Community history

The City of Stirling has a culturally diverse history. We're committed to preserving and showcasing historical artefacts, documents and stories from different eras, and making them accessible for public viewing.

The City of Stirling is situated on land known as Mooro Country, which has been home to the Wadjak Nyoongar people for over 60,000 years. This region stretches from the Indian Ocean in the west to Ellenbrook in the east, and from the Swan River in the south to Yanchep in the north.

Wadjak is one of the 14 languages spoken by Nyoongar people originating across the southwest of Western Australia. When colonization began in 1829, Yellagonga—an Elder of the Wadjak people—inhabited Mooro Country. Yellagonga’s people, like their ancestors before them, followed seasonal migrations: from the coastal wetland areas in Summer/Autumn (Bunuru/Djeran) to inland areas in Winter/Spring (Djilba/Kamberang).

A coastal wetlands trail for Nyoongar people extended from the Swan River, connecting a chain of lakes through to Yanchep. The Nyoongar community regards this chain of lakes as “all the same water,” symbolising “one water, many lakes.”

Today, Aboriginal Heritage Sites are registered at each of the lakes in this chain, making Gwelup, Star Swamp, and Herdsman significant cultural landmarks within the City of Stirling for the Nyoongar people.

Mooro People’s Knowledge Trail

Migrants play an important role in the City of Stirling’s history. Chinese and European settlers contributed significantly to the growth of agriculture in the early 1900s. Despite the challenges of moving to a new country with a different language, these migrants established successful market gardens in suburbs like Osborne Park.

By the late 1940s, the local population had reached 31,000 people, and suburban subdivisions were taking shape. Some suburb names were derived from Aboriginal words, such as Yokine (meaning 'dingo' or 'native dog'), Coolbinia (referring to mistletoe), and Nollamara (associated with the black kangaroo paw).

Other suburbs honoured local figures. For instance, Mount Lawley recognised the former WA Governor Sir Arthur Lawley. Nearby, the suburb of Menora has a strong association with the Jewish community, and its name refers to the menorah, a seven-branched candelabrum used in Jewish religious ceremonies.

Today, the City of Stirling thrives as a multicultural hub, covering approximately 100 square kilometers. Home to around 240,000 people, it spans 30 suburbs, from Dianella in the east to Trigg in the west, Hamersley in the north, and Mount Lawley in the south. The diverse landscape includes 6.5 km of coastline, 616 hectares of natural bushland, and over 98,000 properties.

The story of the City of Stirling dates back to 1871 when it formed part of a 647-square-kilometre area governed by the Perth Road Board. At that time, the total population across Western Australia accounted for just 25,000 people. The area managed by the Perth Road Board was either rural or completely undeveloped and included land areas that would later become the cities of Wanneroo, Bayswater, and Belmont.

During its first 20 years, the Perth Road Board focused on constructing and repairing roads and bridges. A makeshift road made from wooden planks connected isolated coastal rural areas to Scarborough and Innaloo. That plank road was an early version of Scarborough Beach Road.

Early residents faced extremely harsh conditions and suffered considerable hardship in their efforts to develop and farm the virgin bushland. At this time, the long-gone Balcatta Hotel on Wanneroo Road would offer respite for Travelers returning from the challenging north-west stock route.

In July 1961, the Local Government Act 1960 was passed, with road boards becoming shires and uniform legislation put in place to govern cities, towns, and shires. That same year, the Perth Road Board became the Shire of Perth with a population of approximately 84,000 people.

A decade later, the Shire of Perth was renamed the City of Stirling in 1971, with its population almost doubled to 160,000 people. The changes to become a City coincided with the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the original Perth Road Board.

Commemorative Memorial and Plaques

Commemorative Memorial and Plaques

The City’s Commemorative Memorials and Plaques application form provides residents with an opportunity to acknowledge people, organisations, and events that have made significant contributions to the City of Stirling and the local community.

Applications will be assessed using supporting documentation and evidence, and nominees will be advised as soon as possible. However, this process may take time due to the level of research required.

View the Commemorative Memorial Plaques policy.

Stirling Stories

Stirling Stories

We have collected memories and experiences from long-term members of the community who have lived or worked within the City of Stirling for 30 years or more. These contributions enhance the Stirling Oral History collection. By recording oral history interviews, we ensure that the voices of interviewees and their stories will endure for future generations.

Click here to see Stirling Stories playlist