Public notices

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In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 the City provides public notice for various matters that may affect the community, including the review of local laws, disposal of property, road closures and local government elections, amongst others. Public notices give our residents, local businesses and customers an opportunity to provide feedback and enquire about the matters at hand.

Current public notices are listed below.

To view the tender register, click here.

​Current public notices

Date of first publicationPeriod of publication (number of days)NoticeDescription and submissionContact informationIssued by
9 December 202414

Notice of Disposition of Property

The City of Stirling hereby gives notice in accordance with Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 of the proposed disposal of property by sale as described below.

Property: 23 Milldale Way, Mirrabooka - Lot 504 Deposited Plan 406386 being the whole of the land on Certificate of Title Volume 2952 Folio 611

Vendor: City of Stirling

Purchaser: H&H Construct Pty Ltd

Consideration: $950,000 exclusive of GST

Market value: $810,000 - $884,000 inclusive of GST as at 20 June 2024.

Submissions in respect of the proposed disposal of property are to be made to the Chief Executive Officer before 5.00pm, Monday 23 December 2024. Submissions should be in writing and marked “Submission: 23 Milldale Way, Mirrabooka”. Submissions may also be made by email to


Stevan Rodic


Date of first publicationPeriod of publication (number of days)NoticeDescription and submissionContact informationIssued by
16 December 202440

Notice of Proposed Road Reserve Closure

Section 58 of the Land Administration Act 1997.

The City of Stirling provides Notice that Council intends to consider a proposal to close approximately 13.5 m² portion of road reserve on the corner of Tenth Avenue and Clifton Crescent, Inglewood. The subject portion of road reserve is proposed to be amalgamated with Lot 2 on Strata Plan 47866, House Number 141 Tenth Avenue, Inglewood. 

A plan of the proposal can be inspected at the Council Offices between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays). Written objections or comments to the proposed closure should be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer, City of Stirling, 25 Cedric Street, Stirling before 5.00pm, Friday 24 January 2025.

View the proposed road closure map.

Enquires may be made to the City’s Property and Commercial Services Business Unit by email to  or phone (08) 9205 8555.


Stevan Rodic