Health approvals for businesses

There are a number of environmental health approvals you require to operate a business in the food, beverage and hospitality, personal care (skin penetration) industries.

Food, beverage and hospitality businesses

Food, beverage and hospitality businesses

Food, beverage, and hospitality businesses are vital to the community by increasing tourism and boosting the economy. To operate your business in accordance with legislation and codes of practice, there are a number of environmental health approvals you require.

Operating a food business within the City

The City is home to a vast array of food businesses of varying types and sizes. Under the Food Act 2008, any business or activity that involves the handling of food or beverages for service is required to be registered by the City. Any temporary food business wishing to trade within the City must hold a current ‘Permit to Provide Food at Events’ (Food Stall Permit).

Food safety training

The City of Stirling subsidises access to food safety training programs, I’m Alert and FoodSafe. Both training packages provide food handlers with the required skills and knowledge to ensure that food is handled in a safe and hygienic manner. However, they do not meet the requirements for Food Safety Supervisors. See Food Safety Standard 3.2.2A – Food Safety Management Tools above for further information. 

Obtaining a liquor licence or gaming permit

Obtaining a liquor licence or gaming permit

If your business is planning to serve alcohol, you are required by law to hold and display a Section 39 and/or Section 40 certificate of local government approval. 

For gaming permits, a Section 55 of Local Government approval is required.

Liquor licences and gaming permits

For more information relating to section 39/40 or section 55 certificates, please phone our Customer Contact Centre at (08) 9205 8555. For more information on liquor licence applications, please visit the Department of Local Government, Sport and Recreation website.

Online lodgement

Lodge a Section 39, Section 40 and/or Section 55 application on the City of Stirling website.

Public Building approval

Public Building approval

The City’s Environmental Health team approve public buildings within the City of Stirling, assess premises and provide guidance to help manage associated risks associated with exit pathways, fire and electrical safety, and accommodation capacity.   

What is public building approval?

A public building is defined as a building, place or part of a building where people may assemble for:

  • Civic, theatrical, social, political or religious purposes
  • Educational purposes
  • Entertainment, recreational or sporting purposes and
  • Business purposes.

Examples include pubs, small bars, cinemas, function rooms, churches, educational facilities, large outdoor events, and sporting clubrooms.

The construction, operation and maintenance of public buildings are subject to the requirements of the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911, the Health (Public Buildings) Regulations 1992 and the Building Code of Australia.

In addition to relevant approvals required by the City’s building and planning (such as development approval and/or building permit) a Certificate of Approval (Maximum Accommodation) must be issued before a public building can be occupied. Public events may also require public building approval, with the City’s Community Events Team providing information for event organisers.

A Public Building application consists of a number of forms prescribed in the Health (Public Buildings) Regulations 1992, and submission of all supporting documentation:

  • Form One – Application to construct extend or alter a public building is to be submitted, and accompanied by detailed, scale plans to assess floor area, exit widths and toilet numbers.
  • Form Two – Application for certificate of approval to be submitted when the construction of a public building is completed and ready for occupancy. An inspection will be undertaken to ensure compliance with any approvals or permits required.  
  • Form Five – Certificate of electrical compliance to be completed and submitted for all electrical works within the building.

Applications must be lodged to the City via the customer enquiry and feedback form. For more information please phone our Customer Contact Centre at (08) 9205 8555.

Personal appearance businesses

Personal appearance businesses

Businesses providing personal care services, such as beauty therapy and skin penetration services (e.g. waxing, tattoo and manicure/pedicure and piercing), are required to meet specific health requirements relating to premise design, cleanliness, hygiene and infection control.

Businesses providing personal care services, such as beauty therapy and skin penetration services (e.g. waxing, tattoo and manicure/pedicure and piercing), are required to meet specific health requirements relating to premises design, cleanliness, hygiene and infection control. The Department of Health (WA) provides information for operators of personal appearance (skin penetration) premises.

Approval from the City is required prior to commencing operation, via the online form Notification of premises where skin penetration procedures are conducted. Ongoing assessments are conducted by the City’s Environmental Health Officers on a frequency determined by public health risk and performance history, assessing compliance with legislative requirements such as:

Notification of skin penetration premises

If you require more information, please contact the Customer Contact Centre on (08) 9205 8555.