Community grants streams

Healthy and active people create strong and resilient communities. The City is dedicated to ensuring that our community, through all stages of life, has access to a range of opportunities to support an active lifestyle.

Active and Healthy Communities

Healthy and active people create strong and resilient communities. The City is dedicated to ensuring that our community, through all stages of life, has access to a range of opportunities to support an active lifestyle.

Active and Healthy Communities

Locally-led and Creative Communities

The City of Stirling acknowledges the importance of fostering a connected, strong and creative community, enhancing arts, culture and heritage across the City. Locally-led and Creative Communities grants are designed to stimulate cultural and creative programs across the local community and provide vibrant places for people to live, work and visit.

Locally-led and Creative Communities

Sustainable Communities

The City of Stirling is committed to building a sustainable future for the community and we recognise the valuable role that community groups, organisations and individuals can play in driving sustainability and protecting and enhancing our natural environment.

Sustainable Communities

Vibrant Communities

The City of Stirling aims to create places where people choose to live, work and invest. Vibrant Communities grants aim to build relationships with community groups and organisations for a range of events that provide creative, community and economic outcomes.

Vibrant Communities

Innovative and Productive Communities

The City of Stirling is a great place to do business with retail and industrial precincts that are home to a variety of businesses and organisations. We are committed to facilitating local business and employment growth, embracing technology and supporting an environment to help our local industry grow and thrive.

Innovative and Productive