Library programs and activities

Stirling Libraries host a variety of activities and groups for adults and children, including games clubs and educational activities.

Book club

Programs and activities for adults

Stirling Libraries offers a range of programs and activities for adults, including games clubs, book clubs, writing group and more! For more information on an activity, please view the events calendar or contact your local library,

Stirling Librarians and Volunteers trained as digital mentors are available for one-on-one sessions, to help you with basic computer and tech questions, such as internet searching, using email, online resources and more! 

Bookings are essential, places are limited. Maximum of one 30-minute session per person, per week and 12 sessions per year across the library service.

The Be Connected website offers hundreds of step-by-step hands-on lessons and online learning resources, which are easily searched and suitable for all levels of learners.  For more information about online learning visit the Be Connected website.

Stirling LibrariesDayAppointment timesPhoneBooking links

1.00pm - 2.30pm
3.00pm - 4.00pm

(08) 9205 7740

Dianella sessions



1.00pm - 2.00pm
1.00pm - 2.00pm
(08) 9205 7700Inglewood sessions



1.00pm - 2.00pm
1.00pm - 2.00pm

(08) 9205 7400Karrinyup sessions


2.00pm - 3.00pm
2.30pm - 3.30pm
(08) 9205 7300Mirrabooka sessions
5.30pm - 6.30pm
9.00am - 11.00am
(08) 9205 7900Osborne sessions
10.00am -11.00am
1.30pm - 2.30pm 
(08) 9205 7420Scarborough sessions

Stirling Libraries host monthly BookChat book club meetings, where you can come and read, review and discuss.

About BookChat

  • BookChat members decide on the books to read

  • Supply of the book sets and discussion notes are coordinated.

For information about joining an existing book club or starting up a new one, please contact your local library.

Are you an adult with intellectual or developmental disability? Do you love reading, making friends and having fun together in a public setting?

Stirling Libraries – Scarborough runs the Next Chapter Book Club. Book club members will meet weekly for one hour to discuss and read a book out loud, guided by friendly library staff. All reading levels are welcome, and we will use different reading strategies, such as echo, choral & buddy reading.

  • Stirling Libraries – Scarborough meet every Tuesday from 1.00pm – 2.00pm.

Currently taking Expressions of Interest for new members.  For more information contact Stirling Libraries – Scarborough on (08) 9205 7420.

Play Canasta 5 at Stirling Libraries

  •  Stirling Libraries - Dianella

This game can be played individually or in a partnership. The clubs meet every Monday 12.30pm - 2.30pm (currently at full capacity) and 3.00pm - 5.00pm

  • Stirling Libraries - Osborne

Monday 9.00am -12.00pm.

If you would like to learn Canasta 5, Stirling Libraries - Dianella runs courses throughout the year. Please register your interest for an upcoming course on (08) 9205 7740.

Play Mahjong and meet new people.

  • Stirling Libraries - Dianella host 3 sessions every Wednesday evening 4.30pm to 6.30pm, every Thursday morning 9.30am to 11.30am and every Thursday afternoon 12.30pm - 2.30pm
  • Stirling Libraries - Osborne host 2 sessions every Wednesday morning 9.30am to 11.30am and every Thursday afternoon 1.00pm to 3.00pm - both sessions currently at full capacity
  • Stirling Libraries - Scarborough host 2 sessions every Thursday afternoon 1.00pm to 3.00pm and every Tuesday morning 9.15am to 12.00 noon.
  • Stirling Libraries - Mirrabooka host two sessions every Tuesday afternoon, 1.30pm - 4.30pm and Thursday afternoon, 1.30pm - 4.30pm.

For more information contact your local Stirling Library.

If you would like to learn Mah-jong, Stirling Libraries - Dianella. runs courses throughout the year. Please register your interest for an upcoming course on (08) 9205 7740.

Play Scrabble for fun and enjoy the company of others.

  • Stirling Libraries - Dianella meet every Wednesday from 10.00am - 1.00pm.

For more information contact your local Stirling Library.

Bring along your craft projects and join our crafters' group at Dianella, Inglewood and Karrinyup libraries. 

  • Stirling Libraries - Dianella meets every Wednesday 1.30pm - 4.30pm
  • Stirling Libraries - Inglewood Crafternoon Group meets every Thursday from 1.00pm - 3.00pm
  • Stirling Libraries - Karrinyup meets every Wednesday 11.00am - 3.00pm

For more information, contact your local Stirling Libraries.

If you want to improve your English and meet new people at the same time, come along and join one of our English Conversation Groups. 

  • Stirling Libraries - Scarborough meet every Tuesday from 6.00pm - 7.00pm
  • Stirling Libraries - Mirrabooka meet every Thursday from 1.45pm – 3.00pm 
  • Stirling Libraries - Osborne meet every Thursday 10.00am - 11.00am. 

No bookings required.

Borrow and read the latest, trending titles, with Express Reads! Available on seven day loans only, our Express Reads are constantly being refreshed, with multiple copies and new titles available each month.

All items in the Express Reads collection must be borrowed from Stirling Libraries - Dianella, Karrinyup, Mirrabooka and Scarborough, read and returned within seven days.

No renewals and no holds available.

The Innovations Lab in Stirling Libraries - Mirrabooka features a range of new technologies including:

  • 3D Printer
  • Virtual Reality
  • Music Recording
  • Laser Cutter & Engraver
  • Robots and STEAM focused educational devices
  • Public PCs, Projector and Edutouch interactive screen.

The Innovations Lab is available for:

  • Room for hire for talks and seminars, including computing classes
  • Be Connected Computer Skills classes
  • Mirrabooka Craft group
  • Coderdojo Coding groups.

For more information ask our friendly staff.

Are you ready for an adventure? Come to City of Stirling Libraries - Osborne to join this world of magic, battles, and epic quests. Age 16+

Dungeons and Dragons is a popular role-playing game that takes its players into fantasy worlds of beasts, battles and epic adventures. You may be a cleric, a thief, a dwarf, or an elf. Or a druid, a ranger or a halfling. The Dungeon Master will take you on journeys you have never imagined, on great deeds and noble quests. Where will you end up, and what will you encounter on the way? 

• Venue: Stirling Libraries - Osborne

• Date: Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month 

• Time: 5.00pm to 6.30pm 

• Age group: 16 + 

Book now

The writers group meets on the fourth Monday of each month 5.30pm -6.30pm at Stirling Libraries - Osborne - unless it falls on a public holiday. Then, it meets on the third Monday instead.

This group welcomes all writers. Each month, participants will write to a prompt and then share feedback on each other’s work.

For more information please contact Stirling Libraries-Osborne or (08) 9205 7900.

Tax Help is a network of ATO-trained and accredited community volunteers who provide a free and confidential service to help people complete their tax returns online using myTax. You may be eligible for the Tax Help program if your income is around $60,000 or less and you have simple tax affairs.

To find out more about eligibility requirements, visit the ATO website below.

Visit the ATO website

Tea and Tech meetings offer a welcoming, supportive and informal space to share knowledge, ask questions and learn about technology.

These sessions will run fortnightly and are opportunity to connect with others and build digital confidence. If you have a device, you are welcome to bring it but it's not necessary.

Come for a cuppa, meet new people, and develop new skills. Tea and coffee provided.

Tea and Tech groups are:

  • A safe and supportive space for people to help each other with tech-based questions.
  • Librarian facilitated, but topics are participant led.
  • A group where there is no pressure to participate - you can just listen!
  • Unstructured -  time is allocated for asking questions, talking about topics of interest or troubleshooting on your device.

Stirling Libraries - Dianella Mondays fortnightly from 11.30am - 12.30pm 

Book now

Stirling Libraries - Mirrabooka Fridays fortnightly from 10.00am - 11.00am

Book now

Join us for a friendly, relaxed and informal book chat led by our library staff.

With no set theme or topic, this group is perfect for those who want to talk about anything they’ve been reading or listening to.

These sessions will run fortnightly on Thursday mornings. Come chat about books you’ve enjoyed (or not!) and discover what to read next.

Tea, coffee, and light morning tea will be provided.

Stirling Libraries - Mirrabooka Thursdays fortnightly from 10.00am - 11.00am 

Book now


Programs and activities for children

Stirling Libraries host a wide range of activities for children, such as storytime and rhymetime, in addition to activities for older children, such as coding clubs, drop-in and play sessions. The digital library is available for kids to access eBooks, eAudio and a variety of online activities.

Our Baby Rhymetime sessions focus on improving essential early development social, communication and literacy skills in your child, promote bonding and are fun for both parent and child. Our pre-school programs are created to perfectly compliment the state-wide Better Beginnings program.

For children aged zero to two years, Baby Rhymetime sessions offer a fun and educational experience for both young ones and parents.

Each Baby Rhymetime session will help your child to develop early literacy skills through simple rhymes, action songs and stories.

Sessions subject to public holidays or library closure. No bookings required.

Dianella   Baby Rhymetime 10.30am

Baby Rhymetime 10.30am

Inglewood Baby Rhymetime 10.30amBaby Rhymetime 10.30am  
Karrinyup  Baby Rhymetime 10.30am Baby Rhymetime 10.30am
Mirrabooka  Baby Rhymetime 10.30am  

Baby Rhymetime 10.30am

Baby Rhymetime 2.30pm

Scarborough Baby Rhymetime 10.30am Baby Rhymetime 10.30am 

The City of Stirling is commencing engagement on its 2025-2030 Access and Inclusion Plan.

To celebrate, we are holding an Access and Inclusion Storytime at each library throughout March. The sessions will be Auslan interpreted and will include a visit from Guide Dogs WA. 


Access and Inclusion Storytime

10 March 2025





Access and Inclusion Storytime

28 March 2025



Access and Inclusion Storytime

27 March 2025




Access and Inclusion Storytime

11 March 2025




Access and Inclusion Storytime

18 March 2025



Access and Inclusion Storytime

19 March 2025



These sessions are suitable for children aged two to five years and include stories and songs. Pre-school Storytime is a fun way to introduce your child to books, stimulates their imagination and is a great way for your child to make new friends. 

Can't make a weekday? We also have Saturday Songs and Stories, every Saturday from 10.00am for children zero to five years.

Sessions subject to public holidays or library closure. No bookings required.

DianellaPreschool Storytime 10.30am   


Saturday songs
and stories


Inglewood    Preschool Storytime

Saturday songs
and stories 10.00am

Karrinyup   Preschool Storytime 10.30am


Saturday songs
and stories

Mirrabooka Preschool Storytime 10.30am   

Saturday songs
and stories



Preschool Storytime 10.30am   

Saturday songs
and stories

Scarborough  Preschool Storytime 10.30am  

Saturday songs
and stories

Sensory Sing and Play is an inclusive program of songs and sensory play based learning in a small group setting.

During the session you and your child will experience a variety of sensory play activities and rhymes to help build a foundation of early literacy skills.

Suitable for babies six to 18 months and their caregiver.

Bookings are essential.

Stirling Libraries - Scarborough: every Thursday 9.30am - 10.00am

Book now

Stirling Libraries - Dianella: every Friday 1.30pm - 2.00pm

Book now

For over 10 years, Better Beginnings has been improving the lives of young West Australians and their families. 

Better Beginnings focuses on developing literacy skills in children aged zero to four by fostering a love of stories, rhymes and being read to. Through Better Beginnings, children pick up many of the concepts relating to reading and writing before age five, and this gives them a head start once they start school. Good Literacy skills are clearly linked to better life outcomes in later life.

Every child born in Western Australia is entitled to receive a Yellow book bag at birth containing their first board book and helpful information about reading to your child.  At the age of two your child receives an Orange Sing-and-Grow book bag and another Green bag once they reach Kindergarten. Better Beginnings is delivered by the State Library of Western Australia through public libraries throughout the state, together with Child Health Nurses and schools. 

Our Baby Rhymetime and Pre School Storytime sessions have been developed alongside Better Beginnings with special focus on delivering these early learning concepts. Librarians that conduct these sessions have regular training in early years program delivery.

Better Beginnings is funded via a tri-partite alliance between the Government of Western Australia (including Royalties for Regions), Western Australian local governments and Rio Tinto.

An independent evaluation of the initial pilot program by Edith Cowan University demonstrated the program's positive impact on the attitudes, behaviours and practices of parents around early literacy. Their longitudinal evaluation of the Better Beginnings program demonstrates that Better Beginnings is having a significant positive impact on early reading practices, attitudes and beliefs across Western Australia.

For more information, visit Better Beginnings website.

The LETS program helps children and their families to improve and practise English in a fun, educational environment.

LETS includes songs, rhymes and stories which develop children's confidence. LETS helps children develop skills they will need when they start school.

The LETS program runs for eight weeks, with a different theme each week. Parents and Children participate and improve their English together!  Dianella, Osborne and Mirrabooka offer LETS, alternating during school terms.

Suitable for parents/carers and their children aged 3 - 4 years for whom English is a second language.

Bookings are essential.

Stirling Libraries - Dianella Tuesdays 10.30am - 11.30am
Book now for Dianella

LEGO Clubs at Stirling Libraries are the perfect creative outlet for children aged 5-12 years, providing a space to build, learn, and collaborate on exciting LEGO projects. Our goal is to foster an environment that encourages imagination, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.

LEGO Club runs during the school term. These are drop-in sessions; no bookings are required. Parents are kindly asked to remain throughout these sessions to supervise their children. For younger siblings, Duplo will be available to keep them entertained.

Day and timeLibrary

Thursdays 3.30pm - 4.30pm (term times)

Stirling Libraries - Osborne

Mondays 4.30pm - 5.30pm (term times) 

Stirling Libraries - Inglewood

This is a free, peer-based club for those who want to learn how to code. Coding is a fun and great way to meet people, and is quickly becoming an essential life skill. You can play games, work out puzzles and write your own programs.

Suitable for ages 7 to 17.

Code Club is being run in the Innovations Lab at Mirrabooka Library every Wednesday during school term. 

Bookings essential

  • Date/Times Weekly (school term only), on Wednesday 4.15pm - 5.15pm
  • Venue Stirling Libraries – Mirrabooka

Book now

Join us for weekly songs and stories in Chinese language.

Sessions are aimed at children aged two to five years old and their parents/carers and feature interactive stories, songs, and rhymes in the Chinese (Mandarin) language. 

  • Date/Times Weekly (school term only), on Wednesday 10.30am – 11.00am
  • Venue Stirling Libraries - Dianella
  • Cost Free.

No bookings required

One of the best things in life is learning something new every day.

Children's University is a program that rewards kids for what they learn outside the classroom in places like public libraries, zoos, museums and art galleries. 

Students enrolled with the Children’s University get their ‘passports’ stamped when they visit recognised Learning Destinations, and are recognised for hours of activity through formal University certificates at on-campus graduation ceremonies - complete with official regalia!

Stirling Libraries - Mirrabooka is now a destination!

Stirling Libraries - Mirrabooka is proud to become a Learning Destination for Children’s University. Take out an item or attend one of our sessions to have your passport stamped. You can also get stamps when attending some of our awesome events during school holidays.

Children’s University in Western Australia is delivered by Edith Cowan University and The University of Western Australia through the Children’s University Western Australia Partnership (CU WAP). To learn more about the program and opportunities to be involved, you can contact members of the CU WAP team at or

Library programs

Coding, programming and STEAM skills

Stirling Libraries provide opportunities for children and teens to learn how to code and gain skills in programming languages. STEAM learning focuses on teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics in a  way that is practical and engaging.  Look out for various STEAM focused workshops at Stirling Libraries.

Do you love Minecraft? Minecraft is a ‘sandbox’ game offering players almost limitless possibilities in an almost limitless world. Stirling Libraries have now joined with City of Fremantle, and other public libraries to offer LibraryCraft is a safe, secure, moderated online environment for Minecraft players aged seven to 17. 

There are weekly competitions and prizes, but players also:

  • Strengthen their social, creativity and teamwork skills whilst learning to solve problems together
  • Learn about resource management and basic economics through the in-built economy system
  • Exercise their spatial awareness through navigating expansive worlds and cave systems
  • Build on all of the STEM skills, science, engineering and maths with coding and redstone creations.

The Innovations Lab in Stirling Libraries - Mirrabooka features a range of new technologies including:

The Innovations Lab is available for:

For more information ask our friendly staff.

  • 3D printer
  • Virtual reality
  • Music recording
  • Laser cutter and engraver
  • Robots and STEAM focused educational devices
  • Public PCs, projector and edutouch interactive screen
  • Room for hire for talks and seminars, including computing classes
  • Be Connected computer skills classes
  • Mirrabooka craft group
  • Coderdojo coding groups

Drop into Stirling Libraries - Mirrabooka or Scarborough on Monday afternoon to have a play and experiment with a fun range of technologies, including coding games and robots!

All ages are welcome, no bookings are necessary, and staff will be available to assist and answer any questions that you may have.

Day and timeLibrary

Mondays 3.30pm - 5.00pm (Term times. Sessions commence on second Monday of each term)

Stirling Libraries - Mirrabooka

Mondays 3.30pm - 4.30pm (term times)

Stirling Libraries - Scarborough

Due to popular demand, a maximum number of 20 people will be allowed in the session at any one time. No bookings required.

Icon for Related events Library programs