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Stirling Station Carpark Access

Access into Stirling Station from the northern and southern carparks will be modified.
From the week commencing Monday 5 June 2023, access into Stirling Station from the northern and southern carparks will be modified. This is to allow the S2ME Alliance delivering the Stephenson Avenue Extension Project to continue construction of the temporary bus ramp.
Southern carpark
- The current fenced access through the work area will be closed and patrons in the southern carpark will use a newly constructed path to enter the station
- Patrons will be able to use the new path to access the bus platform directly from the carpark.
Northern carpark
- Patrons entering Stirling Station from the northern carpark will follow a route along Cedric Street and around the work area onto the newly constructed path in the southern carpark.
The project will eventually provide a new connection from Scarborough Beach Road to Cedric Street, including a new grade-separated interchange with the Mitchell Freeway to replace the existing Cedric Street interchange, and local road links to Ellen Stirling Boulevard.
The Stephenson Avenue Extension is a key element of the City’s vision for the Stirling City Centre and once complete in late 2024, it will provide an important connection and facilitate further public and private infrastructure projects to activate the area.
To stay up to date with the project, subscribe to email notifications via the Main Roads project webpage at www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/stephenson-ave-extension.
To provide feedback on how Main Roads are communicating about this project, you can have your say at Stephenson Avenue Extension Project - Phase 2 | My Say Transport.
Main Roads also has a 24/7 project information line that can be contacted on 138 138 or email enquiries@mainroads.wa.gov.au.