Electors' meetings

The Local Government Act 1995 states that the City of Stirling must hold:

  • An Electors' Special Meeting upon presentation of a petition signed by 300 electors; and
  • An Electors' General Meeting once every financial year.

Electors' Special Meeting

As outlined in the Local Government Act 1995, electors of the City of Stirling may call for a Special Meeting by submitting a petition to the Mayor. The petition must be signed by 300 electors and specify the matters* to be discussed. 

The special meeting must then be held no more than 35 days after the day on which the Mayor receives the request.

*If a matter(s) has been discussed at a Special Meeting within a 12-month period, a further Special Meeting may not be held on the same subject.

Electors' General Meeting

Electors' General Meeting attendance registration form

The 2023/2024 Electors' General Meeting will be held at 6:00pm on Monday 24 March 2025 at the City of Stirling Administration Centre, 25 Cedric Street, Stirling.

The purpose of the meeting is as follows:

  • To receive the annual report, annual financial statements and auditor's report for the previous financial year, and
  • Other general business.

The Electors' General Meeting is presided over by the Mayor, attended by Councillors and Business Unit Directors.

Questions and motions are taken from the floor on the night, and can also be submitted prior to the meeting using the links below. 

Public Question Time submission  General Motion submission

The Mayor and Directors will endeavour to answer all questions on the night. Questions that require research or clarification will be taken on notice and responses to these will be included in the minutes. Questions submitted prior to the meeting provide City Officers time to investigate, and are therefore more likely to be answered on the night. 

If you are considering moving a motion, it is recommended that you submit the proposed motion using the link above, prior to the meeting. The Governance Team may be able to assist with the wording of your motion, or liaise with the relevant Service Team to provide information that may resolve your request. 

View the Minutes and Agendas