Everyone Belongs

Get involved
  • Open date

    10 February 2025

  • Closing date

    23 March 2025

Last update date: 05 March 2025

We’re embarking on a journey to get to the heart of what it means to belong in the City of Stirling.

Your input will help us remove barriers to belonging by informing our new Access and Inclusion Plan, Public Health Plan, and the role of local bowling clubs as gathering places.

On average, residents rate their sense of belonging to their neighbourhood at 74 per cent, highlighting both our strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Share your ideas towards shaping a more inclusive and connected City of Stirling by getting involved in our Belonging Survey.

You can also join the City’s Belonging journey at one of the events below.

Belonging Hubs

Belonging Hubs have been popping up at community markets across the City, featuring stalls and activities that celebrate inclusion, diversity and wellbeing. Catch us at this final markets pop-up:

  • Summer X Salt Markets, Saturday 15 March 2025

Project timeline

10 February 2025

The City's Belonging Survey opens

26 February 2025

Bowlo Banter - Your local bowling club

23 March 2025

The City's Belonging Survey closes

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Complete the City's Belonging Survey

Share your ideas towards shaping a more inclusive and connected City of Stirling by getting involved in our Belonging Survey.

Everyone Belongs

Related plans and projects

Crucial to belonging is that everyone can participate fully and feel valued within their community. That’s why we’re seeking your input in developing the City’s Access and Inclusion Plan 2025-2030.

The plan outlines strategies to enhance the inclusion of people with disability across the areas of events and services, buildings and facilities, information and feedback, quality customer service, participation in engagement and consultation, and employment with the City.

It’s important that we connect with people with disabilities, families, carers, peak bodies, service providers and businesses, as well as the broader community. Your insights will be instrumental in identifying barriers to access and inclusion and guide the City in responding to the needs of our community for the next five years.

You can also read about the City's access and inclusion initiatives here.

Feeling a sense of belonging boosts overall mental and physical health. The Public Health Plan 2026-2031 will set the course for how the City supports the health and wellbeing of our community, enhances service delivery and encourages healthy habits that prevent chronic disease.

As the public health planning process commences your participation will help to ensure our built, natural, social and economic environments are clean, safe and accessible.

Our services that can impact public health include roads, footpaths, waste and recycling, parks, pools, recreation centres, food and the built environment, noise and air pollution, community programs and cultural facilities.

The WA Government requires local governments to prepare and publish their local public health plans by 4 June 2026. 

Thriving bowling clubs can serve as vibrant gathering places where everyone belongs. That’s why we’re seeking your ideas for each of the 10 bowling clubs across the City of Stirling.

By letting us know how to bowl over the barriers to you attending and enjoying your local club, we can advise clubs on creating inclusive spaces that are better for everyone.

As outlined in the Corporate Business Plan 2024-2028, recommendations may relate to asset improvements, financial stability, and facility management and operations. 


Share your ideas towards shaping a more inclusive and connected City of Stirling by getting involved in our Belonging Survey. You can also join the City’s Belonging journey at one of the events below.

Belonging Hubs

Belonging Hubs have been popping up at community markets across the City, featuring stalls and activities that celebrate inclusion, diversity and wellbeing. Catch us at this final markets pop-up:

  • Summer X Salt Markets, Saturday 15 March 2025

Community input will be considered in drafting both the Access and Inclusion Plan and draft Public Health Plan. These drafts will then undergo further consultation. Once refined, reports will be presented to Council for endorsement. Additionally, your ideas on bowling clubs will be communicated back to the clubs and be included in a report to Council.

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For more information, or to receive this information in an alternate format, please contact the City on (08) 9205 8555 or visit www.stirling.wa.gov.au/enquiry.

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