrades have delivered a range of much needed improvements that will support both current and future needs through more modern and functional facilities.
Stage one of the clubroom upgrade works was completed in March 2022 to support year-round cricket and ensure future growth of the club through the introduction of female cricket and junior teams. The first stage of works was made possible by a $625,000 Commonwealth Government contribution from the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCI).
Stage two works, totalling $425,000, were fully funded by the City and completed last month, including demolition of the upper floor, removal and replacement of the concrete ground slab, new windows and doors with security screens, a new veranda and galvanised balustrade.
Minister for Early Childhood and Youth, The Hon Dr Anne Aly MP said: “I know how much sports means to our local community in Balga and surrounds."
“Sport isn’t just about physical activity or competition – it can be a means of personal growth and confidence, especially for young women.
"These upgrades will enable improved female participation in cricket, while also providing more young women with a sense of community and belonging in the heart of the electorate.”
Mayor Mark Irwin said the improvements would bring the facilities up to the high standard the club deserved and thanked the Australian Government for their support.
“The Cavaliers Cricket Club – formerly the Balga Cricket Club – operates four grade teams as part of the North Suburban Community Cricket Association,” he said.
“The club is also a member of the winter cricket league – which includes 15 teams operating out of the facilities at Princess Wallington Reserve – making it the only cricket club in the City that operates all year.
“With funding from the Australian Government, our joint investment is an important step forward for the Balga community and female participation in sport. This upgrade has brought the clubrooms into line with contemporary club standards and complements Bina Parkland in the southern end of the reserve, which reopened in December 2020 after a $6.2 million rejuvenation.”
Cavaliers Cricket Club President Dave Fernandez praised the City and Commonwealth Government for their investment in the Club.
“The Cavaliers Cricket Club is extremely grateful for the time, effort and expense the City and the Federal Government have invested with our Club and in our facilities, which are now one of the best clubroom facilities at community cricket level anywhere in the country,” he said.
“There is a long history of cooperation and goodwill between City and Club and for this the Cavaliers are very and sincerely grateful. We take great care of, and pride in, our facility and these improvements will go a long way toward helping project us into the future.
“We now have facilities that accommodate not only men’s cricket but also women’s cricket as well as juniors, which are our priority moving forward and we are working closely with WACA towards achieving these goals.”
The LRCI is a Commonwealth Government program administered by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts and supports Australian councils to deliver priority local road and community infrastructure projects in their region, creating jobs and long-lasting benefits for communities.