Recycling and hazardous waste disposal

The City of Stirling’s Recycling Centre Balcatta (RCB) offers services for disposing of recyclables, reusable items, household hazardous waste, general waste, and car tyres. This page provides information on the location, hours, fees, and items accepted.

Proper disposal of hazardous waste is crucial for safety and the environment. Learn how to dispose of hazardous waste and find alternative drop-off locations.

Recycling Centre Balcatta (RCB)

The City of Stirling has a dedicated recycling centre where you can dispose of recyclables and reusable items, household hazardous waste, general waste, and car tyres. Find out about Recycling Centre Balcatta (RCB)'s location, opening hours, fees, and what items you can dispose of.

Recycling Centre Balcatta (RCB)

Get directions

Where do I drop off my items?

View the map of Recycling Centre Balcatta to help you plan your journey.

Recycling Centre Balcatta map

Waste drop-off information

Fees may be payable dependent on the type of waste you wish to dispose of.

The following items can be dropped off at the recycling centre free of charge:

  • Aluminium and steel cans
  • Household furniture in good condition (at the discretion of the contractor)
  • Bicycles
  • Landscaping items
  • Dry cardboard and paper (No shredded paper, please put in your general waste bin, no magazines - they are accepted in your recycling bin)
  • Polystyrene
  • Electronic waste i.e. televisions, computers, printers
  • Small household electrical appliances i.e. kettles, vacuums, toasters
  • Scrap metal
  • Glass bottles
  • White goods (excluding fridges and freezers)
  • Syringes (only accepted in sealed yellow syringe bottles, purchased at local chemist, in the Hazardous Waste Area).

Vehicles are required to drive across the Weighbridge on entry and exit.  

Charges are calculated based on the difference between the weight on entering and the weight on exiting.   

The following items go over the weighbridge and fees will apply:

  • Air conditioners
  • Mattresses and bases
  • Fridges and freezers
  • Tyres
  • Household bulk waste
  • Mixed waste (metals, plastics, glass, cardboard, household junk, green waste, timber and glazed wall tiles)
  • Clean sand, bricks, concrete and roof tiles.

Please note that super six sheeting or plastic buckets containing dried cement are for mixed waste disposal only.   

Asbestos is not accepted at the Recycling Centre Balcatta - call Tamala Park, Red Hill Landfill or Western Metropolitan Regional Council for disposal arrangements.


Waste typeTipping fees up to 300kg Tipping fees over 300kg charged on a pro-rata basis of one ton rate 
Mixed general waste$45.00$250.00 per ton
Construction waste (sand, bricks, roof tiles and concrete only)$35.00$125.00 per ton
Green garden waste (tree prunings only)$25.00$85.00 per ton
Vehicle weight only (caravan, boat, trailer etc. only)$27.50 
Air conditioners, fridges and freezers$30.00 per item
Mattresses and bases$40.00 per item
Dog poo bins$10.00 (small) / $15.00 (large)
Car tyres (max four)$20.00 per item

Did you know?

Residents are eligible for free waste collection via our on-demand waste collection services, such as bulk hard waste, e-waste, white goods and mattresses.

Tip passes - Recycling Centre Balcatta (RCB)

City of Stirling ratepayers can use their tip passes to dispose of certain items for free at the weighbridge.

Waste typeAmount
Household bulk junkUp to one tonne
Clean garden wasteUp to one tonne
Clean sand, bricks, roof tiles and concrete*Up to one tonne
Two mattresses and two fridge disposalsTwo of each only

*Please note that timber, glazed wall tiles, super six sheeting or plastic buckets containing dried cement will be not accepted as construction waste material, this material is for general waste disposal only.

Tip pass FAQs

To use your tip passes, bring your rates notice with tip passes attached, photo ID, and a utility bill that confirms your address to the RCB.

Due to the demand of this service and to prevent delays, we ask all residents to have their tip passes ready to show the attendant. Please ensure you have the barcode, instead of the QR code. You can only use your tip pass if you show the barcode.

Due to the demand of this service, we ask all residents to bring their tip passes to the Recycling Centre Balcatta. Our attendants can’t look up tip passes, so if you don’t have yours, we can’t access it and fees will apply. 

You can download a copy of your rates notice, which includes your tip passes, from the Rates Portal. Or, you can call the Customer Contact Centre at (08) 9205 8555 for help.

Yes, but make sure you have the barcode on the tip passes, not the QR code.

No, tip passes are only valid for the year they are given out.

Yes, if you live in a rental property in the City of Stirling, the property owner or managing agent can give you their tip passes.

You need to bring the following with you to the Recycling Centre Balcatta:

  • The tip passes (physical or screenshot of barcodes via e-rates)
  • Your ID
  • A utility bill that shows you live at the property.


  • If you have the physical tip passes, there is no need for a signed letter from the owner
  • If you have a screenshot of the barcodes via e-rates, you need to show the email it was attached to, where the owner might confirm your use of the passes
  • If the owner forwards the passes via email without a confirmation message, please check with the Recycling Centre Balcatta for further guidance.

Yes. Please contact our the City's Customer Contact Centre on (08) 9205 8555 to arrange for your tip passes prior visiting.

Did you know? 

Tip passes are attached to your rates notice and are for residential use only. Passes can be combined with cash or EFTPOS payments if the delivered weight of the item/s exceeds the tip pass value.

Hazardous waste

Household hazardous waste can pose serious environmental and health risks if not disposed of properly. If these items end up in landfill, they can leach toxic chemicals into the soil and potentially contaminate the groundwater, which is our source of drinking water.

Most hazardous waste can be dropped off at the Recycling Centre Balcatta (RCB) free of charge for recycling or proper disposal, except for asbestos.

Please note that commercial quantities will not be accepted.

What can I dispose of?

The following items are ACCEPTED

The following items are NOT ACCEPTED

The following hazardous waste can be brought to the RCB per day, free of charge: 

  • CDs and DVDs
  • Ink and printer cartridges
  • Pool and other household chemicals
  • Electronics/mobile phones
  • LPG gas cylinders (that hold less than 9kgs of gas)
  • Smoke alarms
  • Flares and red fire extinguishers
  • Motor oil, coolants and filters
  • Fuel - diesel and petrol must be in suitable fuel container to leave for recycling
  • Solvents (dry, empty tins are also accepted)
  • Fluorescent light globes
  • Pesticides, insecticides and herbicides
  • Varnishes and stains
  • Household and car batteries
  • X-ray film
  • Paint (a limit of 100 litres per day will be accepted, commercial painters waste paint also accepted).
  • Empty household chemical containers (if you have completely used the product, rinse and place in your yellow lid recycling bin instead of disposing to RCB)
  • Explosives or ammunition (contact your local police station)
  • Asbestos (asbestos disposal available at Tamala Park and Redhill landfill sites and Western Metropolitan Regional Council)
  • Paint brushes (place in your red lid general waste bin)
  • Radioactive materials (excluding smoke alarms)
  • Waste from commercial or government organisations
  • Medicine or medication
  • Syringes
  • Soda stream canisters.



Please note that the Recycling Centre Balcatta does not accept asbestos.

Residents can dispose of asbestos at Tamala Park and Redhill landfill sites and Western Metropolitan Regional Council. For further information on their opening hours and disposal requirements, please visit the Mindarie Regional CouncilEast Metropolitan Regional Council and Western Metropolitan Regional Council websites.

If you have concerns about an asbestos risk in our community, please complete a health hazard request form. For further information about asbestos, please visit the Asbestos, unauthorised works and building safety page.

Alternative drop-offs

Look for the 10c mark!

It’s easy to keep your 10c containers out of general waste so they can be recycled. Most plastic and glass bottles, drink cartons, cans, and pouches between 150ml and 3L are accepted.

To find a location near you, visit the Containers for Change website

The City of Stirling encourages the community to separate batteries, mobile phones, fluorescent light globes and ink cartridges from their everyday waste and drop them off at one of the collection points below for recycling.

LocationsBatteriesMobile phonesFlourescent lights / globesInk cartridges

City of Stirling Administration, Centre 25 Cedric Street, Stirling

City of Stirling Work Depot, Natalie Way, Balcatta

Dianella Library, Waverley Street, Dianella

Dianella Plaza, 366 Grande Promenade, Dianella

Flinders Square, 30 Wiluna Street, Yokine

Inglewood Library, Corner Beaufort Street and Tenth Avenue, Inglewood

Karrinyup Library Davenport Street, Karrinyup

Karrinyup Shopping Centre, 200 Karrinyup Road, Karrinyup 

Mirrabooka Library, 8 Sudbury Place, Mirrabooka

Mirrabooka Square Shopping Centre, 43 Yirrigan Drive


Nollamara Community Centre, 72 Sylvia Street


North Beach Community Centre, 20 Castle Street


North Beach Osborne Library, 9 Royal Street, Tuart Hill

Scarborough Library, 173 Gildercliffe Street, Scarborough

Scarborough Beach Pool, 171 The Esplanade, Scarborough
Shawford Lodge Innaloo, 8 Twyford Place, Innaloo   

Westfield Innaloo Shopping Centre Ellen Stirling Boulevard, Innaloo

Residents can be directed to the main waste processor below: 
Hazardous waste itemCollection drop-off locationAddressContact details

Bulk chemical waste


General enquiries
13 13 39

E-waste recycling - large items

Total Green Recycling

16-30 Sheffield
Welshpool WA 6106

(08) 9258 6009

BOC / CIG, Matheson, Linde, GasTech, Air Liquide, LAA or Liquid Air cylinders

Return to the manufacturer or their agent  

Diving Tanks

Return to manufacturer or their agent  

BOC gas cylinders

Gas & Gear59 Kent Way Malaga EA 6090

(08) 9248 5995


Air Liquide Agents

Malaga Welding & Industrial Supplies

2 Holder Way Malaga WA 609008 9248 5108

Soda Stream

Woolworths or Coles  
Soda SwapBP Only  

Soda King


Commercial size printers

ABC Copier Solutions

No2 Canisters ‘Nangs’ (Cylinders)



Liquid and hazardous waste division

132 955

Top tip

Over 90% of the materials in mobile phones can be recycled. You can recycle your mobile phone by dropping it off at one of the locations listed above in the section named "External drop off points". Most mobile phone retailers also provide a recycling service.

The Recycling Shop

The Recycling Shop

The Recycling Centre Balcatta (RCB) is also home to the Recycling Shop, where you can purchase a range of previously loved items at a discounted price. All items are in great condition and reselling them means that they won't end up in landfill. 

The shop is proudly managed by Workpower, an organisation that promotes employment for people with disability. All proceeds are used to fund the costs of running the shop and help with the ongoing employment of Workpower staff members. 

Visit the website

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