The Jackadder Lake Reserve Landscape Plan balances future recreational needs of the community, with the conservation needs of the lake.
In consultation with the local community, the City has developed a landscape plan for Jackadder Lake Reserve which balances the environmental needs of the lake with the recreational needs of the community.
Consultation was undertaken in 2021 and 2022, resulting in over 550 responses and over 1600 comments that were collated, sorted and analysed.
Key points of the landscape plan are as follows:
- Renewal of the playground - The proposed new equipment caters for the very young to the pre-teen demographics. The new main combination unit has over 50 activities. Natural play elements and accessible play items are also provided.
- Renewal of exercise equipment - 4 exercise stations are proposed in similar locations to the existing. The number of exercise activities will increase through a mix of both static and weight-bearing equipment.
- Revitalisation of the main picnic shelter - Improvements include creation of a basic kitchen facility (booking required), an increase in the number of picnic tables, and replacement of some roof sheeting with transparent panels to increase the amount of light within the shelter.
- Additional shelters, picnic facilities and park furniture - Included in the plan are 2 new drink fountains, removal of 1 picnic shelter (from the playground entrance area), addition of 2 new picnic shelters, 6 new picnic tables (including the 2 in the main shelter), 4 additional park seats, and an additional BBQ near the playground.
- Widening of the southern path - The narrow southern section of path, currently 1.5m wide will be widened to 2.5 m. The rest of the reserve which is mostly 2.1m wide will be increased to 2.5 m wide as ongoing path refurbishment projects are completed.
- Realignment of the main circulation path away from the playground - This will reduce congestion and conflict between those using the main pedestrian path and those using the playground area.
- Crossing points on Birchwood Ave - This was a significant need identified in the first round of consultation. Two crossing points will be installed. The first from the reserve to the shopping centre and the second from the reserve to the parking area at Tamarisk Reserve. The crossings points will consist of a median island pedestrian refuge.
- Creation of turtle nesting areas - The provision of planted garden beds suited to turtle nesting will reduce turtle deaths by reducing the need for turtles to cross roads. Areas will be planted with low growing, native species.
- Creation of wildlife refuge areas - Native reeds and plants will provide habitat and protection for local fauna. Areas with existing vegetation, particularly the bullrush on the north side of the lake, will be replaced with native plants over time. Logs will be added for turtle basking. The wildlife protection areas will be protected via low fencing where they are in close proximity to the main path.
- Information signage - Allowance has been made for educational and information signage. This will include replacement of the bird species information sign at the south-east of the reserve and installation of an information sign for the model boat sailing groups.
The City is intending to implement the landscape plan over 3 financial years (pending future Council budget prioritisation). Stage 1 of the community parkland works was officially opened on Wednesday 30 August.
A new public artwork will also be welcomed later this year by Artist Jina Lee. The series of stone carved works will celebrate the local snake neck turtle and compliment the recent mural delivered by Artist James Giddy. This artwork is the first Public Art Masterplan project by the City and responds to the "Our Environment" curatorial theme.
In accordance with the Jackadder Lake Reserve Landscape Plan, the City will be expanding the playground area and the southern portion of the main circulation path, as part of Stage 2. The works will include constructing two new playground pits, connecting path improvements, renewal of BBQs and picnic tables, and general landscape works.
The construction works will require closure of the area between the existing playground and the toilet block, and intermittent pedestrian path detours. Works will commence 9 October 2023 and anticipate being opened by 22 December 2023. The toilets will remain open during the works. One play equipment item will be installed later in January 2024.
Project timeline
24 October 2022
Public consultation round 2 opens for submissions
Public consultation round 2 closes for submissions
Public consultation round 2 results released
April - June 2023
Stage 1 is proposed to commence on site late April 2023 and is funded by the Australian Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program
October - December 2023
Stage 2 is proposed to commence on site in early October 2023
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