The City is working in partnership with Main Roads to deliver the Stephenson Avenue Extension.
Works are underway to prepare for construction:
- Installation of fencing and establishment of site office
- Earthworks and compaction to the east of Mitchell Freeway
- Vegetation clearing to the road reserve east of Mitchell Freeway.
Noise, dust, and vibration may be noticeable to those living or working nearby. These activities are required to prepare for construction of the new bridges, freeway on and off-ramps and the shared path. A range of control measures are being put in place to minimise dust and noise disturbance.
Project timeline
Early 2024
Construction complete Phase 1
March 2022
Construction start
October 2021
Contract award
2022 - 2021
Feb 2022
Scarborough Beach Road - Flax Street
Late 2021
Project completion
October / November 2020
Commence construction Phase 1
September 2020
Vegetation clearing
June 2020
Council endorsement of preferred contractor for forward words and contract Phase 1
February 2020
Tender advertisement main Contract Phase 1
February 2020
Forward works quotation
January 2020
Project development phase
View more
The work that will affect existing intersections will be done at night time or weekends to minimise disruption to business trade.
While some traffic lanes will need to be closed, traffic will be managed with detours and there will be controllers on site to help pedestrians cross roads during construction. There will need to be some night work at the intersection of Stephenson Avenue and Scarborough Beach Road to lay asphalt.
There should be no restrictions on parking, or access to business premises. Any dust caused will be carefully managed within the project site.
Construction Trucks can enter and exit the construction site via Sarich Court, Scarborough Beach Road, and the new Oswald/Flax Street links with Ellen Stirling Boulevard, and should not have any impact on business.
A ‘dilapidation survey’ was carried out in February 2020 prior to commencement of any works by a consultant ‘Specialist Testing and Technical Services Pty Ltd’ who has recorded the condition of properties which could be impacted during construction.
The dilapidation survey was issued to Densford Civil for their acceptance. A second dilapidation survey will be carried out upon the completion of the works to determine any impact on properties during the course of construction.
The Phase Two contract (from Flax Street - new road - to Cedric Street and the Stirling Bus Interchange Upgrade) has been awarded to Acciona, Clough and WSP under an alliance contract (read the media release). Works are now underway.
For the latest update from the State Government on this project, visit Main Roads WA’s website.
Phase 1 of the project has now been completed, extending Stephenson Avenue north of Oswald Street to Flax Street and creating a second local traffic connection between Stephenson Avenue, Flax Street and Ellen Stirling Boulevard.
Delivered over two phases, the extension project includes the construction of a new freeway interchange and the Stephenson Avenue road network that runs through the middle of 55 hectares of land-locked vacant land.
As well as opening up of large areas of land for development, the project will reduce traffic along Scarborough Beach Road. Reducing traffic along Scarborough Beach Road will free up road capacity for the future construction of dedicated bus lanes and ultimately a mid-tier transport system.
The project is funded by a $129 million commitment by the Western Australian State Government and a $129 million commitment by the Federal Government and is being delivered in conjunction with Main Roads WA.
- Phase 1 Stephenson Ave, Scarborough Beach Road - Flax Street (delivered by the City)
- Phase 2 Freeway interchange and Flax Street - Cedric Street and upgrade to Stirling Bus Interchange from an 18 stand to 30 stand facility delivered by Main Roads WA.
The project is a key component of the Stirling City Centre project which will unlock private investment in the area, relieve traffic congestion, increase employment opportunities and support future mid-tier transport system.
For more information, or to receive this information in an alternate format, please contact the City on (08) 9205 8555 or visit www.stirling.wa.gov.au/enquiry.