Date tabled at Council | 4 March 2025 |
Petition title | Road Safety - Odin Road, Stirling |
Verified signatures | 9 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition Request | We the owners from 205 to 242 Odin Drive, Striling have had to call on the Wa Police as we have many cars using our street as a race track (drag racing) up and down. There are many children and grandchildren in our homes, this is happening a lot. Please can we have some speed humps or some road alteration to reduce speed and make our street safer. Police Report No. Cad # 139272. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner 28 February 2025 (Internal Doc ID No. TBC). |
Date tabled at Council | 4 February 2025 |
Petition title | Dianella Small Dogs Enclosed Park |
Verified signatures | 36 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Environment |
Petition Request | This park attracts a large number of dog walkers and as friends we socialise at this park. Refurbished in 2023 to a high standard and I suspect at considerable expense, unfortunately due to the overgrown trees, the grass has disappeared and it is now just a field of mud. (Pictures provided to the City) We truly appreciate having the enclosed dog park and will continue to use it. Can we ask you to consider the following layout which should required the following:
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner 15 January 2025 (Internal Doc ID No. 11165210). |
Date tabled at Council | 19 November 2024 |
Petition title | Removal of Old Parking Restrictions - Wood Street, Inglewood |
Verified signatures | 6 |
Responsible business unit | Community Safety |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Please consider removing all restrictions on parking on the north side of Wood Street between Walter Road and India Street, Inglewood. Several properties at the Walter Road end of Wood Street have multiple cars that are often parked on the south side of the street where there are no restrictions. The northern side restrictions were likely in place from when a bus route used to travel down Wood Street, however this route has not been used for some time. Currently, residents and visitors to the north side of Wood Street are unable to park outside their own properties, which is causing significant and regular congestion to the south side of the street. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner 13 November 2024 (Internal Doc ID No. 11136401). Engineering Services contacted the lead petitioner on 6 January 2025 to advise that the City will investigate the history behind the restrictions and will liaise with the PTA to ensure they have no objections to the restrictions being removed (Internal Doc ID No. 11153994). |
Date tabled at Council | 15 October 2024 |
Petition title | Rebuild the Boardwalk at Porter Street, Lake Gwelup |
Verified signatures | 660 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Seek funding to rebuild the Lake Gwelup Boardwalk between Porter and Pascoe Streets. In February this year a pedestrian bridge that connected Gwelup to Karrinyup (Porter Street to Pascoe Street) was destroyed in a fire, and it looks like it is not going to be rebuilt for sometime. Understandingly it is a tricky situation, but to resolve this situation, funding will be required to rebuild the bridge (about $1.2 million but probably $1.5million). The boardwalk was used by many people to get to and from shopping centres, schools, beaches, parks, etc instead of going by car. It is also an important bike boulevard that connects communities. It was a landmark that has gone and we truly believe that it needs to be rebuilt. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner 14 October 2024 (Internal Doc ID No. 11116821). Response sent to lead petitioner by email on 18 October 2024 to advise that the subject matter will be considered by Council on 29 October 2024 as part of a Notice of Motion raised by Councillor Karlo Perkov (Internal Doc ID No. 11116898). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 15 October 2024 |
Petition title | Request for Footpath, Joondanna Drive, Joondanna |
Verified signatures | 42 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned residents of Joondanna Drive and concerned citizens, urge the City of Stirling to reconsider the prioritisation of constructing a footpath along Joondanna Drive, specifically the stretch between Stoneham Street and Tyler Street. Despite our repeated appeals and safety concerns, the City has deemed our request low on the priority list due to budget constraints and a standardised prioritisation process. However, the unique safety hazard posed by the crest on Joondanna Drive significantly increases the risk of accidents for both pedestrians and motorists. We call upon the City to conduct a thorough assessment, taking into account the specific safety concerns highlighted by residents and stakeholders. Furthermore, we propose that a signed petition be presented to the Council to elevate the urgency of this matter and ensure the safety and well-being of our community are adequately addressed. Together, we advocate for the timely construction of a footpath on Joondanna Drive to enhance the safety of our neighbourhood. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement emails to the lead petitioner on 9 and 16 October 2024 (Internal Document ID No. 11116908). Engineering Services responded to the lead petitioner on 17 December 2024 advising that the City prioritises construction based on a range of factors. The construction of a footpath on Joondanna Drive has a lower priority than other roads currently being considered (Internal Document ID No. 11148571). This petition is considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 15 October 2024 |
Petition title | Opposition to Footpath, Montrose Way, Nollamara |
Verified signatures | 21 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition Request | We, the residents of Montrose Way in Nollamara, oppose the planned construction of a footpath on our street. Montrose Way is a quiet local street used primarily by its residents, with minimal foot and vehicle traffic. Walking along the road is already safe, and adding a footpath would disrupt current parking arrangements, forcing cars onto the street, narrowing the road, and reducing safety and accessibility. The planned footpath would not improve the overall appearance of the area, as many verges feature well-maintained lawns, gardens, or paved areas used for essential parking. These green spaces and parking solutions are more visually pleasing and functional than a concrete path. Furthermore, surrounding streets already have footpaths, making this project unnecessary for improving accessibility. This petition reflects the democratic views of Montrose Way residents, who believe the funds for this project would be better allocated to initiatives that have broader community support. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 15 October 2024 (Internal Doc ID No. 11116874). Engineering Services responded to lead petitioner on 18 October 2024 to advise that the City will place the construction works on hold pending a review of the footpath and further consultation with the community (Internal Doc ID No. 11117169). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 17 September 2024 |
Petition title | Stop the use of Glyphosate in our Community |
Verified signatures | 42 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Environment |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Stop the use of Glyphosate in our parks, open spaces and pavements. There is ongoing research in the area and the Council can no longer rely on past safety data. It is a known neurotoxin and harmful to immune compromised individuals. Despite the promise of safety, there have been a large number of reports of dogs and people getting sick after spraying. This is just one of the articles. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9101768/. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 13 September 2024 (Internal Document ID No. 11098802). The Parks and Environment Team contacted the lead petitioner on 6 November 2024 and advised that the City is committed to reducing its reliance on pesticides for the management of pests and weeds on City land and outside City buildings. All Pesticides used by staff and contractors are in accordance with manufacturers requirements with community re-entry requirements strictly adhered to (Internal Document ID No. 11126961). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 17 September 2024 |
Petition title | Support the Retention and Encouragement of Play Equipment on Verges |
Verified signatures | 1,014 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Support and encourage play equipment on verges in our community. As urban infilling reduces backyards, verges have become essential for children’s play and community interaction. Maximising Play: With smaller backyards, verges offer safe, enjoyable spaces for children to play close to home. Physical Activity: With increased screen time, outdoor play is vital for children's well-being. Verge play equipment provides an active alternative. Enhancing Community: Verges with play equipment foster social interaction among families and neighbours, contributing to vibrant communities. Positive Precedents: Successful policies in councils, such as Vincent show the benefits of verge play equipment. Well-maintained play equipment can coexist with street trees, enhancing the urban environment. Support safe and maintained verge play equipment. This will benefit our community, improve children's lives, and strengthen neighbourhood ties the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Support and encourage play equipment on verges in our community. As urban infilling reduces backyards, verges have become essential for children’s play and community interaction. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 17 September 2024 (Internal Document ID No. 11106332). Development Services contacted the lead petitioner on 11 October 2024 advising that the City has reconsidered its position in relation to play equipment within the verge areas however, an applicaiton is still required. The relevant Local Laws are due for review in 2025 where suitable amendments to accomodate play equipment may be considered (Internal Document ID No 11113124). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 17 September 2024 |
Petition title | Revamp Cobb Drabble Reserve Basketball Court |
Verified signatures | 149 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Environment |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, request the City of Stirling to urgently address the issues with the recent upgrade to the basketball court at Cobb Drabble Reserve. The "upgraded" court has multiple problems, including it not being level, inconsistent surface types creating hazardous gaps, and the painted concrete is dangerously slippery when wet. The playing area is insufficient, with less than 1m added to the border of the original court. The proximity between the basketball and netball poles (less than 8m) poses a safety hazard and cannot be used conjointly. We ask for a thorough review and proper upgrades to ensure the court is safe, functional, and enjoyable for the community, the undersigned, request the City of Stirling to urgently address the issues with the recent upgrade to the basketball court at Cobb Drabble Reserve. The "upgraded" court has multiple problems, including it not being level, inconsistent surface types creating hazardous gaps, and the painted concrete is dangerously slippery when wet. The playing area is insufficient, with less than 1m added to the border of the original court. The proximity between the basketball and netball poles (less than 8m) poses a safety hazard and cannot be used conjointly. We ask for a thorough review and proper upgrades to ensure the court is safe, functional, and enjoyable for the community. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 16 September 2024 (Internal Document ID No. 11106333). The Parks and Environment Team contacted the lead petitioner on 19 August 2024 detailing the recent upgrades and that these are considered fit for purpose apart from the paint finish, which can become slippery when wet. It was confirmed that the paint finish would be reapplied with an anti-slip coating as soon as weather pemitted (Internal Document Case No. 00762369). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 27 August 2024 |
Petition title | Verge Tree Policy Amendment |
Verified signatures | 16 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Environment |
Petition Request | We, the residents of Grimwood Avenue, Gwelup, request that the City implement tree reduction strategies into the City Verge Tree Policy with specific amendment to branch and foliage reduction of (mature) trees that impact on resident safety, property, wellbeing and amenity. We, the residents are burdened daily and yearly by verge tree overgrowth near and alongside our properties on North Beach / Erindale Roads, Gwelup. Residents’ concerns are numerous, such as:
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 28 August 2024 (Internal Document ID No. 11090535). The Parks and Environment Team contacted the lead petitioner on 6 November 2024 providing details on the maintenance the trees specifically referred to in the petition. The letter also advised that the City had recently reviewed its Street and Reserve Tree Policy, now the City Tree Policy, and this was endorsed by Council on 15 October 2024 (Internal Document ID No. 11126969). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 14 May 2024 |
Petition title | Save Beach Tennis WA, a Community Sports Club |
Verified signatures | 164 |
Responsible business unit | Recreation and Leisure Services |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Collaborate with BTWA to find solutions to ensure the continued operation and benefit of BTWA in bringing well-being, recreational opportunities and mental health to the community. We understand our contract with COS is under review and urge the Council to support our community sport club. BTWA remains dedicated to enhancing the lives of its members and the wider community. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 13 May 2024 (Internal Document ID No. 11029405). The sub-lease for Beach Tennis West Inc was considered by Council at its meeting held 14 May 2024. Council resolved as follows (Council Resolution Number 0524/004):
This petition is considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 30 April 2024 |
Petition title | Stopping the 5 Year Lease Extension to the Beach Tennis Club on Deanmore Road |
Verified signatures | 10 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Halt the operation of the beach tennis club on Deanmore Road immediately due to ongoing sound and light exceedances negatively impacting our home lives. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 22 April 2024 (Internal Document ID No. 11014654). The sub-lease for Beach Tennis West Inc was considered by Council at its meeting held 14 May 2024. Council resolved as follows (Council Resolution Number 0524/004):
This petition is considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 30 April 2024 |
Petition title | No Parking on Nature Strip at all times Implemented on the Council Verge of the Park Private Hospital |
Verified signatures | 31 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council implement ‘No parking on nature strip at all times’ for the Council verge of 14 Alvan Street and Park Road, Mount Lawley, ergo, The Park Private Hospital (The Park) as soon as practical. Reasoning, the nature strip/verge of 14 Alvan Street which encompasses a stretch of Alvan Street and Park Road (to Judge Lane) is of subpar appearance and therefore not in keeping with the area. Due to the neglect to maintain the grass and preserve the trees by the owners/operators of The Park, a significant share of both have obviously died. By restricting the parking on this verge side, would (ideally) motivate The Park’s operators to remedy this neglect, or at the very least encourage the nature strip to recover without the constant parking burden. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 11 April 2024 (Internal Document ID No. 11014656). |
Date tabled at Council | 12 March 2024 |
Petition title | Loud Noise around Valerie and Cleveland Streets, and surrounds in Dianella |
Verified signatures | 12 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned residents of the Dianella neighbourhood, around the Islamic College of WA, do respectfully request that the Council take action regarding the daily nuisance noise coming from the school, and request that this noise be kept quiet and private, within the school buildings. The noise is generated each morning via amplified public loud speakers each morning around 9am or 10am. A noise complaint form was completed and submitted to the City of Stirling. Several emails have been sent and phone calls made to the City regarding this issue. At least one additional noise complaint was submitted to the Council in the past. This is not about or targeting Islam or Muslims. We live in a very diverse society and respect all religions and all backgrounds. As not all of Dianella residents are of the Islamic faith, however, the noise (of religious content) generated from loud public speakers and amplified across the entire public surroundings daily is a public nuisance and disturbance. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 7 February 2024 (Internal Document ID No. 10994307). Development Services contacted the lead petitioner on 20 March 2024 requesting to establish monitoring equipment, to determine whether the noise breaches allowed levels within the EPA (Internal Document ID No. 11000400). Noise modelling was undertaken from the lead petitioners house at 10.30am on Tuesday 23 April 2024 and found to be significantly lower than the prescribed limit. The possibility of undertaking further noise monitoring from a willing property owner closer to the school, however no details have been provided to City officers. The lead petitioner requested for the petition to be closed. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 27 February 2024 |
Petition title | Making Crossing North Beach Road Safer for Pedestrians |
Verified signatures | 157 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council:
The current crossing is inadequate and dangerous due to the speed at which cars travel along North Beach Road and the number of hazards that exist. These include the entrance to from the medical centre, the shopping centre, the bus stop and the roundabout. Many people use this crossing including the elderly, parents with prams and children going to/from school. It is a busy crossing used by people visiting Lake Gwelup, the medical centre, the shopping centre and the primary school. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 22 February 2024 (Internal Document ID No. 10992288). Engineering Services contacted the lead petitioner on 31 May 2024 to advise that investigations and further collaboration with Main Roads WA would be undertaken would be undertaken to determine if installation of pedestrian crossing facilities would be suppported (Internal Document ID No. 13303994). The lead petitioner will be advised of the outcome. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 13 February 2024 |
Petition title | Improving Public Toilet Access at Lake Gwelup |
Verified signatures | 9 |
Responsible business unit | Recreation and Leisure Services |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Install additional public toilet facilities on the eastern side of Lake Gwelup nearby the Rotunda and Colin Moore Resource Centre. This may be through one self-cleaning toilet, similar to that at Morris Place shopping centre. The regional open space is heavily used by people of all ages, however the only current toilets are on the western side of the lake near the tennis courts and oval. The distance and time to reach these may be challenging for people with children, ambulant restrictions and other park users including older residents. This is a public health consideration Council is asked to take seriously. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 8 February 2024 (Internal Document ID No. 10982517). |
Date tabled at Council | 13 February 2024 |
Petition title | Public Safety Upgrades and Paving to the Laneway on the Southern Boundary of Scarborough Primary School |
Verified signatures | 6 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition Request | We the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council provide a fully paved, safe lane to the southern boundary of the Scarborough Primary School. The lane runs east to west between Hinderwell Street and Deanmore Road. Construction works have finished on the lane at the school with boundary fences installed. Cromite Lane west and Wubin Lane east of the lane in question have been fully paved with speed humps, kerbing and drainage for a number of years. Currently the lane is rough, corrugated and a dusty safety hazard with no warning signs or traffic control, inadequate drainage, no lighting and is hazardous for all forms of pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Abutting the lane are a mix of pedestrian and vehicle access ratepayers, some having contributed bonds to Council for upgrades to the lane which represent a substantial financial outlay to the ratepayer without any appreciable benefit. A recent accident on the east end footpath on Deanmore Road highlights the urgent need for the lane and approaches to be made safer. We would like to see the lane paved and made less hazardous substantially sooner than the current timing of 2030. A paved lane would lower maintenance to ratepayers and the school staff. We would like to see a paved lane with kerbing, drainage and speed humps for traffic control. Stop signs / local traffic signs, other safety items may include traffic mirrors, rumble strips, hooped chicane bollards to paths and visual truncations maintained at lane approaches. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 25 January 2024 (Internal Document ID No. 10984212). Engineering Services sent a letter to the lead petitioner on 14 May 2024 advising that the Right Of Way (ROW) is due for an upgrade in 2030. However, the City is reviewing the priority of all ROWs to take into account any changes in characteristics and conditions that may impact on the scheduling. The City is also investigating other funding options that may assisting in promoting this ROW in the program (Internal Document ID No. 11030112). This petition is considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 21 November 2023 |
Petition title | Objection to DA23/1175 - 19 Chrysostom Street, North Beach |
Verified signatures | 9 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition Request | We as a community are against the approval of an AIRBNB at 19 Chrysostom Street, North Beach. The landowner has been operating an unauthorised AIRBNB for the last two years and during that time we have had to deal with many issues and safety concerns for our families and the community, such as, dogs barking and stressing every two to three days. Yelling, screaming, domestics, unknown people coming and going every two to three days. Guests using the home as a home water birth with overheard wailing for over four hours. With the owner not located onsite to manage the issues and the location is not suitable for AIRBNB. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 23 October 2023 (Internal Document ID No. 10934707). Development Services sent an email to the lead petitioner on 27 November 2023 advising that the application was undergoing final assessment (Internal Document ID No. 10947771). The application was approved by Council at its meeting held 5 December 2023. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 21 November 2023 |
Petition title | Upgrades to ROW Lane Between Ninth and Tenth Avenue, Inglewood |
Verified signatures | 22 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned petition to have the rear of way (ROW) lane between 9th and 10th Tenth Avenue asphalted and lights installed like most of the other rear lanes in Inglewood. We have continued to wait and have been over promised/under delivered for when these works would be commenced. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 23 October 2023 (Internal Document ID No. 10933759). Engneering Design sent to lead petitioner on 30 November 2023 advising that the ROW in question (known as ROW 28064) is scheduled for detailed design during the 2024 calendar year and construction upgrade during the 2025/2026 financial year (Internal Document ID No. 13207336). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 3 October 2023 |
Petition title | Brighton Park Precinct - Safety |
Verified signatures | 8 |
Responsible business unit | Community Safety |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned residents, ratepayers and business owners of 194 to 204 The Esplanade “Brighton Park Precinct” respectfully request that the following actions from Council: Residents, Ratepayers and owners along the Brighton park precinct of The Esplanade spanning from The Esplanade and Brighton Road intersection (194 The Esplanade) to the end of the cul-de-sac inclusive, have faced continuous issues over the past eight months as a direct result of a permanent and significant increase in illegal camping, illegal parking and antisocial behaviour in this area. Some of these issues include illegal parking on verges and driveways blocking private property access, trespassing, urinating on verges and private property, public indecency, property damage, theft, drug offences, littering, intimidating and threatening behaviour. Further background information on the issues faced by the undersigned is detailed in Annexure A. Action sought: 1. Signage to be installed along the entire section of car bays in the area on The Esplanade – covering the parking bays between the end of the cul-de-sac and the intersection of Brighton Rd. Signage to clearly state: i) “2P at all times” – 2-hour parking in this area, as is consistent with the carpark along The Esplanade across Brighton Road; ii) “Strictly no camping at any time - $X fine enforceable” – Prescribed fine to be in accordance with local laws and enforceable. Signage should be installed at a minimum across every 4-6 bays. See Annexure A for area maps. Council to provide an appropriate amount of parking permits to C-Breeze kiosk to avoid hindering business operations. 2. Rangers to monitor and enforce illegal camping and parking on an ongoing basis. Council and rangers attend and act within two hours of a call out for complaints of illegal parking and camping. 3. Continue the verge side no parking signs all the way along this specified area of The Esplanade from and including 194 The Esplanade until the end of 204 The Esplanade. 4. Council and Rangers continue to move on campers and anyone partaking in anti-social behaviours. Including moving on the current existing vehicles where people have been residing for more than a few weeks and ensuring the enforcement of banning notices to those who have received them. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 29 September 2023 (Internal Doc Case No. 10921893). Community Development contacted the lead petitioner on 21 December 2023 and detailed the measures undertaken by the City in response to the requested actions of the petition (Internal Document ID No. 10963328). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 29 August 2023 |
Petition title | Removal of Plane Trees - Beverley Murchison Reserve, Coolbinia |
Verified signatures | 22 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Environment |
Petition Request | On the 27th and 28th July the City of Stirling planted 15 London Plane trees bordering the perimeter of Beverley Murchison Reserve in Coolbinia. Comments made by the Parks and Gardens personnel installing the trees to local residents at the time advised that the trees should grow to around 40ft tall within 12 years. Not being local Australian species, London Plane trees are well known for their detrimental effects on the environment being:
We, the undersigned rate payers of the City of Stirling who reside opposite the Murchison Beverley Park in Coolbinia, request the removal of the Plane trees because of the reasons noted above. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 18 August 2023 (Internal Doc Case No. 10901423). Parks and Environment officers contacted the lead petitioner on 1 September 2023 to advise that the London Plane trees would be removed and the City will replace these with a number of smaller native trees in the 2023/2024 winter tree planting season (Internal Doc No. 10908192). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 15 August 2023 |
Petition title | Improvements for Balga Dog Park |
Verified signatures | 109 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Environment |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council consider the following improvements to the Balga Dog Park: 1. Improved Lighting: while the adjacent soccer club and skate park are well lit, the Balga Dog Park is located in a dark corner of the reserve and does not benefit from this lighting. Especially in the cooler months, park users need improved lighting in the carpark and parks in order to extend the time they can access the dog park and ensure their furry friends get enough exercise in the mornings and/or evenings, while still feeling safe. 2. Shelters: a shelter for fur-parents to gather during wet or hot weather would improve the amenity of the park for all, and provide more opportunities to make use of the park year round. 3. An additional water fountain and dog water bowl on the outside edge of the park would be much appreciated by all thirsty pups. This petition was created through a poll of more than 100 users of the Balga Dog Park on the park's Facebook group. These three requests were consistently mentioned and voted as the highest priority. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 15 August 2023 (Internal Doc Case No. 10898762). Parks and Environment contacted the lead petitioner on 3 November 2023 and advised that investigations of floodlighting the fenced dog park at Princess Wallington Reserve from the adjacent sports oval floodlighting upgrade confirmed this would not achieve the required results. The City will now have design and costed specfic lighting for the fenced dog parks across the city. This work will be listed on the draft 24/25 Parks and Environment capital works budget for consideration by Council (Internal Doc Case No. 10939332). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 4 July 2023 |
Petition title | Traffic Calming Devices, Woodside Street, Doubleview |
Verified signatures | 11 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition Request | We petition for traffic calming device(s) for speed reduction on Woodside Street between Sackville Terrace and Moorland Street. As Woodside Street is the first street west of Huntriss Road to go through to Scarborough Beach Road, work traffic begins at 5.00am. Our street population density has increased dramatically and will continue with the further block subdivisions presently in the works. We have concerns for our residents (especially children and the elderly), pets, cyclists and vehicles parked on the verge. If traffic were limited in this section of Woodside Street, there would be positive ramifications for the rest of the street. Residents have suggested possibilities such as speed humps, roundabouts and terminating the street at Morland Street – effectively making a no through road. We petition the City to review economically viable measures and to introduce calming devices that respond to the health and safety of our Woodside Street residents. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 30 June 2023 (Internal Doc Case No. 00513024). Engineering Services contacted the lead petitioner on 2 August 2023 advising that an assessment of Woodside Street, Doubleview, under the City's Traffic Management Policy indicated relatively low priority for treatments. The City will continue to monitor as new traffic counts and crash data become available (Internal Doc No. 10880487). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 4 July 2023 |
Petition title | Improve Road Safety - Waterford Road, York Street, Kennedy Street, Carrington Street and Oxford Street in Inglewood |
Verified signatures | 12 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Investigate options to increase visibility and safety at the junction of York Street, Waterford Road and Kennedy Street in Inglewood, noting that vegetation and parking make it almost impossible to see oncoming traffic when crossing York Street from Waterford Road to Kennedy Street. Consider proactive options to reduce hooning at the same intersection, given a recent increase in hooning in the area. Investigate measures to calm traffic along Kennedy Street, with particular attention to the junction of Kennedy Street / Oxford Street and the corner of Kennedy Street / Carrington Street where speeding is common. Implement measures that have the overall objective of increasing road and pedestrian safety. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 29 June 2023 (Internal Document ID 13128819). Engineering Services contacted the lead petitioner on 2 August 2023 advising that the City would arrange for traffic surveys on the affected roads, and then undertake an assessment under the City's Traffic Management Policy to determine the need and priority of treatments (Internal Document ID 10892746). This petition is considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 20 June 2023 |
Petition title | Stormwater System and Sump at 17 Arnott Street, North Beach |
Verified signatures | 6 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition Request | We the residents of Arnott Street, North Beach, request that suitable and adequate alterations are made to the stormwater system and sump at 17 Arnott Street, North Beach to stop water damage occurring to the sumps adjoining properties. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 20 June 2023 (Internal Doc Case No. 00508411). Engineering Services responded to the lead petitioner on 14 July 2023 advising that the requested location would be listed for design of drainage improvements this financial year and would be listed for construction subject to budget availability (Internal Document ID 13136029). This item is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 20 June 2023 |
Petition title | Proposed Development Application for 2 and 8 Adair Parade, Coolbinia |
Verified signatures | 451 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition Request | We the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: 1. Not compromise on the following outstanding matters in respect of the proposed development application for 2 and 8 Adair Parade, Coolbinia: a. waste removal and use of the rear Klem Lane; b. goods delivery to commercial premises including use of the rear Klem Lane; c. parking for commercial staff and customers and for residential visitors; d. traffic impact of operations on Klem Lane; and e. overlooking from the southern townhouses to neighbouring properties. 2. Acknowledges and addresses residents’ concerns regarding over height, over plot ratio and under parking in the proposed development; and 3. Call in any further Responsible Authority Report for consideration by full Council. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 12 June 2023 (Internal Document No. 10859089). Development Services contacted the lead petitioner on 17 July 2023 advising that the petition was acknowledged and the concerns were reflected within the Council resolution from its meeting held 4 July 2023 (recommending refusal on the application). The email also included details of the JDAP meeting where the application will be considered (Internal Document ID 10885355). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 9 May 2023 |
Petition title | Support a Ban on the Clear-Felling of Development Sites |
Verified signatures | 211 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition Request | The motion reads: ‘That Council resolves, subject to officer reports and the outcomes of public consultation, to implement a City wide ban on the clear-felling of development sites and/or the removal of significant trees on such sites in the absence of a Development Approval and a building permit linked to that Development Approval.’ Clear-felled development sites can lay fallow for years resulting in dust-bowls, fire hazards, dumping grounds and camping sites. Clear-felling not only removes significant canopy cover but also reduces any options to later integrate existing significant trees into future development in a City that now offers incentives for developments that retain significant trees. This proposal is not anti-development and instead preserves options for responsible development, new development requires tree planting but may take 20+ years to produce trees mature enough to help combat the urban heat island effect and enrich our fast disappearing urban canopy. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 8 May 2023 (Internal Document No. 10824526). Development Services contacted the lead petitioner on 14 June 2024 advising that a report relating to a number of issues around trees and private property will be presented to the Planning and Development Committee. This report intends to address this ePetition, relevant motions raised at the Electors Meeting in 2024 and any outstanding requests for information requested by Council. The lead petitioner will be contacted in advance to confirm when this report will be considered (Internal Document No. 11049290). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 4 April 2023 |
Petition title | Playground Replacement at Balcatta Road and Careniup Avenue, Gwelup |
Verified signatures | 19 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Sustainability |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council please consider replacing the existing playground located at the corner of Balcatta Road and Careniup Avenue, to better child friendly equipment. The existing equipment can be dangerous for children due to rope climbing, and younger children are currently unable to use the playground. Several parents in the area express the same concern that themselves and their children cannot utilise this playground, which is a shame given its beautiful location. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 3 April 2023 (Internal Document No. 10801870). The Parks and Sustainability Team emailed the lead petitioner on 16 June 2023 advising that the City would investigate opportunities to install additional play items that cater for younger children (Internal Document No. 10865452). The City developed a plan to add additional play equipment at this location. The Parks and Environment Team emailed the lead petitioner on 5 September 2023 advising of the proposed works to be carried out in December 2023 (Internal Document No. 10908785). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 4 April 2023 |
Petition title | Traffic Calming Request - Avocado Drive, Dianella |
Verified signatures | 51 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition Request | The last few months have seen and increase in 'hooning' behaviour along Avocado Drive, Dianella in the middle of the night. Recently, a car ended up in the front yard of a house, narrowly missing the house and its sleeping occupants. We, the undersigned, request the City of Stirling install speed reduction measures along the full length of Avocado Drive. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 28 March 2023 (Internal Document No. 10801895). Engineering Services responded to the two lead petitioners by email on 13 April 2023 advising that an investigation had been undertaken based on the most recently available traffic and crash data. An assessment based on Council's Traffic Management Warrants Policy indicated that this road scores comparatively low on the list of priorities, and it would be difficult for the City to justify the installation of treatments at this stage (Internal Document No. 13056506). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 21 March 2023 |
Petition title | Mount Lawley Golf Club - Vegetation Management Plan |
Verified signatures | 233 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Sustainability |
Petition Request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Note that we fully support both the Club Board and Club Management of Mount Lawley Golf Club in the implementation of the Club’s Vegetation Management Plan and the Greens Replacement Program, and ask that Council approve the Vegetation Management Plan as soon as possible. We note that the Vegetation Management Plan is aligned with current City of Stirling vegetation policies and goals, and that there will be some necessary problematic tree removal to achieve these goals. We have no doubt that the full implementation of this plan and program will result in an increase in canopy cover (a key objective of Council’s Urban Forest Plan), a much improved and valuable environmental site and a better golf course. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 16 March 2023 (Internal Document No. 10786462). Council resolved to receive this petition at its meeting held 21 March 2023 (Council Resolution Number 0323/029). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 21 February 2023 |
Petition title | Make Balga Bike Friendly |
Verified signatures | 20 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: 1. Consider the construction of a Public Access Way across Wanneroo Road, to link Balga and Hamersley, without cyclists or pedestrians needing to access either the Reid Highway or Beach Road intersections. 2. Work with the Public Transport Authority to construct a purpose built bike storage facility at Mirrabooka Bus Station, to encourage cycling to our local public transport hub. 3. Immediately construct additional bike parking facilities at public reserves in Balga, including at Barry Britton Reserve (Balga Football Club), Camberwell Reserve (opposite Balga Community Centre), Celebration Park (Northern Redbacks Football Club) and Princess Wallington Reserve (Balga Soccer Club and Balga Cricket Club). |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 21 February 2023 (Internal Document No. 10771230). Engineering Services responded to the lead petitoiner on 3 March 2023 advising that the City would consider additional suitable crossing locations for Wanneroo Road (between Beach Road and Reid Highway). However, a grade-separate crossing (overpass or underpass) would not likely satisfy Main Roads WA's requirements for such facilities. The response also advised the City would liaise with PTA regarding end of trip facilities at Mirrabooka Station, as well as consider end-of-trip facilities for other public reserves referenced in the petition (Internal Document No. 13019941). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 7 February 2023 |
Petition title | Kay Street, Scarborough Access Track Closure |
Verified signatures | 233 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Cease closure works and re-open the neighbourhood’s access track to the main beach path located opposite the rear boundary of 301 West Coast Highway, Scarborough (referred to as ‘Kay Street Access Track’). This track flows directly from the pedestrian walk-cycle path and is in line with the Kay Street beach funnel. Closing this access track adversely affects the local residents and the public, including cyclists. Redirecting pedestrians to the next northern path creates unnecessary collision risks between beach-going pedestrians and cyclist/scooter riders. The location of the Kay Street Access Track is safer and preferable over the alternative north location because cyclist speed at the Kay Street Track is greatly reduced due to the traffic calming bollards to the south and the footpath grades upwards from the north heading south, naturally slowing down cyclists from both directions. This entry track has been in place pre-1985 and is part of the neighbourhood and Scarborough’s local history. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 6 February 2023 (Internal Document No. 10761197). Customer and Communications contacted the lead petitioner on 7 August 2023 advising that the access path would be open by the end of the week and that formal improvement works are scheduled for October 2023 (Internal Document No. 10899047). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 7 February 2023 |
Petition title | Objection to Proposed Spot Rezoning of Saunders Street, North Beach from Residential R20 to Local Centre |
Verified signatures | 23 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | We, the undersigned, as residents in proximity to 8 Saunders Street, hereby sign that we disagree with the proposed rezoning of the said property from residential to local centre. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 31 January 2023 (Internal Document No. 10757146). The City Future Team contacted the lead petitioner on 2 March 2023 advising that the petition would be taken into account and the lead petitioner contacted if the Amendment proceeds to Council (Internal Document No. 1097704). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 6 December 2022 |
Petition title | Request for Traffic Calming Measures to Improve Safety for Residents of Settler's Green, Gwelup |
Verified signatures | 120 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | We the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council resolve the current escalated dangerous driving situation when exiting west off Brushfield Way, Settler’s Green, Gwelup, when turning right onto North Beach Road, by either installing a roundabout at the intersection, or by modifying the roads in the area, to eliminate the recently escalated danger. Massively increased stationary traffic on the south bound side of North Beach Road and the massively increased volume of traffic travelling at 60km/h along the north bound side of North Beach Road have combined to create a very dangerous situation where residents leaving Settler’s Green via the only road exit from the subdivision heading north are almost always at great risk of being crashed into by traffic heading north.
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 1 December 2022 (Internal Document ID No.10739449). Engineering Services responded to the lead petitioner on 15 December 2022 advising that current crash statistics do not support modifications to the intersection on North Beach Road. However, the City would undertake investigation of queuing issues along North Beach Road in the new year once the Main Roads WA works at the Karrinyup Freeway interchange have been completed (Internal Document ID 10740837). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 15 November 2022 |
Petition title | Fieldgate Square Shopping Centre and Surrounds |
Verified signatures | 15 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council addresses with the Centre owners and management the following issues surrounding the Fieldgate Square Shopping Centre and Surrounds in 25 Culloton Crescent, Balga for the following reasons:
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 16 November 2022 (Internal Document ID No.10728382). Development Services responded to the lead petitioner on 1 December 2022 advising that an inspection was undertaken and the subject area was determined to be clear. The lead petitioner was advised to direct any future concerns in relation to maintenance of the site around the shopping centre and onsite commercial bins, to the shopping centre management (Internal Document ID No.10733384). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 15 November 2022 |
Petition title | Balga and Nollamara Autumn Clubs Transportation Assistance |
Verified signatures | 7 |
Responsible business unit | Community Services |
Petition request | Many seniors who are members of the above clubs have reported difficulty attending community and club events due to the lack of available transport. Many members are no longer able to drive, are too unwell to drive or do not have any form of transport. The ability to not be an active part of the community is detrimental to many seniors and makes them feel isolated. “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council addresses with the Balga Autumn Club (81 Camberwell Road, Balga WA 6061) and Nollamara Autumn Club (72 Sylvia Street, Nollamara WA 6061) to offer our club members free or low fee transport to and from their home to the Autumn Club and back. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 16 November 2022 (Internal Document ID No.10728384). Community Services contacted the lead petitioner on 23 January 2023, advising that transport assistance is available through the 'My Aged Care' service. Assistance through this service is available for individual transport as well as for groups. The City is currently reviewing transport systems for seniors with this information to be collated and reviewed over the next few months (Internal Document Number 12998675). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 25 October 2022 |
Petition title | Yuluma Reserve and Surrounding Areas |
Verified signatures | 369 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council address the following issues regarding Yuluma Reserve Innaloo and surrounding areas: 1. Traffic calming devices, such as chicanes, to be installed along Muir Street, Birdwood Street, Langley Crescent, Crocker Road, Crocker Way and Norman Street, to deter and reduce traffic ‘rat-running’ from Karrinyup Road through the locality and passing Yuluma Reserve, a popular recreation and sport facility. 2. Implementation of ‘Safe Active Streets’ status to the streets surrounding Yuluma Reserve.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 28 October 2022 (Internal Document ID No.10718618). Engineering Services responded to the lead petitioner on 21 December 2022 confirming the results of the recent traffic count surveys. The letter advised that based on the information available, the roads under consideration would not score high enough under Council Policy to be considered for traffic calming measures (Internal Document ID 12986629). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 25 October 2022 |
Petition title | Nollamara Shopping Centre and Surrounds |
Verified signatures | 11 |
Responsible business unit | City Future |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request the Council address with the Centre owners and management the following issues surrounding the Nollamara Shopping Centre in Nollamara Avenue, Nollamara, for the following reasons: 1. The site around the centre is very unkept with weeds, rubbish that doesn’t look good for the local houses around the area who are maintaining their property. 2. The site needs a facelift to encourage people to come and shop at the centre, rest and chat perhaps a picture Muriel, seating. 3. Whilst the big trees are good, more trees and more colourful street trees are needed to get a more passive and friendly feel to the centre. 4. Can the safety of the shopping centre area especially for seniors and those with a disability be improved to enable local engagement.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 28 October 2022 (Internal Document ID No.10716805). The City Future Business Unit liaised with various services areas and provided correspondence to the lead petitioner addressing each item in the petition request (Internal Document ID No. 10733603). The City will address any illegal dumping and work with the business owners to encourage them to manage the commercial waste in an appropriate manner. An increase in the number of bins, along with bin enclosures will be considered subject to the budget review process for the 2023/2024 financial year. Information on Shopfront Improvement Grants was provided to the business owners at the Nollamara Shopping Centre and also to the lead petitioner. Planting into streets to the north-west of the Nollamara Shopping centre is part of the scheduled street tree planting and community tree projects for 2023. A Community Safety Event was held at the Nollamara Shopping Centre on 18 November 2022. The City intends to advise local community members of the prime prevention / community safety services that are available to them from the City and other agencies. The City also currently provides a rebate offer for the installation of new and sufficiently upgraded CCTV systems that offer a public view. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 25 October 2022 |
Petition title | Objection to proposed childcare premises at Dallwin Street, Dianella |
Verified signatures | 57 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council REFUSE this development as those undersigned object for the following reasons: 1. Location - the development does not meet the City of Stirling’s Planning Policy 6.4, section 6.2.1 – ‘Location criteria: To minimise impact on residential areas, to allow improved servicing and to promote multi-function trips, Child Care premises shall be located adjacent to non-residential uses’ and ‘Child Care premises on corner sites shall be designed to address the street with the least impact on surrounding residential properties.’ 2. Traffic Generation and Congestion - existing traffic issues not addressed and limited queuing and manoeuvring room provided given the high turnover over of traffic. Only eight visitor bays are provided for 92 children. 3. Road and Pedestrian Safety - very busy traffic intersection of Morley Drive and Grand Promenade (intersection no. 55559). MRD stated there has been 19 crashes at that intersection, including 5 casualties. Only one of these crashes occurred at night. Potential to have more crashes with increase in daytime traffic. Convenience of existing road users, cyclists and pedestrians as parents and carers drop off and pick up children. 4. Overshadowing, solar panels and privacy - over-scaling of the proposed development will cause overshadowing, privacy issues effect usage of solar panels onto surrounding resident’s properties. 5. Residential Noise Disturbance - outdoor play area is against the City of Stirling’s Planning Policy 6.4 and 3.0 Objectives – ‘4: to locate noise generating activities such as outdoor play areas, vehicle access ways, car parking areas and any plans and equipment away from noise-sensitive land uses (such as residential dwellings). 6. Bulk and scale - development is inconsistent with the residential character of the area. Planning allows for 500mm above natural ground level. The proposal has up to 1.65m and is against the City of Stirling’s Planning Policy 6.4, 3.0 Objectives – ‘3: To minimise the adverse impacts of the bulk and scales of Child Care Premises on neighbouring properties and streetscape, and that buildings are consistent with the built form of an area, including future character.’ 7. Long Operating Hours - proposed to operate between 6.30am and 6.30pm, which is not in line with the City of Stirling’s Planning Policy 6.4 under 6.2.5 Hours of Operation: the hours of operation of Child Care Premises are restricted to between 7.00am and 6.30pm.’ This creates more noise, traffic, waste and other issues. 8. Residential R20 Code and Land Amalgamation - the 2 blocks of land are currently zoned Residential R20 under the City of Stirling LPS3. The proposed childcare centre appears to be inconsistent with the intent of the current zoning. There, would not rezoning and amalgamations under WAPC, need to be approved first.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 28 October 2022 (Internal Document ID No.10716800). Development Services responded to the lead petitioner advising that the application was still under assessment and a recommendation in the Responsible Authority Report will be provided to the Metro Inner-North JDAP. The JDAP meeting is anticipated for December 2022. The City will advise all submitters once the City’s RAR is finalised and the relevant meeting date for JDAP (Internal Document ID 10720172). Development Services contacted all submitters on 9 January 2023 advising the details of the JDAP meeting for this application, including how to access the agenda and the presentation request template (Internal Document ID 10748433). The application was approved at the DAPs meeting held 18 January 2023. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 16 August 2022 |
Petition title | DA22/0832 - Objection to Proposed Residential / Home Business / Commercial Kitchen and Catering at 20 Churchlands Avenue, Churchlands |
Verified signatures | 32 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | “We the undersigned object to the proposed Residential / Home Business / Commercial Kitchen and Catering at 20 Churchlands Avenue, Churchlands due to the following reasons: 1. The original conditions / criteria as listed when we purchased our homes / land in the Churchlands Private estate, which was established in the 1980’s, was that this estate was and will only be for private residential properties, with planned gardens, high garden walls and no flow through traffic or commercial development etc. 2. There are no assurances in the documentation that anyone will be going to check and ensure that people other than the landowner do not deliver food and goods to and from the site. 3. There is no guarantee that delivery vehicles will not be accessing the property or that the owner will not be using trucks to move items to and from the site and the daily frequency therein. 4. There is no guarantee or deterrent, or surveillance provided in the documentation to ensure that the proposed facility will only operate between 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday and that it will not operate on public holidays. 5. There is no information provided on the type of food that will be cooked and prepared and the quantity of items to give the local residents an idea of potential noise / odours etc. 6. The quiet residential amenity of the area has already been compromised over the last few years with the increase in students parking and the associated issues, especially since the student high school numbers have increased significantly. 7. Good planning and the amenity of this private gated estate is being compromised and we believe that it does not meet the acceptable outcomes as listed in Volume 2 of the WA State Planning Policy 7.3.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 8 August 2022 (Internal Document ID No.10684553). Development Services responded to the lead petitioner on 28 September 2022 advising that the application would likely be considered at the Planning and Development Committee on 4 October 2022 (Internal Document ID 12939880). Development Services contacted the lead petitioner and submitters on 17 October 2022 advising of Council's decision at its meeting held 11 October 2022 (Internal Document ID No.12949406). On 18 October 2022 the City issued the Determination of Application for Planning Approval to the applicant (Internal Document ID 12950296). This item is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 2 August 2022 |
Petition title | Request to Upgrade Boom Lane, Tuart Hill (ROW22015) |
Verified signatures | 51 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, including the landowners of properties backing on to Boom Lane (between Hector and Cape Street) Tuart Hill, respectfully request that Council upgrade the Boom Lane Way to a safe and presentable environment, due to the following reasons: 1. Needles and drug use items have been discarded in the lane way. 2. The lane way is being used as a rubbish dumping ground for unwanted household goods. 3. Stolen goods have been discarded. 4. It is obscured from clear view, which gives advantage to illegal activities. 5. Property owners’ access is limited. 6. It is holding back new improved constructions. 7. Looks very untidy and not presentable. 8. Safety for all concerned especially for our school kids and day care facility. 9. The church has been robbed more than a few times and unwanted stolen goods have been discarded in the lane way. 10. Property owners backing the lane way are ready for development.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 28 July 2022 (Internal Document ID No.10673324). Engineering Services advised the lead petitioner by email on 7 October 2022 that a report on the Request to Upgrade and Extend Boom Lane would be presented to the Community and Resources Committee Meeting held 18 October 2022 (Internal Document ID No.10705172). At the Council Meeting held 25 October 2022, Council resolved (Council Resolution Number 1022/020) to undertake consultation with property owners abutting the Right of Way, to determine the level of support for various options including the full upgrade or closure of the ROW. A further report will be presented to Council advising of the outcome of the consultation. |
Date tabled at Council | 5 July 2022 |
Petition title | Disc Golf Course |
Verified signatures | 49 |
Responsible business unit | Recreation and Leisure Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council review options to install a Disc Golf facility within the municipality of Stirling. Disc Golf has become a very popular recreational sport in WA and there are very few courses near the area.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 1 July 2022 (Internal Document ID No.10658809). Recreation and Leisure Services contacted the lead petitioner on 16 September 2022 requesting further information. A needs assessment will be complete by December 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10705096). Recreation and Leisure Services contacted the lead petitioner on 16 December 2022 advising that following a review, a project to consider disc golf feasibility and design was submitted for the 2023/2024 budget (Internal Document ID No. 12984100). Recreation and Leisure Services contacted the lead petitioner on 7 August 2023 advising that the project did not receive allocation on the 2023/2024 budget and that it would be reviewed and re-submitted for the 2024/2025 budget (Internal Document ID No. 13146973). Recreation and Leisure Services advised that the Disc Golf project has been submitted twice for project funding consideration and it has been unsuccessful on both occasions. It will not be resubmitted as a stand alone project however officers will consider potential integration into future regional reserve upgrades. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 5 July 2022 |
Petition title | Developer contribution sought - 315-319 Harborne Street, Glendalough |
Verified signatures | 41 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council:
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 1 July 2022 (Internal Document ID No.10658814). Development Services responded to the lead petitioner via email on 22 July 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10664965). The response provided advise on the specific requests and noted that the petition would be included as a submission in the City's Responsible Authority Report. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 14 June 2022 |
Petition title | Petition - Establishment of Traffic Calming Methods on Davenport Street, Burroughs Road and Francis Avenue, Karrinyup - Supported by a 40km Zone |
Verified signatures | 31 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | “We the undersigned, respectfully request that the Stirling City Council give full consideration for the installation of pedestrian crosswalks on Davenport Street, Burroughs Road and Francis Avenue, Karrinyup, for the benefit of pedestrians accessing the Karrinyup Shopping Centre. This is to reflect an especial focus on safety for parents with prams, elderly people (especially with mobility aids) and retirement village residents in this vicinity. Along with this, we believe Davenport Street, Burroughs Road and Francis Avenue all need to be 40kph, with flashing lights to indicate this. 40kph flashing signs on all three streets are considered of high priority by the locals. Additionally, speed humps should be considered to slow down the ‘hoon traffic’, who consider it their right to drag race around the shopping centre on Saturday nights. Such a device would slow them down considerably and encourage them to move elsewhere and thus not disturb the residents each Saturday night.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 3 June 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10654480). Engineering Services responded to the lead petitioner on 1 June 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10637993). The response advised that Main Roads WA will not consider any major changes until the development in this area is complete. The City is undertaking further planning to address these issues as part of a long term strategy. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 24 May 2022 |
Petition title | ePetition - DA21/2145 - Objection to the Proposed Viewing Towers on Burroughs Road Opposite Residential Homes |
Verified signatures | 219 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the City refuse the proposed DA21/2145 for the following reasons:
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 11 April 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10633480). Development Services responded to the lead petitioner on 1 June 2022 confirming receipt of the petition and advising that the proposal is scheduled to be presented to the Planning and Development Committee meeting on 7 June 2022 and the Council meeting on 14 June 2022 for determination (Internal Document ID No. 12871568). The proposal for DA21/2145 was approved subject to conditions at the Council meeting held 14 June 2022 (Council Resolution Number 0622/009). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 24 May 2022 |
Petition title | Petition - Disabled Access Ramp at Mettams Pool |
Verified signatures | 100 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, respectfully request and urge the City of Stirling to consider the urgency and act now on a solution, since the disabled access ramp has been removed at Mettams Pool. The seasonal exposure of jagged rocks makes it far too dangerous and unsafe for us, the community members, especially the elderly, disabled and children, wanting to enter and exit the water to continue enjoying swimming and snorkelling. We thank you for cooperation and look forward to a speedy resolution.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on19 May 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10633491). Engineering Services responded to the lead petitioner on 13 June 2022 advising that the City has sought external funding support through the State's Coastal Adaptation and Protection Program, which is administered by the Department of Transport. The City intends designing and consulting with the community in 2022-2023, with a new water access ramp proposed for implementation in 2023-2024 (Internal Document ID No. 10643917). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 10 May 2022 |
Petition title | ePetition - North Beach Jetty Surrounds |
Verified signatures | 158 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council:
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 15 February 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10629428). Engineering Services responded to the lead petitioner on 17 June 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 12881180). The response advised that sitting benches and drainage improvements could be considered and funded from by 2022/2023 annual budget. The surface of the turnaround area to the east of the jetty is considered sufficient for current requirements, but investigation of further enhancements to the area may be possible. the cost to re-establish the stairs from the carpark to the lower level would be prohibitively high at this stage and the alternative access via the ramp to the south of the jetty is considered sufficient. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 10 May 2022 |
Petition title | ePetition - Oppose Proposed Child Care Premises at 19-21 Liege Street, Woodlands (DA22/0144) |
Verified signatures | 75 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council refuse this development as those undersigned object for the following reasons:
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 6 May 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10623011). Development Services responded to the lead petitioner on 1 June 2022 confirming receipt of the petition and advising that the proposal is scheduled to be presented to Council on 5 July 2022 for consideration of the Responsible Authority Report (Internal Document ID No. 12871457). The Responsible Authority Report was considered and the application approved by the Metro Inner-North Joint Development Assessment Panel at its meeting held 18 July 2022. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 5 April 2022 |
Petition title | ePetition - Oppose Green Street Median Closure at Tyler Street and Merredin Street, Joondanna |
Verified signatures | 253 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, oppose the closure of the Green Street median at Tyler Street and Merredin Street. We request that Council considers the following issues with this proposed change:
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 11 February 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10567268). A response was provided to the lead petitioner via email on 8 April 2022 advising that the City of Vincent had withdrawn the proposal (Internal Document No. 10623921). Residents who responded to the Community Consultation have been informed of this by the City of Stirling. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 5 April 2022 |
Petition title | ePetition - Opposition to Greenacre/Pimlott Street Childcare Centre DA21/1245 |
Verified signatures | 119 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Oppose the development of a childcare centre on the corner of Greenacre and Pimlott Street, Dianella DA21/1245. Reasons the residents oppose this development include:
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 21 March 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10611789). The lead petitioner was contacted via email on 27 April 2022 and advised that the application had been determined by the JDAP at its meeting held 20 April 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10616805). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 22 March 2022 |
Petition title | ePetition - Dianella Industrial Area Removal/Makeover |
Verified signatures | 13 |
Responsible business units | City Future; Environmental Health; Parks and Sustainability |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that Council: Remove the Dianella Industrial Area and replace it with appropriate residential dwellings. The residents of the neighbourhood are against the fundamental of this industrial area. We see it as a health, environmental and life quality hazard. In the interim, we are asking for immediate and prompt action about its appearance. The streets are dirty with rubbish and rubble that has been thrown out. Weeds are all over the place, fences are broken etc. Next to the church, there is vacant land full or rubbish and the fence is broken. On the opposite side of the road there is a business that deals with car bodies and parts. A partition needs to be installed to hide this unpleasant look, especially in front of a place of worship. Some of the building is left with exposed-face brick, this also creates a feeling of neglect. There are no verge gardens, or trees whatsoever. We are asking for native low maintenance plants to be planted at designated appropriate areas. We are taxpayers and we expect much better care for our neighbourhood.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 17 March 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10598796). The City Future Business Unit sent the lead petitioner an email on 14 April 2022 advising that the area was rezoned in 2021 to allow it to transition over time to residential uses and business/shop uses in certain locations (Internal Document ID No. 10612754). The Local Development Plan can be viewed on the City's website. An Environmental Health Officer will inspect the area for any illegal dumping on public land. Any items dumped on public land will be removed by the City. The City Future Business Unit sent an email to the lead petitioner on 13 May 2022 detailing the actions taken by the City and providing further information addressing the matters raised in his petition (Internal Document ID No. 10626890). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 22 March 2022 |
Petition title | ePetition - Park and Playground - Valerie Street, Dianella |
Verified signatures | 12 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Sustainability |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that Council: Complete a makeover, renovation and upgrade of the local street playground and park. Our kids are attempting to use the play area during the daytime - after school during the week and all day during the weekend. We are asking for natural play space equipment to be installed. Please see example - https://www.natureplaysolutions.com.au/gallery-pos. Also, please significantly upgrade the existing landscape to include more native plants and native trees. Please add more sitting areas for adults and kids, such as benched and picnic tables. Very importantly, we are asking for a shade sail to be constructed to provide a safe play area for kids. The playground and the local park are significant social and recreational aspects of our neighbourhood. We expect a much better setup to be constructed. Thank you.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 17 March 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10598796). Parks and Sustainability responded to the lead petitioner on 20 April 2022 advising that the park upgrade request will be investigated during the 2022/2023 financial year and be listed for budget consideration for subsequent financial years. Further updates will be provided to the lead petitioner on the progress of the park upgrade investigations (Internal Document ID No. 12872979). Parks and Environment responded to the lead petitioner on 18 July 2023 providing the results of the public consultation on the proposed landscape upgrade to Cleveland Valerie Reserve. It was advised that results of the public consultation in association with Citywide strategies, facility provision, financial considerations and maintenance capabilities to help finalise the landscape plan (Internal Document ID No. 10929661). A further email was sent to the lead petitioner on 28 August 2023 advising that the works will be undertaken in the new calendar year (Internal Document ID No. 10929660). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 22 March 2022 |
Petition title | ePetition - Footpath - Valerie Street, Dianella |
Verified signatures | 10 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that Council: Construct a street footpath along Valerie Street, Dianella as the current situation is a safety hazard for pedestrians and especially for our kids, running, biking and playing outside. Fast cars drive along the street, nearly colliding with kids riding bicycles. Please act as soon as possible.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 17 March 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10598796). Engineering Services responded to the lead petitioner via email on 14 April 2022 advising that a footpath on Valerie Street is listed on the City's Forward Plans and is currently scheduled for construction during the 2023/2024 financial year (Internal Document ID No. 10612548). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 22 March 2022 |
Petition title | ePetition - Close Dundas and Normanby Road, Inglewood Right of Way |
Verified signatures | 14 (plus an additional 7 signatures received via hard copy petition on 8 November 2022) |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services / Property and Commercial Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that Council close the Right of Way between Dundas Road (49-75) and Normanby Road (45-69), Inglewood.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 16 March 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10598786). Engineering Services responded to the lead petitioner on 1 April 2022 advising that the City had previously undertaken consultation with abutting residents to determine the views of the community. As a number of property owners objected to the closure, the City was unable to progress towards a formal application to close the ROW (Internal Document ID No. 10603949). On 8 November 2022, the City received a secondary petition to this, containing an additional seven verified signatures, as follows: “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council close the Right of Way (ROW) between Normanby and Dundas Roads. The laneway is a public danger with extensive history of problems, including crime, arson, pests, voyeurism and property destruction. The laneway is uncared for and vehicle movement damages fencing, causing fences to fall down and crack all the way along the ROW.” Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 9 November 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10722962). Property and Commercial Services contacted the lead petitioners advising that on 15 November 2022 Council resolved to advertise a proposal to close Right of Way (ROW) 28079. Letters were sent to adjoining landowners with a questionnaire to determine the level of support and interest in purchasing a part of the ROW should the closure proceed. The advertisement period closes on 24 February 2023, after which the City will consider responses and submit a report to Council with a recommendation on whether to proceed with the closure of the ROW (Internal Document Number 10760721). Further updates will be provided as they are available. Property and Commercial Services contacted the lead petitioners advising that the City had received sufficient support to permit the closure of the ROW. A formal notice has been sent to the owner of the ROW, adjoining landowners and utilities providers, providing a period during which submissions can be made to the City regarding the proposed closure of the ROW. Submissions close on 3 May, after which a report will be prepared and submitted to Council with a recommendation on whether to proceed with the closure of the ROW (Internal Document ID No. 10795924). Property and Commercial Services contacted the lead petitioners on 2 June 2023 advising that Council had resolved to close the ROW as requested by the petition. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 1 March 2022 |
Petition title | ePetition - Speed Cushion Removal - North Beach Drive - Osborne Park |
Verified signatures | 4 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that Council removes the speed cushion outside 119b North Beach Drive, Osborne Park due to the noise this creates when vehicles such as trucks and trailers go over the cushion to Waldecks early in the morning, which disturbs my sleep. This section of North Beach Drive does not need a speed cushion as traffic has to slow down to go around the bend, or turn onto Morley Drive, so the speed of traffic is naturally reduced. Please remove the cushion as it is dangerous to pull into and reverse out of the drive with two cars. We have to be mindful of many other obstacles when entering and reversing out of our drive, including:
The cushion makes accessing my drive difficult and dangerous. The previous owner was elderly and slept in the back room, so she didn’t hear the noise caused by the traffic driving over the cushion.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 23 February 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10579825). Engineering Services responded to the lead petitioner on 11 May 2022 advising that the speed cushions have shown to have a significant positive impact in reducing vehicle speeds and reducing the risk of crashes. Accordingly, the City does not support the removal of the speed cushion from this location (Internal Document ID no. 12858210). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 1 March 2022 |
Petition title | Speed Cushion Removal - North Beach Drive |
Verified signatures | 5 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that Council please remove the cushion outside of the house as it is dangerous to access the driveway with two cars. There are many obstacles when entering and reversing out of the drive, including pedestrians, a designated bike lane, speed cushion and concrete kerb, an island with a tree on the medium strip directly in front of drive, and a power pole in the middle of the driveway. The noise caused as cars slow to go over the cushion is loud, especially trucks and trailers which seem to be many due to Waldecks. Also noise of cars doing burnouts on cushion.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 21 February 2022 (Internal Document ID No. 10572741). Engineering Services responded to the lead petitioner on 11 May 2022 advising that the speed cushions have shown to have a significant positive impact in reducing vehicle speeds and reducing the risk of crashes. Accordingly, the City does not support the removal of the speed cushion from this location (Internal Document ID no. 12858210). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 7 December 2021 |
Petition title | Request to Defer Construction of Proposed Footpath in Carnarvon Crescent, Coolbinia |
Verified signatures | 26 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | "We the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council:- Defer the construction of the proposed footpath in Carnarvon Crescent, Coolbinia from Bradford Street to Elma Street until the following information has been provided to residents of that section of Carnarvon Crescent and received their feedback. The drawing of routes that have been considered, showing:- The residents of this garden suburb have not received any information about the proposed footpath” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 1 December 2021 (Internal Document ID No. 10507893). A letter of response by the Engineering Service Business Unit addressing the petition request was sent to the lead petitioner on 20 December 2021, and copied to the Mayor and Ward Councillors (Internal Document ID No. 12754103). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 7 December 2021 |
Petition title | Yokine Reserve Public Toilet |
Verified signatures | 293 |
Responsible business unit | Facilities, Projects and Assets |
Petition request | "We the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Take immediate action to address inadequacies in the performance, maintenance and cleaning of the two freestanding stainless steel universal access public toilet modules located on Yokine Reserve between the Playspace and Coolbinia No.2 Oval clubrooms; and Budget to replace the existing toilet modules with a purpose built toilet facility connected to deep sewerage and comparable in standard to that provided at Charles Riley Memorial Reserve." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 9 December 2021 (Internal Document ID No. 10516665). All maintenance and cleaning issues raised in the petition have been dealt with by the relevant business unit. Consideration of need for replacement toilets is in progress. Lead petitioner will be notified once everything has been finalised. Facilities, Projects and Assets responded to the lead petitioner on 24 February 2022 addressing the concerns raised in the petition (Internal Document ID No. 12804799). The petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 7 December 2021 |
Petition title | Churchlands Green Traffic Management Plan |
Verified signatures | 284 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | "We the undersigned, object to the proposed Churchlands Green traffic management recommendation from the CRC committee on the 23 November 2021 and respectively request that the Council vote No to ESI recommendation and instead support Option 4 due to the following reasons: 1. The City of Stirling Traffic Warrants Policy was not adhered to in the report. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 9 December 2021 (Internal Document ID No. 10516421). This matter was considered by Council at the Council Meeting held 7 December 2021. Council resolved to approve the implementation of the permanent closure of the right turn pocket from Pearson Street into Alumni Terrace, Churchlands, as per Option 1. This petition is now considered closed |
Date tabled at Council | 16 November 2021 |
Petition title | Request that Council Reconsider the recommendation for the Churchlands Estate Student Parking |
Verified signatures | 88 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | "We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council:- Reconsider the recommendation, as proposed by Councillor Re, for approximately one year trial of timed parking restrictions throughout the Estate, for the following reasons and with the following amendments:- Amendment – The time restriction amended to 8.00am to 10.30am only and exclude ‘residents excepted’. Justification:- 1. The recommendations implemented by Council last May did nothing to improve Estate all-day parking. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement letter to the lead petitioner on 18 November 2021 (Internal Document ID No. 12725636). This matter was considered by Council at the Council Meeting held 16 November 2021. Council resolved to apply additional parking restrictions along Churchlands Avenue and increase the number of bays available to P-Plated vehicles on Memory Place. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 12 October 2021 |
Petition title | Request that Council Object to any amendment to DA17/2435 and 4 Trevithic Close, Stirling |
Verified signatures | 64 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | "We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council object to any amendment to DA17/2435 and House Number 4 Trevithick Close, Stirling for the following reasons:-
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 28 September 2021 (Internal Document ID No. 10476686). The Development Services Business Unit sent an email to the lead petitioner on 21 October 2021 (Internal Document ID No. 10480943). The City arranged an on-site meeting with concerned residents on 25 October 2021 to discuss the current development approval and issues raised in the petition. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 12 October 2021 |
Petition title | Request Legal Opinion of Grounds for Judicial Review of Karrinyup West JDAP Approval |
Verified signatures | 577 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | "We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council obtain a professional legal opinion on the recent JDAP decision to approve the development at Lots 7 and 12 (House Number 190 and 200) Karrinyup Road, Karrinyup Item 8.1a of MINJDAP/108 to investigate if there are grounds for a judicial review. Residents hold concern that the three permanent DAP members acted without authority when imposing building heights and plot ratios outside of those prescribed by the Local Planning Scheme and State Planning Policy 7.3 and Local Planning Policy 5.7, and that in such case the decision of the Panel should be struck out. We further request that the contents of advice received should be made public.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 28 September 2021 (Internal Document ID No. 12700833). A letter was sent to the lead petitioner by the Director Planning and Development on 8 December 2021 advising that based on legal advice obtained, the City would not be taking further action to pursue a Judicial Review against the JDAP decision. As the legal opinion is confidential and privileged advice, the contents of this will not be made publicly available (Internal Document ID 10516768). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 12 October 2021 |
Petition title | Request to Appeal Wembley Downs Child Care Development JDAP Decision |
Verified signatures | 100 |
Responsible business | Development Services |
Petition request | "We respectfully request that CoS and The CoS Council appeal the JDAP decision of 17 September 2021 to the State Administration Tribunal (SAT) before the deadline close of 14/10. Note this is a request that the Council appeal this matter to the SAT as per entitlement. This request is further to advice obtained from the SAT and in addition to legal advice. This is not an enquiry about third party appeal rights. The JDAP was not provided with accurate facts and therefore could not make an accurate decision at law. The Council has an obligation to represent its ratepayers and support their well-founded views over and above a developer/owner who not only can be said to have not done necessary due diligence, will have minimal attendance at the site. The owner's only real contact will be to take funds away from the community. Legislation and Policy failings:- Pursuant to Clause 68(2) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 ("The Regulations"), the application for a Child Care Premises at 159 Hale Road and 24 Unwin Avenue be Appealed to the SAT for the following reasons:-
Facts which the community also wish to draw to your urgent attention:-
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 12 October 2021 (Internal Document No. 12698983). Development Services sent a letter to the lead petitioner on 22 October 2021 outlining that a person/organisation who was not a party to the application cannot lodge an appeal to the SAT, as there are no third party appeal rights in Western Australia. As the City was not a party to the development application (i.e. not the applicant or the decision-maker) the City is unable to lodge an appeal to SAT for review of the determination (Internal Document No.12705479). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 28 September 2021, 12 October 2021 and 15 February 2022 |
Petition title | Retention of the Name City of Stirling |
Verified signatures | 334 (175 signatures tabled at Council 28 September 2021, 69 verified signatures at 12 October 2021 and a further 90 signatures tabled at Council 15 February 2022) |
Responsible business unit | Community Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council:- The City of Stirling Council formally pass a motion that the City of Stirling confirms that the name of City of Stirling shall remain for perpetuity for the following reasons:-
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 30 September 2021 (internal Document ID 12690798), and sent subsequent acknowledgement letters following tabling of the subsequent petitions on 14 October 2021 (internal Document ID 10476433) and 25 February 2022 (Internal Document ID 10578602). The Director Community Development also sent the lead petitioner a letter on 15 October 2021 (internal Document ID 12700567). At its meeting held 8 June 2021, Council considered the motions from the recent Electors General Meeting including the motion “that the City of Stirling be renamed to reflect the longstanding and relevant history of this land in such a way that is inclusive and in recognition of the Nyoongar community.” Council resolved as follows:- “That Council REAFFIRMS its commitment to the actions and deliverables within the recently adopted Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (July 2021 – June 2023).” Given that Council made the decision to not pursue renaming within the last six months it is not considered necessary for them to again consider this matter. In addition, while Council has an obligation to make decisions on behalf of the local government and plan for the future of the district it does not have the ability to make decisions in ‘perpetuity’ as requested within the petition. The democratic process means that Council at any time can make a majority decision regarding a legislative or executive function of local government. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 14 September 2021 |
Petition title | Churchlands Green Traffic Management System |
Verified signatures | 86 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council return the traffic management system to the original plan for the following reasons:-
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 16 September 2021 (internal Document Set ID 10457458). The petition was considered as part of a report presented to Council on 28 September 2021. Council resolved to undertake a final round of consultation with the community, and a follow up report that details the outcome of the consultation will be presented to Council at the Community & Resources Committee Meeting to be held 9 November 2021. A final decision regarding the proposed trial closure of turning movements at key intersections will be considered by Council at the Council Meeting to be held 7 December 2021. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 14 September 2021 |
Petition title | Request to Refuse DA21/0729 - Child Care Premises at 159 Hale Road and 24 Unwin Road, Wembley Downs |
Verified signatures | 149 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that Council refuse the development for the following reasons:-
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 8 September 2021 (internal Document Set ID 10457242). The Development Services Business Unit sent the lead petitioner an email outlining the Application Process and the Role of Council on 2 September 2021 (internal Document Set ID 10338592). The application was approved by the Metro Inner-North Joint Development Assessment Panel on 17 September 2021. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 14 September |
Petition title | Request to Refuse DA21/0729 - Child Care Premises at 159 Hale Road and 24 Unwin Road, Wembley Downs |
Verified signatures | 137 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | "We, the undersigned, do respectfully that the Council refuse the development for the following reasons:- 1.Consultations with ratepayers and residents who live in close proximity to the site were not informed and the consultation period was very short. Under the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations, the views of the community are one of the considerations by the local government in the determination of planning applications. 2.Setbacks, access, egress, visual amenity, privacy, streetscape, pedestrian and car safety, and significant noise issues are already being compromised at that location. Daily long operating hours and being open 7 days a week, noise and insufficient navigation of noisy service vehicles 3.Does not meet the acceptable outcomes as listed in Volume 2 of the State Planning Policy 7.3 with regard to many issues that affect good planning and the amenity of the existing area. 4.Site coverage and building height - large plot ratio is too big for the site, large scale building of nearly 400m2 is not appropriate or in line with the streetscape of a residential area and the character of the area, and the Design WA Planning Scheme. 5.Overshadowing to adjacent existing residents which would affect solar panels and the health and wellbeing of users and the community in general. 6.Traffic - Hale Road is already congested, a main distributor road for six local schools and a truck route; is already dangerous with lots of accidents, the corner of Unwin and Hale Road has a blind corner that is a double parking school drop-off and pick-up zone currently. 7.Parking and parking bays - with 27 car parking bays proposed onsite of which 12 would be visitor bays that would predominately utilised at the same time, causing more congestion on the road and more street parking on the local side streets which is also a safety issue, and there is insufficient parking now for school users. 8.Cumulative impacts arising from the physical design, car parking, traffic and noise together are such that the proposed development is ill-suited to what might reasonably be able to be accommodated and is therefore incompatible with its context, as per WASAT 63. This will result in exacerbating issues as well as creating new issues within this residential area. Residents in this residential area will have these unwelcome issues thrust onto them. Does the City of Stirling expect us to take on their responsibility of accommodating setbacks, access, egress, visual amenity, privacy, streetscape, pedestrian, resident and car safety and significant noise?” |
Comment/status | Due to the similar nature of three hard copy petitions received, Governance have combined the petitions to create one total. The first petition was tabled at the 17 August 2021 Council meeting and contained 26 verified signatures. The second was tabled at the 31 August 2021 Councill meeting and contained 73 verified signatures. The third was tabled at the 14 September 2021 Council meeting and contained 38 verified signatures. Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on the 20 August 2021, 2 September 2021 and 16 September 2021 (internal Document Set ID 10223323,12453201 and10457839). The Development Services Business Unit sent the lead petitioner an email outlining the Application Process and the Role of Council on 2 September 2021 (internal Document Set ID 10338592). The application was approved by the Metro Inner-North Joint Development Assessment Panel on 17 September 2021. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 8 June 2021 |
Petition title | Retention of the Name 'City of Stirling' |
Verified signatures | 48 |
Responsible business unit | Community Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council:- Retains the name of the “City of Stirling” and request that it is not altered or changed in any way, including hyphenation and/or abbreviations. This is in direct response to the Electors’ General Meeting of 17 May 2021 in which a motion was passed that the City be renamed. We recognise that historical figures throughout Australia’s foundational years, such as Governor James Stirling, were integral to the successes that we are all fortunate enough to enjoy today. The name “City of Stirling” was chosen because of what he built and achieved. If we judge these historical figures by the standards of today and continue down a path of deleting names and changing dates, we erase and rewrite history, losing vital lessons that would otherwise be handed down to each generation. Erasure of a name does not equate to a better understanding, it only hinders it. A name change is nothing but a symbol which would come at a huge financial cost to the electors of the City, including those who are Aboriginal Australian, with no quantifiable results and believe the finances and resources involved could be better spent elsewhere.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 11 June 2021 (internal Document Set ID 10175157). The Community Development Business Unit sent the lead Petitioner an email on 14 June 2021 (internal ECM Document Number 12392009). At its meeting held 8 June 2021, Council considered the motions from the recent Electors General Meeting including the motion “that the City of Stirling be renamed to reflect the longstanding and relevant history of this land in such a way that is inclusive and in recognition of the Nyoongar community.” Council resolved as follows:- “That Council REAFFIRMS its commitment to the actions and deliverables within the recently adopted Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (July 2021 – June 2023).” The City’s Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (July 2021 – June 2023) includes 19 actions and 105 deliverables across 5 key focus areas. While there are a number of actions and deliverables focussed on demonstrating respect to Aboriginal people through public displays of recognition to the Traditional Owners, none of these actions or deliverables include renaming the City of Stirling. On that basis, by reaffirming its commitment to the recently adopted Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan Council has now resolved to retain the City of Stirling name This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 30 March 2021 |
Petition title | Expand Morning and Afternoon Parking Restrictions to the Whole of Churchlands Estate |
Verified signatures | 89 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned electors of Churchlands Avenue, Park View Green, The Grove and Hibiscus Court in the suburb of Churchlands WA 6018, request that you expand the morning and afternoon parking restrictions to the whole of Churchlands Estate to prevent:- 1. Serious injury or death of students crossing Churchlands Avenue to access the bus on Pearson Street; 2. Inexperienced P-Plate drivers causing a danger to other drivers, students and pedestrians while driving at high speed; 3. Damage to residents’ verge sprinklers, lawns and Council curbing; 4. Abusive and rude behaviour to the residents in this area; 5. The wrath of City of Stirling Council rubbish truck drivers who have difficulty manoeuvring or entering the streets; 6. The inability to manoeuvre in and out of our driveways with cars parking opposite on the narrow roads; 7. The inability of tradespeople to gain access to our homes to carry out their work; 8. The inability of emergency vehicles including ambulance, police and fire service vehicles to access emergencies; 9. The danger of leaving and entering streets where parked cars reduce the visibility of oncoming traffic; 10. The danger of leaving and entering streets when parked cars reduce the narrow street to one lane, forcing drivers to drive on the wrong side of the road toward blind corners; 11. The danger to pedestrians pushing prams and strollers and walking with small children and pets alongside the long row of parked cars; 12. Long term parking on very narrow streets that were originally deemed too narrow to have long term parking; and 13. Wasting the valuable time of residents who have been corresponding with Stirling City Council for the past 10 years to no avail regarding this matter." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 24 March 2021 (internal Document Set ID 12240243). A report was presented to the Council Meeting of 27 April 2021 regarding this petition, and Council resolved as follows:- "1. That the City INSTALLS ‘No Parking’ signs to the 52 bays along the southern side of Memory Place, applicable from 8.00am to 10.00am, with an exception provided to P-Plated vehicles. 2. That the City WRITES to the Department of Education and Churchlands Senior High School to discuss the implementation of the proposed solution, including an effective communication strategy by the school to all affected parties. 3. That a report be PRESENTED to the Community and Resources Committee meeting to be held 9 November 2021 to summarise the parking activities and issues that have occurred since the implementation of the strategy, as outlined in Recommendation 1 above." This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 1 December 2020 |
Petition title | Parks for Osborne Park |
Verified signatures | 61 |
Responsible business unit | City Planning |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that Council act immediately to address the existing severe deficiency of Public Open Space (POS) in Osborne Park and plan appropriately for the increasing residential and business population it is promoting in our suburb. In the Herdsman Glendalough Structure Plan, the City identified Osborne Park as having ‘a severe shortage of Public Open Space and an inequitable arrangement for this community in comparison to other areas across the City that must be addressed as soon as possible.’ The City has not provided a solution to remedy this finding. Provision of POS is incumbent on the City; offering incentives to developers for POS is not practical or timely and offers no guarantee that sufficient POS will eventuate. We request the City take ownership of the POS deficiency in Osborne Park which it has presided over for years in two ways:-
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 23 November 2020 (internal Document Set ID 10038808). The City Planning Business Unit sent the lead Petitioner an email on 3 December 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12258405) advising that Public Open Space in the portion of Osborne Park within the Herdsman Glendalough Area is to be addressed through the Herdsman Glendalough Structure Plan and Amendment No.114 to Local Planning Scheme No.3. The current version of the Structure Plan and Amendment No.114 require that Public Open Space be delivered throughout the area as development occurs. Amendment No.114 requires that 10% of the area of development sites be provided as Public Open Space where three or more dwellings are proposed. If this Public Open Space is not delivered, then cash in lieu will instead be required. The email further advised that the advertised plans for Herdsman Glendalough (i.e. the Herdsman Glendalough Structure Plan and Amendment No.114) proposed to address open space in the area. As part of the process of preparing plans for the area, the City’s received submissions during the advertising period from 20 August 2020 until 1 October 2020. A report considering Open Space for Osborne Park was presented to Council at its meeting held 9 February 2021. At this meeting Council resolved (Council Resolution Number 0221/018) as follows:-
The full report can be found in the Council Minutes (9 February 2021) on the City's website here. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 1 December 2020 |
Petition title | Delawney Street, Balcatta Speed Limit |
Verified signatures | 618 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | "The preferred outcome of this petition is to amend the speed limit to 60km/per hour. Other suitable outcomes of this petition include:-
Non-preferred outcomes of this petition include:-
Common complaints emanating from Delawney Street, Balcatta, include:-
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 24 November 2020 (internal Document Set ID 10044267). At its meeting held 30 March 2021, Council resolved as follows:- "That the Item relating to Request to Modify Speed Limit on Delawney Street, Balcatta be REFERRED to the Community and Resources Committee meeting to be held 4 May 2021 to allow further consideration by Elected Members." At the Community and Resources Committee Meeting held 4 May 2021 the Committee formed a recommendation to Council, and at its meeting held 11 May 2021, Council resolved (Council Resolution Number 0521/013) as follows:- “That Council SUPPORTS a trial of 60km/h along Delawney Street, Balcatta between Erindale Road and Natalie Way for a period of 12 months.” The City will now prepare a submission to Main Roads WA for their consideration and approval of the modified speed zone. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 1 December 2020 |
Petition title | Request to revoke approval of non-conforming use at Pearl Parade, Scarborough |
Verified signatures | 43 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council:- Revoke its previous decision to approve the parking of a commercial sewerage truck and the storage of human waste at Lot 152, 65 Pearl Parade, Scarborough, WA 6019. On 17 March 2015, the City of Stirling Council voted to give retrospective approval of a non-conforming use for the owner of Lot 152, 65 Pearl Parade, Scarborough to locate a commercial vehicle being a liquid waste transport truck at a residential property, contrary to the applicable local laws of the City of Stirling; this approval was granted despite the admission that human waste would be stored in the vehicle. Notwithstanding the obvious health and amenity concerns of allowing human waste to be stored in a residential area less than 10m from outdoor liveable areas of a neighbouring property, the applicant is alleged to have breached several conditions of the approval. Despite assurances that noxious odours would not affect the amenity of surrounding properties, the reality, as common sense would indicate, is otherwise. The undersigned do not think that this is an approval that the current Council would in good faith consider as proper or prudent and therefore request that this matter be urgently brought before the full Council for reconsideration and rescission.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 2 December 2020 (internal Document Set ID 10044296). The Development Services Business Unit wrote to the lead petitioner on 29 December 2020 (internal ECM Doc Set ID 10059020) to advise that the City had attended the property to investigate the alleged breaches. The operator advised the Environmental Health officer that any waste in the vehicle is removed and the tanker is cleaned off site before the vehicle is parked at the property. No odour was present at the time of the inspection and the lid was closed. The letter confirmed that a valid planning approval exists for the parking of a commercial vehicle at the property and the City cannot rescind this approval, which was granted on 1 April 2015 subject to conditions. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 13 October 2020 |
Petition title | Refuse Surfing WA Ground Lease |
Verified signatures | 480 |
Responsible business unit | Property Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council: Do not enter into a Ground Lease agreement with Surfing WA for the land situated at South Trigg as referenced in planning documents pertaining to Surfing WA Proposed Headquarters Trigg Beach. We believe the area should remain a grassed picnic area (currently the only amenity of its type along the coastal path between Scarborough and Mettams Pool that affords unencumbered sea views). We believe the area should continue to be an open space utilised by the entire community, rather than reserved for the exclusive use of one organisation for the purpose of constructing their head office building.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 8 October 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12205236). At its meeting held 13 October 2020, Council resolved (Council Resolution Number 1020/007) as follows:- Council subsequently resolved (Council resolution number 1020/007) as follows:- "1. That Council APPROVES a new Ground Lease over portion of Crown Reserve 12992, Lot 8, House Number 368, West Coast Drive, Trigg (as shown in Attachment 2 and subject to survey) to Surfing WA Inc. with the following essential terms:- a. An Agreement for Ground Lease being entered into to grant Surfing WA Inc. access to the land for the purpose of constructing the new headquarters building; b. A term of 21 years commencing on the date being the earlier of:- i. The issue of the certificate of occupancy by the City of Stirling; or ii. No later than 12 months from substantial commencement of the development. c. Surfing WA Inc. be granted first right of refusal for any subsequent Ground Lease of the premises, subject to Surfing WA Inc. undertaking a coastal hazard risk assessment in the final year of the Ground Lease to the City’s satisfaction; and d. Annual rent for the Ground Lease to be set at $1.00 payable on demand." The Property Services Team sent a letter to the lead petitioner on 2 December 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12247021) advising that Council considered the item relating to the Surfing WA Ground Lease at the same meeting the petition was accepted. At that meeting, Council considered as part of its decision the results of the City’s consultation and the ePetition received during the meeting. The full report, including the outcomes of the consultation, is contained within the minutes of the meeting, and is available to view on the City's website here. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 13 October 2020 |
Petition title | Support for the Karrinyup High Rise Residential Development |
Verified signatures | 16 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | "We, the undersigned, support the approval process in relation to the Karrinyup Shopping Centre Highrise Residential Development. We are not opposed to the development, but expect that Council will review the development against appropriate impacts to the local community. We expect that appropriate infrastructure will be provided to support this development and look forward to the increased amenities it will bring to our community." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 1 October 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12200057). An extension of time has been granted for completion the Responsible Authority Report (RAR), at the request of the applicant. The RAR was originally due on 29 September 2020 but has now been extended to 15 February 2020. A petition requesting a Special Meeting of Electors was received by the City in relation to the redevelopment at 190 and 200 Karrinyup Road, Karrinyup, also known as Karrinyup Residential (DA19/1906). The purpose of the meeting was “to consider serious community concerns that an orderly and proper planning process has not and cannot occur for the proposed redevelopment at 190 and 200 Karrinyup Road, also known as Karrinyup West Residential (DA19/1906), without site specific planning controls to guide building heights, density and transition zoning first being in place. The Karrinyup community hold further concerns of the inevitable traffic, parking, overshadowing, glare and privacy issues from what they consider inappropriate and ill-considered overdevelopment conducted without an Activity Centre Structure Plan as required by State Planning Policy.” The Special Meeting of Electors was held at 6.00pm on Wednesday 24 February 2021. The Minutes of the meeting are available to view on the City's website (here). At its meeting held 30 March 2021, Council considered the motions passed at the Special Electors' Meeting. The minutes from this meeting are available to view on the City's website (here). The initial RAR was considered by Council at its meeting held 11 May 2021. The minutes from this meeting are available to view on the City's website (here). This RAR was then considered by the Metro Inner-North JDAP at its meeting held 31 May 2021, where the application was deferred. A report on Planning for the Karrinyup Activity Centre was considered by Council at its meeting held 17 August 2021. The minutes from this meeting are available to view on the City's website (here). The RAR relating to the revised submission provided by the applicant in response to the deferral reasons outlined by the Metro Inner-North JDAP, was considered by Council at its meeting held 31 August 2021. The minutes from this meeting are available to view on the City's website (here). This RAR was then considered by the Metro Inner-North JDAP at its meeting held 23 September 2021, where the application was approved. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 22 September 2020 |
Petition title | Request to Remove Empire Park from Mountain Bike Park Considerations |
Verified signatures | 20 |
Responsible business unit | Recreation and Leisure Services |
Petition request | “We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council:- 1. Make urgent representations to the Town of Cambridge, requesting that Empire Park be removed from all its further Mountain Bike Trail site considerations. 2. Make every effort to oppose the project, and to expose the dubious process by which this site has been selected. Without Council support we are disenfranchised in this matter which will have a permanent adverse impact on our neighbourhood.” |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 18 September 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12195796). The City made direct contact with the Town of Cambridge, in relation to the proposal, in response to concerns raised by City of Stirling residents. The matter was considered by the Town of Cambridge at its Community and Resources Committee meeting held 19 October 2020 and Council meeting held 27 October 2020. The Town of Cambridge Council Minutes can be accessed via their website https://www.cambridge.wa.gov.au/Town-Council/Agendas-Minutes The Town of Cambridge Council resolved in part (page 170) to not support mountain bike facilities at Empire Park (corner Durston Road and Empire Avenue). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 22 September 2020 |
Petition title | Request to refuse the proposed development - Karrinyup West Residential Towers (DA19/1906) |
Verified signatures | 839 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | "Karrinyup Shopping Centre should not have a massive tower on its doorstep with a height and bulk that is excessive for the site and unsuitable for the surrounds. As local residents, we welcome redevelopment of the area but believe that the proposed high-rise is too big, too intrusive and totally inappropriate for its proposed location and that the current design needs to be reconsidered. The developers must not be allowed to ignore design guidelines, potential traffic and safety problems, pedestrian access, suitable infrastructure, parking problems, over-crowding and suitability of the structure with the surrounding environment or to disregard community submissions and concerns. Nor should they be allowed to construct an unsuitable over-sized building simply because it delivers the best financial return. The development should revert back to the original submission of low rise apartments." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 17 September 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12195551). An extension of time has been granted for completion the Responsible Authority Report (RAR), at the request of the applicant. The RAR was originally due on 29 September 2020 but has now been extended to 15 February 2020. Further information is available on the City’s Your Say page. A petition requesting a Special Meeting of Electors was received by the City in relation to the redevelopment at 190 and 200 Karrinyup Road, Karrinyup, also known as Karrinyup Residential (DA19/1906). The purpose of the meeting was “to consider serious community concerns that an orderly and proper planning process has not and cannot occur for the proposed redevelopment at 190 and 200 Karrinyup Road, also known as Karrinyup West Residential (DA19/1906), without site specific planning controls to guide building heights, density and transition zoning first being in place. The Karrinyup community hold further concerns of the inevitable traffic, parking, overshadowing, glare and privacy issues from what they consider inappropriate and ill-considered overdevelopment conducted without an Activity Centre Structure Plan as required by State Planning Policy.” The Special Meeting of Electors was held at 6.00pm on Wednesday 24 February 2021. The Minutes of the meeting are available to view on the City's website (here). At its meeting held 30 March 2021, Council considered the motions passed at the Special Electors' Meeting. The minutes from this meeting are available to view on the City's website (here). The initial RAR was considered by Council at its meeting held 11 May 2021. The minutes from this meeting are available to view on the City's website (here). This RAR was then considered by the Metro Inner-North JDAP at its meeting held 31 May 2021, where the application was deferred. A report on Planning for the Karrinyup Activity Centre was considered by Council at its meeting held 17 August 2021. The minutes from this meeting are available to view on the City's website (here). The RAR relating to the revised submission provided by the applicant in response to the deferral reasons outlined by the Metro Inner-North JDAP, was considered by Council at its meeting held 31 August 2021. The minutes from this meeting are available to view on the City's website (here). This RAR was then considered by the Metro Inner-North JDAP at its meeting held 23 September 2021, where the application was approved. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 11 August 2020 |
Petition title | Objection to Tree Planting at Avocado Bangalay Reserve, Dianella |
Verified signatures | 27 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Sustainability |
Petition request | "We the undersigned wish to register our objection to the proposed tree planting around the Avocado/ Bangalay Reserve as we already have over 100 trees in and around the park and reserve." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 13 August 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12149590). As a result of the petition, it was decided to postpone the 2020 planting season on the verges adjacent to the petitioners. The lead petitioner and Ward Councillors have been informed of this decision. The community planting event was subsequently cancelled. The remaining tree planting was completed by contractors in August 2020. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 11 August 2020 |
Petition title | Request to Save Heritage Homes at House Numbers 690 and 692, Beaufort Street, Mount Lawley |
Verified signatures | 259 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | "The Mount Lawley Society and our local community oppose the demolition of House Numbers 690 and 692, Beaufort Street, Mount Lawley. These stunning heritage properties are in excellent condition and have been part of our streetscape and character of Beaufort Street since 1903, when House Number 690 was built for the Schruth family. Number 692 was built in 1915 for the Cohen family. Both families are part of Perth and Mount Lawley history and both homes are excellent examples of the Federation style. Even though House Number 692 has been ‘updated’ at some stage, the Federation bones are still very much intact. The properties are in a Heritage Protection Area in Mount Lawley and the Beaufort Street Plan which aims to protect and conserve quality heritage and character properties. This includes commercial properties which fall under the Beaufort Street Local Development Plan – a statutory document for the local area. The Heritage Protection Design Guidelines Policy 3.1 calls for protection and retention of quality significant character heritage homes in the area dating back pre 1950s. The proposed applications do not meet the LDP objectives or the Heritage Protection Guidelines." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 6 August 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12149714). The Development Services Business Unit wrote to the lead petitioner on 11 August 2020 providing a brief summary of the development applications and the primary objectives of the precinct (retention of buildings built before 1960; and maintain the cohesive street-wall form of the south of the precinct by maintaining consistent setbacks and allowing sensitive infill behind buildings built before 1960). The letter confirmed that new development is permitted to the rear of existing traditional buildings to maintain the streetscape provided that the existing traditional buildings can be retained and protected. All new development within this precinct is to reflect one of the traditional architectural styles as detailed within Part 7 of the Beaufort Street Local Development Plan. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 11 August 2020 |
Petition title | Request for Dogs on Leads within the Wetlands of Princeton Private Estate, Stirling |
Verified signatures | 118 |
Responsible business unit | Community Safety |
Petition request | "We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council change local laws to make it mandatory for dogs to be kept on leads in the park and wetland areas in Princeton Private Estate, Stirling, and that sign posts are put in place advising of this. Some of the issues that have been experienced with uncontrolled dogs off the lead are as follows:-
It is recognised and appreciated that there are many responsible dog owners who keep their dogs under control, and that these people want to enjoy walking their dog on a lead around the Princeton Estate parks and wetlands. This petition in no way intends to diminish that ability, nor would it want to. Invariably these responsible owners keep their dogs on a lead currently and enjoy using the open areas. As an area used by so many families and home to so much wildlife, it is hoped to make this area safer and more pleasant for all users." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 4 August 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12142806). The Community Safety Business Unit wrote to the lead petitioner on 28 August 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12162075) advising that based on officer observations, and the number of reports made to the City over the past three years, there is currently little evidence to support changes to the leash requirements within the wetland areas of the Princeton Estate. As a result of the comments expressed in the petition and to help reduce any negative impact on the community, the City’s Rangers Services team will undertake increased patrols to address any observed negative dog behaviours and engagement activities to promote responsible dog ownership. Through August and September 2020, rangers undertook additional enforcement patrols and engagement activities in the reserves identified in the petition. Responsible dog ownership and positive dog behaviours were also promoted through a geo-targeted social media campaign. During the additional patrols, no significant unlawful behaviour was noted or has been since. Regular and ad hoc patrols of the area are ongoing, and promotions of responsible dog ownership continue. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 28 July 2020 |
Petition title | Request for Additional Consultation for the Careniup Wetlands Reserve Management Plan |
Verified signatures | 140 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Sustainability |
Petition request | "We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the City of Stirling Council:- Hold over the Careniup Wetlands Management Plan for additional consultation as requested by ratepayers as those undersigned object to the current plan for the following reasons:-
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 31 July 2020;(internal ECM Document Number 12138059). The Parks and Services Business Unit wrote to the lead petitioner on 14 August 2020 to advise that an Elected Member workshop had been scheduled to discuss the Careniup Wetlands Management Plan. Following this workshop a report will be presented to a Community and Resources Committee meeting. The Community and Resources Committee considered a report at its meeting held 10 November 2020 containing the outcomes of the second round of community consultation and formed a recommendation for Council's consideration at its meeting held 17 November 2020. At this meeting Council resolved (Council Resolution Number 1120/012) as follows:-
This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 28 July 2020 |
Petition title | Request to Recommend Refusal of DA/19/2040 - House Number 331, West Coast Drive, Trigg |
Verified signatures | 524 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | "We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the City of Stirling and the Development Assessment Panel Members: Recommend refusal as the community and those undersigned object to the development as this proposal is not compliant with the Design WA Local Planning Scheme and policies especially bulk and scale and for the existing streetscape and amenity of the area and has no regard to State Government Heritage guidelines as the property is over 50 years old and significantly historically of which is very limited the coastal areas of Perth and should be valued. Trigg Island Store - Article from West Australian (Perth, WA: 1879 – 1954) Saturday 10 November 1951 p.16 Advertising - Mr J Goodram’s corner store Non-official post office Article from West Australian dated 23 October 1952 states – New PO: A will be opened on November 1, in Mr J Goodram’s store, West Coast Highway, Trigg. Polling places, Article from West Australian dated 4 November 1953, Perth Road Board. Other polling places, Post Office Store, Trigg, cnr. Bennion Street and West Coast Hwy. Doug Clegg’s Bait and Tackle Shop (1970s) Trigg Island Store. Luna mare Patisserie / café late 1990s. Bennion Street Café - April 2003 to 2009. Yelo café started in 2009 and in current 2020" |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 31 July 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12138244). At the Metro Inner-North JDAP Development Assessment Panel meeting held 23 March 2021, it resolved as follows:- "That the Metro Inner-North JDAP Development Assessment Panel, pursuant to section 31 of the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 in respect of SAT application DR 155/2020 of 2020, resolves to: Reconsider its decision dated 13 July 2020 and AFFIRM its decision to Refuse DAP Application reference DAP/19/01722 and accompanying plans (Attachment 1) in accordance with Clause 68 of Schedule 2 (Deemed Provisions) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, and the provisions of the City of Stirling Planning Scheme No.3, and pursuant to clause 24(1) and 26 of the Metropolitan Region Scheme, for the Mixed Use Development - Seven (7) Multiple Dwellings and One (1) Commercial Tenancy at Lot 1, House Number 331 West Coast Drive, Trigg, for the following reasons: Reasons
REASON: The majority of the Panel were of the opinion that the proposal does not meet the planning framework, of particular concern was the lack of, and configuration of onsite parking, unsuitable layout of the loading servicing area and the design, scale and massing of the proposed building which manifests in unacceptable overshadowing. The proposal relies on the use of Bennion Street to facilitate vehicle access and manoeuvring associated with the functional use of the loading area. Accordingly, the design, location and layout of the development results in a restricted commercial loading /servicing area which is considered unacceptable, non-complaint, and a safety risk to pedestrians and other traffic uses, given the location of the site on the corner of West Coast Drive (opposite the beach) and Bennion Street both roads support significant pedestrian movements. On-site parking is insufficient in its location and configuration to accommodate the requirements of the proposed uses. The site location is not considered to warrant any reduction in onsite parking and the success of the development should not rely on street parking. The basement parking area is considered constrained with limited space resulting in difficult and unacceptable vehicle manoeuvring. The plot ratio of the proposal, in terms of design, scale and massing, is considered to impact adversely on the adjoining property to the south by way of significant and unacceptable overshadowing. This is not considered to satisfy the SPP7.3 provisions. Further information is available on the DAP website here and on the City's news page. At the Metro Inner-North JDAP Development Assessment Panel meeting held 27 August 2021, it resolved as follows:- "That the Metro Inner-North JDAP Development Assessment Panel, pursuant to section 31 of the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 in respect of SAT application DR 155/2020 of 2020, resolves to: Reconsider its decision dated 23 March 2021 and SET ASIDE the decision and substitute a new decision to APPROVE DAP Application reference DAP/19/01722 and amended plans in accordance with Clause 68 of Schedule 2 (Deemed Provisions) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and the provisions of the City of Stirling Local Planning Scheme No. 3, and pursuant to clause 24(1) and 26 of the Metropolitan Region Scheme, to approve the Mixed Use Development - Six (6) Multiple Dwellings and One (1) Commercial Tenancy at Lot 1, House Number 331 West Coast Drive, Trigg, subject to the following conditions." The conditions and further information is available on the DAP website here and on the City's website here. This petition is now considered closed.
Date tabled at Council | 23 June 2020 |
Petition title | Objection to Location of Laurie Strutt Reserve Community Garden |
Verified signatures | 50 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Sustainability |
Petition request | "We, the undersigned, are local residents living in close proximity to Laurie Strutt Reserve. We wish to register our objection to the establishment of a 'community garden' in Laurie Strutt Reserve. We support the idea of a 'community garden' per se, but definitely not in Laurie Strutt Reserve. We are very confident there are other more suitable locations in the Coastal Ward" |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 23 June 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12105236). The Parks and Sustainability Business Unit wrote to the lead petitioner on 1 July 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12111229) outlining that the petition and concerns of the community will be addressed in a report to be presented to Council regarding the outcomes of the consultation of the proposed community garden. The Community and Resources Committee considered the outcomes of the Coastal Community Garden Consultation at its meeting held 18 August 2020, and at its meeting held 25 August 2020, Council resolved (Council resolution number 0820/026) as follows:-
The full report, including the outcomes of the consultation, is contained within the minutes of the meeting, and is available to view on the City's website here. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 23 June 2020 |
Petition title | Request to close James Street, North Beach at the Intersection of Hope Street, North Beach |
Verified signatures | 23 |
Responsible business unit | Engineering Services |
Petition request | "There are many reasons why I am requesting for the end of our road to be permanently closed off. Our street is very busy and a thoroughfare for many cars. Majority of the cars that come up and down our street are driving way too fast and it is very dangerous for our children. About five years ago, my mother in law was babysitting our two young kids. Her car was parked on our verge (as we have no driveway- split block) and a car came speeding around the corner, lost control and smashed into my mother in laws car. Then they just drove off and my parents in law had to pay for the damage. There are many children that live and play along our street. I have two girls aged 6 years and 8 years. From the bottom of James Street to the intersection at George Street, there are 18 primary school aged children that live on our road. It is an accident waiting to happen. Also, a large number of young children that walk and ride to school cross at the bottom of our road where James Street turns into Hope Street. This is a very dangerous blind corner. When I walk my children to school every morning, I can hardly see down Hope Street to cross because of several large trees on the verge. Also, we have witnessed many cars come through the round about at the bottom of Malcolm/ Hope Street and speed up towards our corner crossing. Sometimes they lose control and end up on my neighbours verge, or they do burn outs and speed up our street causing havoc. Our road should be used by the people that live on it, not as a constant thoroughfare for everyone. Please accept and consider my request seriously." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 17 June 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12104593). The Engineering Services Business Unit wrote to the lead petitioner on 8 July 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12118095) advising that an assessment has been undertaken under the City's Traffic Management Warrants Policy. This Policy uses a number of data sets to assess the need for traffic management on a City wide basis. Officers assessed James Street against the Policy and the closure of James Street could not be supported at this stage. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 12 May 2020 |
Petition title | Cloth Nappy Initiative |
Verified signatures | 289 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Sustainability |
Petition request | "Climate change and sustainability are big issues in our local and global community. As our population grows, so does our waste. The City of Stirling has a large number of children, particularly children under the age of two. Almost all of those children use nappies. On average a child goes through 6-8 nappies a day. Newborns go through even more. On average, a child goes through 3000 nappies a year. Cloth nappies have made a recent resurgence. They are sustainable and given they can be used for the entirety of a child’s nappy time until toilet training, they are cheaper in the long run. They can also be used for multiple children. However the start up costs, along with a lack of education and knowledge about it how they work, puts a number of people off. Modern cloth nappies (MCNs) generally cost between $8 and $35 per nappy. When it’s recommended that you have at least 24 nappies for full time use, that can be quite expensive. Particularly when all the other costs of a pram, cot, clothing etc. for a new baby is also added in. We propose that the City of Stirling commence two initiatives to support families in using cloth nappies. First, run free education seminars or classes about cloth nappies. There are a number of individuals and businesses that provide this service that the City of Stirling could use. Second, the City of Stirling provide a financial incentive to those that purchase cloth nappies, similar to that already run in other councils, whereby families can claim a yearly amount back upon proof of purchase, up to a certain limit. We firmly believe that both of these initiatives, together, would significantly assist in reducing waste and supporting young families in the City of Stirling." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 6 May 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12058986). The Parks and Sustainability Business wrote to the lead petitioner on 6 June 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12086057) outlining that the City is not currently offering financial incentives or workshops for cloth nappies. The City is, however, a member of “Switch Your Thinking,” a local government initiative that inspires sustainable action in Perth. Through this membership, residents have access to the services of the initiative, such as online workshops. The City recently promoted an online workshop encouraging the use of cloth nappies. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 12 May 2020 |
Petition title | Request to Stop 224 Cars in Stirling Backstreets |
Verified signatures | 137 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | "A massive outside of business hours (incl. Saturday) childcare business is proposed on the corner of Spoonbill Road and Cedric Street, Stirling, creating at least 224 car movements per day and it does meet the R Codes. This development does not meet the following Residential Design Codes and must not be approved by Council with these exemptions as it will look like a prison on a hill but painted as a circus tent: 1. Filling the site to a depth of 0.97m, is in excess of the 0.50m allowed; 2. The retaining walls will have a maximum height of 0.97m are higher than the 0.50 m allowed. Gaudy childcare business paint schemes and commercial signage are designed to garner attention and Council must not allow this visual pollution. Spoonbill Rd and Cedric St are very busy with morning and afternoon school and work traffic. They are "rat-runs" but the developers have supported their DA by claiming that there will be no adverse effects to residents. 224 vehicle movements per day that will access a tiny carpark via Cedric Street on the round-about, will cause traffic chaos. The application plans for 13 bays which does not have enough car parks for a 0-3-year-old childcare business. The carparks will not meet the requirements of the staff let alone parents dropping off babies. This will require at least 15 min or more turn-around times. This is due to the difficulty of babies being secured in a car and then signing in and settling or collecting babies. This will not be a kiss and drive. There will be increased traffic on Cedric Street from the three other new childcare businesses being built and from the units at the shopping centre. There is a lack of parking at the Stirling Shopping Centre, so this development will only add to the traffic snarls and rat parking. There are enough sites that are zoned commercial and untenanted in the area so there is no need for business to be dumped into a long-term residential area for the commercial gain of a developer that don't even live in Stirling. Council should be supporting commercial property owners and not increasing commercial property supply by allowing quasi commercial premises in our residential zones. Stirling will get even more rat-parkers now that leave their car in the back streets after dropping off their children and to catch public transport to the city to avoid paying for parking in the city or at the train station only to return in the evening. There is no preferential treatment in this business for locals and it has been located to capture rat runners to the train station or the freeway. Stirling already has several under capacity childcare businesses in a 5km radius and Council must use their discretion and not approve any more. This extended hours childcare business doesn't have enough carparks for staff let alone parents dropping children off and the parking needs to be 30 bays not 13. They have reduced the car bays for 4 bike racks and a bus stop but no-one will take babies to childcare on a pushbike or bus, it is simply ridiculous, Council must not allow this reduction. Lack of bays will cause people to park on Sandpiper and Spoonbill Roads which will cause a standstill of cars with parking on these streets 20 meters from a very busy round-about. There are 3 bus services at peak hours on Cedric Street and the car parking, turning off and stopping will interfere with these services. The site has developed trees and the building on the site appears to destroy the established 30 year old tree cover and Council needs to stop this tree loss. Councillors must not allow this discretionary use as it is not a right as it is not being rezoned commercial and it's simply an approved use subject to Council discretion for a residential property. It must not be allowed." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 6 May 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12058987). At the Planning and Development Committee Meeting held 16 June 2020 the Committee formed a recommendation to Council, and at its meeting held 23 June 2020, Council resolved (Council Resolution Number 0620/027) as follows:- 1. That pursuant to Clause 68(2) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the application for a Child Care Premises at Lot 7, House Number 3, Spoonbill Road, Stirling be REFUSED for the following reasons:- a. The application does not satisfy Schedule 2, Part 9, Clause 67 (n) (t) and (y) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 as the development will have a detrimental impact on the amenity of the locality; b. The development does not meet aim 1.6 (a) of the City’s Local Planning Scheme No.3 as the proposal is for commercial use within a residential area; and c. The development does not meet Clause 4.2.12 (a) objective of the residential zone as the proposal is for a commercial use within a residential zone. 2. That a review is COMMENCED on the City's Local Planning Policy 6.4 - Child Day Care Centres. The full report within the Council Minutes can be viewed on the City's website (click here). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 24 March 2020 |
Petition title | Request for Consultation with Surrounding Residents of 269 Ewen Street, Woodlands |
Verified signatures | 2 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | "We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council:- Realise that we have not been notified in writing by the City of Stirling regarding the proposed development of a 10 block accommodation development to be constructed at 269 Ewen Street, Woodlands which is against the Planning and the City’s policies and regulations. This repeated lack of communication has been raised on many occasions across the City of Stirling for many years by many residents and ratepayers and has been ignored. We request the Council ensure that ratepayers and residents that live within at least 100 to 150 metres of all proposed development in Ewen Street, Woodlands be held over until proper consultation has taken place with the community." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 25 March 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12015684). The Development Services Business Unit sent a letter to the lead petitioner on 1 April 2020 advising that the Development application has been withdrawal by the applicant (internal ECM Document Number 12038823). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 24 March 2020 |
Petition title | Objection to the Development Application at 269 Ewen Street, Woodlands |
Verified signatures | 27 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | "We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council:- Refuse the development as those undersigned object for the following reasons:- 1. Ratepayers who live in close proximity to this site were not informed of the development. 2. Does not meet the acceptable outcomes as outlined in Volume 2 of the State Planning Policy 7.3 with regard to many issues that affect good planning and the amenity of the existing area. 3. Setbacks too small around boundaries (pedestrian and car safety as busy road and noise). 4. Site coverage and building height (large plot ratio as 10 units are too big for the site, should be less than two storeys as previously agreed upon in public consultation years ago). 5. Overshadowing to adjacent existing residents (affecting solar panels and health and wellbeing). 6. Parking and traffic (insufficient parking now and is already dangerous with lots of accidents). 7. Landscaping and new trees life (needs to comply with State Government Tree Canopy Policy). 8. Streetscape and overall bulk and scale is not in line with character of the area, Design WA Planning Scheme, Privacy provisions or intention of Stirling City Centre Structure Plan." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 25 March 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12015698). The Development Services Business Unit sent a letter to the lead petitioner on1 April 2020 advising that the Development application has been withdrawal by the applicant (internal ECM Document Number 12038823). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 24 March 2020 |
Petition title | Objection to the Proposed Development at 331 West Coast Drive, Trigg |
Verified signatures | 494 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | "We, the undersigned do respectfully request that the Council and the JDAP panel oppose the proposed development due to the following objections:- [Proposed Development refers to 331 West Coast Drive, Trigg DA 19/2040]
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 24 March 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12015725). At the Metro Inner-North JDAP Development Assessment Panel meeting held 23 March 2021, it resolved as follows:- "That the Metro Inner-North JDAP Development Assessment Panel, pursuant to section 31 of the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 in respect of SAT application DR 155/2020 of 2020, resolves to: Reconsider its decision dated 13 July 2020 and AFFIRM its decision to Refuse DAP Application reference DAP/19/01722 and accompanying plans (Attachment 1) in accordance with Clause 68 of Schedule 2 (Deemed Provisions) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, and the provisions of the City of Stirling Planning Scheme No.3, and pursuant to clause 24(1) and 26 of the Metropolitan Region Scheme, for the Mixed Use Development - Seven (7) Multiple Dwellings and One (1) Commercial Tenancy at Lot 1, House Number 331 West Coast Drive, Trigg, for the following reasons: Reasons
REASON: The majority of the Panel were of the opinion that the proposal does not meet the planning framework, of particular concern was the lack of, and configuration of onsite parking, unsuitable layout of the loading servicing area and the design, scale and massing of the proposed building which manifests in unacceptable overshadowing. The proposal relies on the use of Bennion Street to facilitate vehicle access and manoeuvring associated with the functional use of the loading area. Accordingly, the design, location and layout of the development results in a restricted commercial loading /servicing area which is considered unacceptable, non-complaint, and a safety risk to pedestrians and other traffic uses, given the location of the site on the corner of West Coast Drive (opposite the beach) and Bennion Street both roads support significant pedestrian movements. On-site parking is insufficient in its location and configuration to accommodate the requirements of the proposed uses. The site location is not considered to warrant any reduction in onsite parking and the success of the development should not rely on street parking. The basement parking area is considered constrained with limited space resulting in difficult and unacceptable vehicle manoeuvring. The plot ratio of the proposal, in terms of design, scale and massing, is considered to impact adversely on the adjoining property to the south by way of significant and unacceptable overshadowing. This is not considered to satisfy the SPP7.3 provisions. Further information is available on the DAP website here and on the City's news page (click here). At the Metro Inner-North JDAP Development Assessment Panel meeting held 27 August 2021, it resolved as follows:- "That the Metro Inner-North JDAP Development Assessment Panel, pursuant to section 31 of the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 in respect of SAT application DR 155/2020 of 2020, resolves to: Reconsider its decision dated 23 March 2021 and SET ASIDE the decision and substitute a new decision to APPROVE DAP Application reference DAP/19/01722 and amended plans in accordance with Clause 68 of Schedule 2 (Deemed Provisions) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and the provisions of the City of Stirling Local Planning Scheme No. 3, and pursuant to clause 24(1) and 26 of the Metropolitan Region Scheme, to approve the Mixed Use Development - Six (6) Multiple Dwellings and One (1) Commercial Tenancy at Lot 1, House Number 331 West Coast Drive, Trigg, subject to the following conditions." The conditions and further information is available on the DAP website here and on the City's website here. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 24 March 2020 |
Petition title | Froth Coffee Seeking Approval to Trade at Peasholm Dog Beach |
Verified signatures | 492 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | @I'm a local mobile Coffee Van well known and loved in Scarborough. Froth Coffee would like to get a permit to trade everyday at Peasholm Dog Beach. Please sign my petition to help support our community, small business owners and activate the space." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 18 March 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 12007918). The Development Services Business Unit emailed the lead petitioner on 31 March 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 9838238) requesting that the lead petitioner complete a development application. The City will assess the application when it is received, and will be able to progress the request of the petition. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 25 February 2020 |
Petition title | Opposition to Council's Decision on the Location of the Hamer Park Clubrooms |
Verified signatures | 39 |
Responsible business unit | Facilities, Projects and Assets |
Petition request | "We the undersigned residents of Second Avenue and Third Avenue between North Street and Clifton Crescent Mount Lawley do respectfully request that the Council reconsider the decision to locate the Clubrooms in Hamer Park on the North Street side of Hamer Park. We support the recommendation made by City of Stirling staff to build the clubroom on Woodsome Street directly across from Mount Lawley Senior High School. The building would be 20m from the road and require a 12-bay car park in Hamer Park. We support this location because the school could use the clubhouse building and extra parking during school hours. The clubs, which only operate outside school hours, would use all the parking and drop off facilities built in Woodsome Street for the school. The clubhouse would face away from the sun, have mature shade trees nearby and be 200m from the nearest residence. We oppose the decision made by the elected members of the City of Stirling to build the clubhouse on the North Street side of Hamer Park. This location is an intrusive 75m into Hamer Park and requires a 59-bay car park to be built in Hamer Park 10m from residences. It will be built on the root system of one of the matching pair of large lemon-scented gum trees. The building will face the sun and there are few nearby shade trees." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 27 February 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 11989076). At the Community and Resources Committee meeting held 4 February 2020, the Committee made a recommendation to Council and at the Council meeting held 11 February 2020, Council resolved (Council Resolution Number 0220/012) as follows:-
The full report within the Council Minutes can be viewed on the City's website (click here). Following Councils resolution to endorse Option C’ as the location of the redevelopment of Hamer Park Clubrooms, the community was advised of the endorsed location by email. The concept design was also emailed to the community and is available to view on the City website (click here). Detailed designs of the Clubrooms are currently being finalised and are expected to be complete in July 2020. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 11 February 2020 |
Petition title | Objection to the Proposed Child Care Facility on the corner of Cedric Street and Spoonbill Road, Stirling |
Verified signatures | 187 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | "We, the residents of Stirling, would like to advise of our strong objection to the proposed development of a child care facility on the corner of Cedric Street and Spoonbill Road, Stirling. We believe the significant increase to traffic and congestion will have a very negative impact on Cedric Street and the greater vicinity. We are also very concerned of the dangers and health and safety concerns it will impose not only on the residents, but also children, consumers and staff of the child care centre due to stopping and starting of cars and the backup it will cause at the intersection. There is a real possibility of increased back street parking in the nearby streets further increasing risks and negative impact on the community. We are well aware that the age demographics of the nearby area do not warrant this facility and there are adequate vacancies in child care facilities within a close and convenient proximity to the proposed child care site. As residents and ratepayers, we understand the need for necessary development but this is not necessary and we strongly believe it will have a negative impact on all involved. We request thoughtful consideration by the Councillors and Planners in placing the safety of residents they represent and serve above the commercial interest of the developer. We would request further review and rejection of the proposal." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 13 February 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 11974150). At the Planning and Development Committee Meeting held 16 June 2020 the Committee formed a recommendation to Council, and at its meeting held 23 June 2020, Council resolved (Council Resolution Number 0620/027)as follows:- 1. That pursuant to Clause 68(2) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the application for a Child Care Premises at Lot 7, House Number 3, Spoonbill Road, Stirling be REFUSED for the following reasons:- a. The application does not satisfy Schedule 2, Part 9, Clause 67 (n) (t) and (y) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 as the development will have a detrimental impact on the amenity of the locality; b. The development does not meet aim 1.6 (a) of the City’s Local Planning Scheme No.3 as the proposal is for commercial use within a residential area; and c. The development does not meet Clause 4.2.12 (a) objective of the residential zone as the proposal is for a commercial use within a residential zone. 2. That a review is COMMENCED on the City’s Local Planning Policy 6.4 - Child Day Care Centres. The full report within the Council Minutes can be viewed on the City's website (click here). This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 11 February 2020 |
Petition title | Request for a detailed Comparison of the Proposed Locations of the Hamer Park Clubrooms |
Verified signatures | 455 |
Responsible business unit | Recreation and Leisure Services |
Petition request | "A decision must be made on where to build the new clubrooms in Hamer Park. We, the undersigned, do respectfully request that the Council instruct a detailed comparison of the proposed locations for the clubrooms on the Woodsome Street and the North Street sides of Hamer Park. Such a comparison needs to be based on all relevant and factually correct information and made public." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 12 February 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 11973166). At the Community and Resources Committee meeting held 4 February 2020, the Committee made a recommendation to Council and at the Council meeting held 11 February 2020, Council resolved (Council Resolution Number 0220/012) as follows:-
The full report within the Council Minutes can be viewed on the City's website (click here). Following Council’s resolution to endorse ‘Option C’ as the location of the redevelopment of the Hamer Park Clubrooms, the community was advised of the endorsed location by email. Detailed designs of the Clubrooms are currently being finalised and are excepted to be complete in July 2020. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 11 February 2020 |
Petition title | Extend the Consultation period for Hamer Park and Inglewood Oval |
Verified signatures | 44 |
Responsible business unit | Recreation and Leisure Services |
Petition request | "The Hamer Park and Inglewood Oval redevelopment planning process which initiated in 2006 has progressed with extensive community involvement to where in 2014 a number of options presented for community comment. Work done by external consultants identified key criteria for the redevelopment being the need to:-
The decision to remove the Woodsome St location from the redevelopment options means that most of these key criteria such as noise reduction for residents, improved viewing for spectators are impact to the trees within the park are not met. The community communication of this change was flawed with a large number of residents not receiving information from the Council of this decision. The community consultation process needs to be extended to ensure affected residents within close proximity to the current club rooms can be involved with the final location decision." |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 31 January 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 11972942). At the Community and Resources Committee meeting held 4 February 2020, the Committee made a recommendation to Council and at the Council meeting held 11 February 2020, Council resolved (Council Resolution Number 0220/012) as follows:-
The full report within the Council Minutes can be viewed on the City's website (click here). Following Council’s resolution to endorse ‘Option C’ as the location of the redevelopment of Hamer Park Clubrooms, the community was advised of the endorsed location by email. The concept design was also emailed to the community and is available to view on the City's website (click here). Detailed designs of the Clubrooms are currently being finalised and are expected to be complete in July 2020. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 11 February 2020 |
Petition title | Request for the City of Stirling to Declare a Climate Emergency |
Verified signatures | 54 |
Responsible business unit | Parks and Sustainability |
Petition request | Dear Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors of the City of Stirling; I am writing to you today to implore you that a climate emergency is declared in the City of Stirling. I am writing to you today to ask that you consider the 150 million people that will die prematurely before the end of the century. I am writing to you today to ask you to consider the 100 to 200 species that have gone extinct between the time you and I woke up this morning and the time we will go to bed this evening. I am writing to you today to ask you to consider the horrible and disastrous effects the climate crisis will have on human rights. I am writing to you today to ask you to consider the trillions of dollars that climate change will cost annually by the end of |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 19 July 2019 (internal ECM Document Number 11377726). At the Electors General Meeting held Monday 2 December 2019 a motion was carried as follows:- That the City of Stirling declare a Climate Emergency" The complete minutes of Electors General Meeting are available to view on the City's website(click here). At the Council meeting held 11 February 2020, Council considered the motion carried at the Electors General Meeting and resolved (Council Resolution Number 0220/028) as follows:- "That Council NOTES that an Energywise City Plan Councillor Workshop will be held in February 2020, with the Plan subsequently being presented to Council in March 2020." The full report within the Council Minutes can be viewed on the City's website (click here). The Sustainable Energy Action Plan (Corporate) 2020-2030 is available on the City’s website within the Community and Resources Committee Agenda for its meeting to be held 3 March 2020 (click here to view the agenda). Declaring a Climate Emergency is discussed within this report (Item PS1). At this meeting, the Committee made a recommendation to Council. At its meeting held 10 March 2020, Council endorsed the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (Corporate) 2020-2030 to be advertised for community consultation (Council Resolution Number 0320/004). The Parks and Sustainability Business Unit sent a letter to the lead petitioner (internal ECM Document Number 12012051) to confirm that Council will continue to align City emissions reduction targets with the Paris Agreement targets which aim for zero net emissions by 2050. The City's targets to reduce carbon emissions by 70% by 2030 would put the City on track to be net zero by or before 2050. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 11 February 2020 |
Petition title | Save Our Public Land from Investors |
Verified signatures | 277 verified signatures (ePetition: 254 verified signatures, hard copy petition: 23 verified signatures) |
Responsible business unit | City Planning |
Petition request | Save our public land, lot 223 and 223A, on the corner of Main and Hutton Streets, Osborne Park, from investors and developers, and create a Town Square (Piazza) for our community. After surveys and public consultation it was in favour that a large open public place was to be created where people can come together, filled with trees, bench seats, water fountains and local art. Where we can meet and greet, where we can take a stroll and just be, where our seniors, elders, teens and children can enjoy interacting, where we can hold events and festivals, where local artists can create pieces that reflect the market garden and multicultural history and culture of Osborne Park and surrounding suburbs. Piazzas encourage people to venture out and escape the loneliness they may feel staying home. They are an essential part of our wellbeing and unite our communities. Some people can't afford to eat out but a piazza encourages social interaction without the cost and builds a healthier and less isolated community. It doesn't have to be full of people every day, all day. It just has to be a piece of the community we can keep as ours and can call ours. We need to prioritise people and their wellbeing, not put profit over the people. This land is the jewel in the crown for our people. It unites the North and South of Main Street. It is what every other precinct dreams of creating but lack space to create it. It is the heart of our Town Centre, and we want it to become the heartbeat that will bring our community back to life. Please help us save our land from the big investors. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 7 January 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 11972477). The City Planning Business Unit wrote to the lead petitioner on 14 February 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 9794905) to advise the Main Street Urban Design Strategy would be presented to the 18 February 2020 Planning and Development Committee meeting, which would address their petition, and that the Committee would form a recommendation to Council. At its meeting held 25 February 2020, Council considered the outcomes of advertising and resolved as follows:- "That Council ENDORSES the modified Main Street Urban Design Strategy, as shown in Attachment 6, and the associated Transport Plan." The City Planning Business Unit wrote to the lead petitioner on 11 March 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 9865954) to advise of Council's resolution. This petition is now considered closed. |
Date tabled at Council | 11 February 2020 |
Petition title | Prevent 224 Extra Cars on Stirling Backstreets, Along Spoonbill Road and Cedric Street |
Verified signatures | 287 |
Responsible business unit | Development Services |
Petition request | A huge commercial childcare business with extended operating hours is to be imposed on Spoonbill Road & Cedric Street, Stirling residents with at least 224 car movements per day so act now before it's too late please! A massive extended hours childcare centre that is being proposed to be built on the corner of Spoonbill Road and Cedric Street, Stirling. Spoonbill Road and Cedric Street are extremely busy in the mornings and afternoons with school and work traffic and also suffers from 'rat-run' problems of people cutting through the backstreets to avoid freeway congestion. The Developers have supported their application, saying that there will be no adverse affects on local residents even though the 224 vehicle movements will access through Spoonbill Road which, when you have cars parked on one side it, becomes a one lane road. Cars will be snaking from the east and north all the way through Stirling to access this massive centre in the backstreets of Stirling. The application allows for 13 bays which probably will not even cater for the centre employees let alone the parents of the 50 children dropping off each day. Putting an estimated total of over 224 car movements in and out each day (as noted in the Traffic Report prepared for the City) trying to park, drop off and pick up children on this corner location will be a disaster, given there is such a large traffic flow and a roundabout with no ability to park on the corner. This corner is already too busy from the freeway 'rat-runners'! There will also be the increased traffic on Cedric Street from the Unit Development and lack of parking issues at the Stirling Shopping Centre. This proposed development will only add to the traffic snarls in our local area. There are plenty of sites available that are already zoned commercial, like the now 10-year empty Stirling deli site on Odin Road or the Balcatta Growers Market, which already have the size and zoning and have been well established in the area and not just dumped into a long-term residential area for the commercial gain of a couple of out of the area business suits. We will also get 'rat-parkers' that leave their car in the back streets, after dropping off their children, to catch public transport to avoid paying for parking in the City or at the train station only to return in the evening. Don't be fooled into thinking this is for our local area as there is no preferential treatment in these centres for locals as it's been strategically located here to capture people coming in further from the north or east to the train station or the freeway and it will fill our local streets up with 224 extra vehicle movements per day in an area already full of rat runners avoiding the freeway as they traipse through at all hours disturbing our area. The problem is that this extended hours daycare currently does not have enough carparks for employees or parents dropping children off. We request that at least 24 bays be provided, rather than 12. The access into a suburban side street, like Spoonbill Road, will cause a logjam of cars with people parking on the street 20m from a very busy round-about. We encourage local residents to immediately contact the City of Stirling as currently the response period is still open as the developer has outstanding information to provide and so time is of the essence. |
Comment/status | Governance sent an acknowledgement email to the lead petitioner on 5 February 2020 (internal ECM Document Number 11972544). At the Planning and Development Committee Meeting held 16 June 2020 the Committee formed a recommendation to Council, and at its meeting held 23 June 2020, Council resolved (Council Resolution Number 0620/027) as follows:- 1. That pursuant to Clause 68(2) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the application for a Child Care Premises at Lot 7, House Number 3, Spoonbill Road, Stirling be REFUSED for the following reasons:- a. The application does not satisfy Schedule 2, Part 9, Clause 67 (n) (t) and (y) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 as the development will have a detrimental impact on the amenity of the locality; b. The development does not meet aim 1.6 (a) of the City's Local Planning Scheme No.3 as the proposal is for commercial use within a residential area; and c. The development does not meet Clause 4.2.12 (a) objective of the residential zone as the proposal is for a commercial use within a residential zone. 2. That a review is COMMENCED on the City's Local Planning Policy 6.4 - Child Day Care Centres. The full report within the Council Minutes can be viewed on the City's website (click here). This petition is now considered closed. |