To better understand what is means to be ‘a local’ our suburb profile seeks to understand the local stories Koora (past), Yeyi (present), Boordawan (future) and respond to Ngalang Maya (our place). This snapshot identifies the unique character of Osborne Park’s neighbourhood and helps the City rethink how we deliver services with a local focus.
Osborne Park was named after William Osborne, a butcher who owned an abattoir and land along Wanneroo Road and who was elected to the City of Stirling's predecessor, the Perth Road Board, in 1875.
What it means to be a 'local'
Osborne Park was named after William Osborne, a butcher who owned an abattoir and land along Wanneroo Road and who was elected to the City of Stirling's predecessor, the Perth Road Board, in 1875.
Osborne Park was part of an original crown grant of 6,020 acres given to T. R. C. Walters in 1840. After the death of Walters in 1874, William Osborne bought part of his estate, which included the area now known as Osborne Park.
Many residents of Osborne Park at the beginning of the 20th Century were Chinese market gardeners who provided vegetables for the metropolitan area. Italian settlers continued the agricultural tradition in the area, utilising the swampland with its peaty soils and abundant fresh water.
Osborne Park gradually transformed into a residential suburb in the years following World War II, and the area later began to incorporate industrial uses. By the 1980s, industry had become dominant in most of Osborne Park, with only the northeastern area remaining predominantly residential.
The Local Men’s Shed
Stirling Community Men's Shed.
Local community groups
Local events
Local sporting clubs
Local schools
What you have told us so far
These are the top local priorities you've told us about what's important for Osborne Park:
- Trees and greening - "More trees! We have many wildlife that have less and less homes. hardly trees for shade for people too. I also enjoy looking at trees."
- Local business - "Encourage more social, food and entertainment businesses to opens on Main St precinct. Make this a pleasant hub for residents to spend time."
- Events - "More community and social events."
- Crime prevention - "The area feels unsafe, with lots of suspicious characters cycling, walking through the area, particularly the laneways. Some areas clearly have lots of drug use/dealing, especially in the big unit complexes and some of the Dept of Housing properties. The traffic on McDonald Street is getting ridiculous and also unsafe, with lots of speeding vehicles and big trucks between Freeway and Main Street."
- Road and traffic management - "Upgrade to Hutton/Main Street intersection."
The City has created Locally-led Stirling to drive deeper connection at a local suburb level to listen and respond with a local focus. At the heart of this Locally-led approach is an understanding that local people know what they need and a vision for everyone to get involved in shaping what it means to be “a local”.
We want to bring neighbours together, invest in local stories and inspire opportunities to work together. To find out more about Locally-led Stirling, visit Shaping our City.
If you're looking for ways to get involved in your local area, please contact one of the City’s Community Engagement Officers by emailing getinvolved@stirling.wa.gov.au.
Average age
Top five birthplaces
Local plans
Residential development was relatively dispersed in Osborne Park prior to the 1950s, with a single node of housing along Main Street. After the 1950s housing construction began in the eastern sector of Osborne Park, though most remaining dwellings date from the 1960s and 1970s.
Houses are generally single detached brick and tile dwellings, though there are some character houses of timber construction interspersed throughout the area.
Numerous unit developments have appeared more recently and are built in a range of modern styles and materials.
The Osborne Park industrial area contains numerous showrooms, retail outlets and offices. It is also a significant employment centre for Perth's northern suburbs. The most recent addition to the industrial area has been Herdsman Business Park, which houses a range of commercial developments including the City's largest employer—West Australian Newspapers.
Within the residential areas of Osborne Park there are five small recreational parks, totalling 1ha. Herdsman Lake also provides a large area of open space, which is used by both local and regional residents. Herdsman Lake is the suburb's largest park, and is an important active and passive regional recreation area as well as a wildlife sanctuary.
The locality contains several privately owned recreational facilities, including gymnasiums and indoor sporting centres. Osborne Primary School is located in the centre of the suburb's residential area.
The recently refurbished Main Street commercial centre is one of the suburb's most attractive features and brings people from all over Perth to dine at its many multi-cultural and traditional cuisine restaurants and cafes and shop in a wide range of specialty stores.
Significant landmarks
Opened in 1903, the Osborne Primary School was established for the children of market gardeners and daily farmers in and around Osborne Park. When it first opened, the school had 17 students, but was extended over many years to accomodate increasing student numbers, particularly during the post war expansion of Osborne Park. The school is valued by the local community as the focus of sate-operated education for more than a century and by its past students, many of whom are long-time residents of Osborne Park.
Projects and engagements