Osborne Seniors Club
- Various dates and times, see event for more information
- Osborne Community Hub
The Osborne Community Hub comprises of facilities and spaces that are available for everyone in the community to use and enjoy.
The hub is located at 11 Royal St, Tuart Hill.
Limited undercover parking is available for centre users. Entrance off Holub Lane.
Offering a wide variety of library and information services including:
Service | Description |
Be Connected Tech Help | Book a Librarian or trained digital mentor volunteer for one-on-one sessions, to help you with basic computer and tech questions, such as internet searching, using the library catalogue, online resources and more! Tuesdays 5.30pm - 6.30pm and Fridays 9.00am - 11.00am. Book online or contact Stirling Libraries - Osborne. |
Books on Wheels | A library selection and delivery service for City of Stirling residents who are unable to visit the library. Contact Stirling Libraries - Osborne to see if you or someone you know is eligible. |
Library Returns Chute | The library returns chute is located on the Royal Street side of the centre near the flag poles, available for use at any time. |
Community Clubs | Book Clubs, Mahjong and Canasta Clubs, English Conversation Group. Please contact Stirling Libraries - Osborne about session times. |
Courtyard | Osborne Community Hub offers two courtyards for public use. Read, eat, play and relax on our outdoor seating in either courtyard. Enjoy playing free giant chess in the Hub forecourt. Keys are located at the Library counter. |
Job Shop | Do you need help finding a job? We offer free assistance with resume design, job applications and interview preparation. Our Job Shop volunteers will guide and support you towards better employment prospects. |
Learning English Through Storytime | The LETS program helps children and their families to improve and practice English in a fun, educational environment. Book online or contact Stirling Libraries - Osborne for more information. |
Storytime and Rhymetime | Encourage a love of books, help develop your child’s imagination and language skills. It’s a great way for you and your child to make new friends. Contact Stirling Libraries - Osborne for more information. |
Tax help | Free service provided by volunteers for the tax season. Contact Stirling Libraries - Osborne to see if you are eligible. |
Writing Group | This group welcomes all writers. Each month, participants will write a prompt and then share feedback on eath other's work. Please contact Stirling Libraries - Osborne about session times. |
Quiet Space | To assist our customers with diverse sensory needs we are creating a calmer and quieter environment in the library. Lowered lighting, reduced noise, quiet spaces and sensory resources available for adults and children. Every Friday morning 9.30am - 11.30am. |
Council rates payments | The library is a convenient place to pay your rates if paying via EFTPOS. For more information, please visit the pay your rates webpage. |
Address 9 Royal Street, Tuart Hill WA 6060
Phone (08) 9205 7900
Email osborne.library@stirling.wa.gov.au
Service | Description | Contact |
Stirling Community Centres - Osborne | The Stirling Community Centres - Osborne provides a range of information and activities for all age groups, including: Crafternoons, exercise and dance classes. There is a large hall and meeting rooms available for regular or casual hire for functions, meetings, workshops and seminars. | Phone (08) 9205 8489 Email Recreation.Centres@stirling.wa.gov.au
For more information on available venues, visit the venue hire section of the website or email bookings@stirling.wa.gov.au.
The City's Community Partnerships team work from this centre and manage the following portfolios:
Strengthening Communities
Community Partnerships and Projects
The team can be contacted on 9205 8579 or email: community.partnerships.wa.gov.au.
Service | Description | Contact |
Child and Adolescent Health Nurse | Child health nurses aim to promote the health and wellbeing of children and parents with free services that assess growth and development. Our nurses provide information on breastfeeding, nutrition, sleep and settling, behaviour, play, post-natal depression and immunisations. Bookings essential. | Phone (08) 9207 1203 |
Main St Co-op | The Main Street Co-op are a town team based in Osborne Park, the heart of Perth's most densely populated suburban area. The Main Street Co-op is made up of passionate and proactive local businesses, landowners and residents all coming together to help bring Main Street to life. Their mission is to engage the community and government in the revitalisation of Main Street. | For more information please visit Main Street Co-Op's Facebook page. |
Osborne Seniors Club | Make new friends, play bowls, line dancing and bingo or attend concerts and outings. Activities held on weekdays. | Contact: Jenny Breen, President Email: breen@iinet.net.au Phone (08) 9440 3228 |
Tuart Hill Retirees | Meet weekly on Thursdays. Play bowls, bingo, lunches and outings. | Contact: Jill Pugliese, President Email: jillifa2@hotmail.com Phone (08) 9349 7636 |