The City is conducting a six-month safety trial in Nollamara and Westminster which will aim to enhance neighbourhood safety and connection.
A strength based neighbourhood safety approach will enable the City to rethink how it delivers community safety initiatives, partner with local residents to better understand key issues, and co-create responses to make the neighbourhood a safer place for everyone. By investing in local stories and inspire opportunities to work together, residents can shape what it means to be 'a local'.
The neighbourhood safety approach is a process of reviewing public spaces and making recommendations about how they can be improved to prevent crime and promote community safety. This safety-check process explores themes around actual and perceived inter-personal safety, cultural and gender safety, shared public spaces ‘feeling of safety’ and local amenities infrastructure such as lighting and road crossings, traffic, and accident safety. The safety-check results will inform key actions and priorities for the local suburb.
- Is there a specific place where you feel unsafe?
- Do you know who to call if you feel unsafe?
- How safe do you feel in your neighbourhood?
- What would make you feel safer in your suburb?
Get involved by answering these questions in our survey, visit our pop-up safety hub or attending our walk-shop. This exciting initiative will provide an opportunity to walk alongside City Officers and your neighbours to identify shared priorities to make the neighbourhood safer.
Join us at our pop-up safety hub for the local community to come together and share your local knowledge. The community's input will help to better understand the actual and perceived local safety issues inside the Nollamara Community Centre.
If you have a community get together the City would be delighted to join in event to understand what it truly means to be a local. Don't hesitate to extend the invitation to our team by emailing safersuburbs@stirling.wa.gov.au.
Project timeline
4 July 2023
Council endorsed the neighbourhood safety trial action plan
August 2023 - September 2023
Short term actions
October 2023 - November 2023
Medium term actions
December 2023 - January 2024
Long term actions
April 2024
Report to be presented to Council April 2024
View more
Your contribution to the neighbourhood safety-check would be a small discussion or walk-shop group of two – eight people and be 90 minutes long. Some walkshops will be held during daylight hours and others in the evening.
City Officers will facilitate and with your consent notes, audio recordings and photographs will be captured.
No, participation in this project is entirely voluntary. You may choose to get involved with parts of the project or attend an activity in the neighbourhoods of Nollamara and Westminster.
If you change your mind and would like to contribute, please click the get involved button or contact with the Community Safety Team. The City is currently focusing on Nollamara / Westminster, however we will note safety concerns in other suburbs across the City for future neighbourhood safety approach activates.
A pop-up safety hub will be established at Nollamara Community Centre.
The hub will be a base for the local community to learn more about the initiative and for the City to better understand the actual and perceived neighbourhood safety issues. The hub will provide opportunities to partner with local residents and co-create responses to make the neighbourhood safer.
City Officers will be in the neighbourhood over the next six months to engage directly and better understand the experience of locals.
The process and outcomes associated with the six-month trial will be documented in a comprehensive key findings and insights report.
Monthly insights will be updated on the City's website. The formal report will be presented to Council in April 2024.
The City is supporting Sudbury Community House during June – December 2023 and their representatives will be door knocking houses in the neighbourhood of Nollamara and Westminster as part of the Mental Health Australia ACDC project.
The ACDC Project reaches out to householders in different communities across every state and territory of Australia and invite them to have a meaningful and respectful conversation about their mental health and wellbeing, as well as those of their families, friends, and the wider community.
Community safety is about making sure that everyone feels comfortable and secure in their environment where they can live, work and travel freely. This can be supported through policies, programs, and actions by multiple stakeholders, including governments, police and individuals.
When individuals feel safe within their communities, they are more likely to connect with friends, engage with other community members and experience greater levels of trust and social connection.
Community safety also influences our physical health and wellbeing by altering how people use, and interact with, the built environment, local amenities, parks and community facilities and their ability to travel to opportunities in the wider community.
How people perceive safety can influence behaviour and community wellbeing. The positive ‘look and feel’ of our streets and spaces can contribute to reducing crime and increase feelings of safe.
For more information, or to receive this information in an alternate format, please contact the City on (08) 9205 8555 or visit www.stirling.wa.gov.au/enquiry.