What are we planning for?
Stirling’s population has increased every year for the past 10 years. As Perth grows, even more residents will make their homes in the City of Stirling, boosting the demand for housing and infrastructure.
As well as greater supply, a wider variety of housing types are needed so we can each make individual choices as life changes over time. More than ever, we are also interested in how to live more sustainably, including the housing we choose.
Our community is growing and changing but another consideration is the housing targets which have been set by the State Government as part of a regional plan for population growth.
What is the City's Urban Change Readiness Index?
In 2023, the City of Stirling collaborated with external consultants to develop an Urban Change Readiness Index for our local government area. This Index, based on evidence and research, helps identify community sentiments about urban growth. It measures attitudes towards urban change in three key areas: urban change literacy, place attachment, and actors within the development system.
Residents from across the City, including groups often underrepresented in traditional consultation methods, such as renters and young residents, participated in the survey. Key findings highlight an overall lack of literacy regarding planning issues and urban change, preferred urban change scenarios, and the most trusted participants in the development process.
The results of the Index have provided valuable insights for the City. The study has highlighted opportunities to build knowledge about urban growth and change. By sharing information on topics that interest our community, such as ‘how to live more sustainably’ and ‘ways to provide greater housing options for our changing community,’ we aim to enhance community understanding and engagement.
What is happening now?
The City will soon embarking on a journey, Planning Sustainable Stirling, with the introduction of draft Local Planning Scheme No.4 (LPS4), set to replace LPS3. We understand the community want less confusion and more certainty around what the future will look like within the City of Stirling.
LPS4 will provide clarity, ensuring you know what can be built on your block. It will be the basis to guide and manage future development in the City.
LPS4 is aligned with our Sustainable Stirling Strategic Community Plan and is our commitment to a smart, prosperous City.
We’ve prepared information that outlines how the details of LPS4 relate to your local area and our path forward from here. Learn more by visiting the project page.

It will be important to balance new development and accommodate growth while maintaining the character and heritage of our local areas. We will plan to maintain the amenity of these local areas, ensuring that they are thriving and liveable with a diverse range of housing. We will strategically plan for growth in activity centres and corridors to ensure our community has access to their daily needs close by.
The Perth and Peel @ 3.5million land use planning and infrastructure frameworks aim to accommodate 3.5 million people by 2050.
For every 1000 people that move to Perth and Peel region, 71 are forecast to move to the City of Stirling.
In Stirling, roughly 115,000 additional people are projected to move into the City over the next 30 years, requiring 51,000 new homes.
The City is planning for most of these new homes to be located around our established centres. This means that more people can live where there are already jobs, services and infrastructure and we can protect the character of our suburbs.
A local planning scheme sets out the framework for decision-making about how land within the City is used and developed.
The new Scheme will continue to protect the character of existing residential areas while promoting investment and development in the City’s network of commercial centres.
LPS4 takes a balanced approach so the quality and liveability of our local areas can be enhanced. The changes included in LPS4 are designed to achieve important City goals like protecting our green spaces and fostering more housing choice.