The City of Stirling is currently working in collaboration with Main Roads WA to improve the safety of local roads and intersections.
In line with the City’s aim to provide safe roads and road systems, the City of Stirling and Main Roads WA have been working collaboratively on the Urban Road Safety Program (URSP) to improve the safety of local roads and intersections.
The URSP actively identifies and prioritises local neighbourhood areas with a higher-than-average casualty crash history. Generally applied area wide or with a whole of street approach, design and construction of these road treatments aim to address these issues by implementing a safe road environment which, when combined with appropriate travel speeds, will reduce the number and severity of crashes.
The URSP typically uses low-cost compact road safety treatments with the aim of reducing vehicle speeds and crashes in an area wide scheme that provides excellent value to the community.
Types of road treatments
Raised safety platform
- Asphalt speed cushion
- Midblock speed plateau
- Mini roundabout
- Safety platform.
Financial year 2023 - 2024
- Project area Balga
- Timeline Tuesday 7 May to Friday 31 May 2024
- Rationale Based on positive responses from the community to our previous projects, we are considering expanding the program to Balga
- Project The treatments will improve safety by reducing vehicle speeds and improving the visibility of the intersections to motorists.
The footprint of these raised intersection platforms is considerably smaller than the typical intersection plateau and there are no proposed changes to kerb alignments. See gallery image Raised Safety Platform.
Location and treatment type
- Culloton Crescent - Raised Safety Platform, proposed minor footpath realignments to realign existing pedestrian crossings.
- Camberwell Road - Raised Safety Platform, Midblock asphalt speed cushions
- Wallington Road - The existing rubber speed cushions on will be upgraded to asphalt
- Mentone Road - Raised Safety Platform, proposed minor footpath realignments to realign existing pedestrian crossings
- Maitland Road - Midblock Speed Plateau.
Herdsman-Glendalough Precinct
The City has installed eight raised safety platforms at intersections on Hasler Road, Walters Drive and Parkland Road in the Herdsman-Glendalough Precinct, south of Scarborough Beach Road.
These raised platforms were designed to slow vehicle speeds and are red in colour to better highlight the presence of an intersection. They have been designed for heavy vehicle use and will be larger and more forgiving to commercial vehicles than the raised safety platforms installed in residential areas for our previous URSP projects.
An additional standalone treatment was implemeted at the intersection of Pollard Street and the Harborne Street slip road. This will serve a similar purpose in slowing down traffic and highlighting the Pollard Street intersection to road users.
The City has installed urban road safety treatments in Westminster to reduce vehicle speeds and improving the visibility of the intersections to motorists in Victoria Road/Lodesworth Road (both intersections), Amberley Way/Lodesworth Road and Amberley Way/Blackdoune Way.
The footprint of these raised intersection platforms is considerably smaller than the typical intersection plateau and there are no proposed changes to kerb alignments.
In addition to the raised intersection platforms, a midblock safety plateaus are proposed on Amberley Way on each approach to Shelbred Way and an additional mini roundabout at the intersection of Balcombe Way and Selhan Place.
Mount Lawley
With 75% support from the community, the City installed fourteen raised safety platforms at intersections in the area bounded by First Avenue, Beaufort Street, Central Avenue, and Railway Parade.
In addition to the raised intersection platforms, a mini roundabout was installed at the intersection of Park Rd and Farnley Street.
Main Roads WA also trialed a 40 km/h speed zone in the area enclosed by Railway Parade, Beaufort Street, Central Avenue and First Avenue (included) to work in conjunction with the area wide traffic treatments.
40 km/h area zone signs as part of the Mt Lawley urban road safety program have now been installed.
For more information, or to receive this information in an alternate format, please contact the City on (08) 9205 8555 or visit