The local community describes Wembley as a brilliant, green and leafy neighbourhood. To better understand what is means to be ‘a local’ our suburb profile seeks to understand the local stories Koora (past), Yeyi (present), Boordawan (future) and respond to Ngalang Maya (our place). This snapshot identifies the unique character of Wembley’s neighbourhood and helps the City rethink how we deliver services with a local focus.
Wembley is part of the original crown land Aj Lakes Perthshire of 100 acres granted to Thomas Hunt on June 24 1842.
What it means to be a 'local'
Wembley is part of the original crown land Aj Lakes Perthshire of 100 acres granted to Thomas Hunt on June 24 1842.
Lakes District was recognised in the early days of settlement as the Herdsman Lake, Lake Monger area. The greater portion of the suburb of Wembley is within the Town of Cambridge.
In April 1925 the City of Perth suggested that the area should be called 'Wembley Park' after the Greater London suburb where the Empire Exhibition of 1924 was held. The name Wembley was approved and gazetted on July 2 1924.
Local bushcare groups
Community art trails
Attractions and public art map.
Community concerts
Local Facebook groups
Local schools
What you have told us so far
These are the top local priorities you've told us about what's important for Wembley:
- Parks and reserves - "I still think that the City can do even more with the greenspaces and I would like to see them to encourage verge planting that is water wise rather than lawn or dead weeds."
- Footpaths - "Footpath connections."
- Cat and dog management - "Dog control - more signage for dogs off lead."
- Waste - "Focus on up to date rubbish and recycling initiatives."
- Community inclusivity - "Set up a Noongar native community garden to teach residents about the history of Herdsman lake and First Nations people's in the area."
The City has created Locally-led Stirling to drive deeper connection at a local suburb level to listen and respond with a local focus. At the heart of this Locally-led approach is an understanding that local people know what they need and a vision for everyone to get involved in shaping what it means to be “a local”.
We want to bring neighbours together, invest in local stories and inspire opportunities to work together. To find out more about Locally-led Stirling, visit Shaping our City.
If you're looking for ways to get involved in your local area, please contact one of the City’s Community Engagement Officers by emailing getinvolved@stirling.wa.gov.au.
Wembley population
Average number of people per household
The average age in Wembley is 37 years old
Top five birthplaces
Median weekly household income
87% of residents are satisfied with liveability
Local plans
Most of the area surrounding Herdsman Lake was used as market gardens. During the late 60's and 70's, owners were asked to give up the rear portion of their lots to the Crown and it was zoned Regional Open Space as well a portion of land to create Moondine Drive in return for a Residential R60 zoning.
This made way for the unit developments along Herdsman Parade, benefiting from its proximity to the Glendalough Shopping Centre and the Glendalough Train Station as well as close links to the City and schools. This has become one if the most densely populated suburban area in Perth.
The area of Wembley that falls within the City of Stirling is rich in natural beauty, including Herdsman Lake and Herdsman Lake Wildlife Centre. Checkout Destination WA's episode covering Herdsman Lake here.
It also includes the multi-use regional reserve Glendalough Open Space which sits adjacent to Lake Monger and Herdsman Lake.
Childcare facilities which sit on the boundary of the City of Stirling in Wembley include Mulberry Tree Childcare and Kindy.
Herdsman Fresh, an iconic fresh produce market sits within the City as has been operating since 1979.
Projects and engagements