Access and inclusion initiatives

The City of Stirling makes every effort to accommodate your individual needs in order to access our facilities, services, events and information regardless of your age, disability or cultural background.

Accessible Stirling: a guide for businesses

Good access is good business. One in five Australians has a disability.

Due to an ageing population, it is predicted that within 15 years this will increase to one in four people. A business that is accessible and inclusive increases your customer base. It benefits people with disabilities, seniors, parents with prams, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and your employees.

Can your business afford to exclude such a significant percentage of the consumer market? Below are some examples of ways that you can implement small improvements to help create an accessible business and experience the benefits.

  • If people can’t physically access your business, they won’t
  • Provide a firm, level path of travel from the car park to the entrance. If it is not possible to remove steps, install a ramp
  • Automatic sensor doors are preferred
  • Ensure counters are accessible to a person using a wheelchair
  • Keep access areas free from items that may cause an obstruction or tripping hazard
  • Provide a unisex accessible toilet with adequate space for a wheelchair
  • Be aware of reflective glass at the entrance to your business and consider applying contrasting strips across any glass doors for ease of recognition.

People with disabilities have the same rights as the rest of the community to access services, facilities, and information. Failure to provide the same levels of access or opportunities could be viewed as discrimination under the Disability Discrimination Act (1992).

  • Use clear and concise language
  • Always emphasise the person first, not the disability
  • If the person is deaf or hard of hearing, look directly at them and speak clearly at a normal pace, keeping your hands clear of your face
  • Communicate using pen and paper if this assists
  • If the person has a vision impairment, identify yourself and introduce any other people also present
  • When handing paperwork or money to a person with a visual impairment, place the money in the person’s hand, giving them notes and coins separately
  • Provide a customer service area at a height that is suitable for people using wheelchairs, with leg clearance underneath
  • Improve customer service by providing staff with training on disability awareness and effective communication strategies.

Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS): 131 450 or visit the TIS website.

TIS National provides access to the following interpreting services:

  • Immediate phone interpreting (131 450)
  • ATIS automated voice-prompted immediate phone interpreting
  • Pre-booked phone interpreting
  • On-site interpreting
  • Telehealth video interpreting service.

National Relay Service (NRS): 13 36 77 

The NRS can help you communicate with people who are deaf and/or find it hard hearing or speaking with people who use a phone.

  • The NRS has specially trained staff called Relay Officers who help with every call
  • Depending on the type of call, a Relay Officer will change voice to text or text to voice and AUSLAN to English or English to AUSLAN
  • Relay Officers stay on the line throughout each call to help it go smoothly, but don’t change or get in the way of what is being said
  • Except for calls made through Video Relay, the NRS is available 24 hours a day, every day.

Make sure all of your customers are able to access the information they need from your business.

  • Display information in an accessible location
  • It is recommended that information is provided in a minimum size 12 font with a sans serif typeface such as Arial
  • Use matte or low-sheen paper
  • Use high-contrast colors for printed information
  • Provide clear, easy-to-read signage
  • Lower your pamphlets and brochures to an accessible height for people of short stature or people using wheelchairs
  • If your business is a restaurant or fast-food outlet, have a few menus in large print available to assist people with vision impairment.

Australia is currently experiencing a skills shortage, and the one in five Australians, or 4.4 million people, living with a disability represents a vast pool of talent that employers can tap into.

The business case for hiring people with disabilities is strong. People with disabilities generally take less sick leave and stay in jobs longer than other workers.

To access short video guides and downloadable resources with practical advice on disability and employment—from inclusive policies and recruitment to workplace changes and managing staff—see the Australian government’s Jobaccess Employer Toolkit.

As an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer, the City of Stirling values the creativity and innovations of a diverse workforce to help us better meet the needs of our diverse community.

The expectation of accessibility is now greater than ever, whether it is physical access to the built environment, customer service access, or access to information.

The City of Stirling is offering businesses a free informal walkthrough by friendly volunteers with personal experience of disability to provide your business with confidential recommendations for access improvements.

Walkthroughs are a proactive starting point for businesses to identify issues for consideration and develop a practical approach to improving access for everyone, including staff, customers, and visitors.

Walkthroughs may take one to two hours depending on the size of your business and can be arranged Mondays to Thursdays between 10.00am and 2.00pm, as mutually convenient. Following the walkthrough, a report will be developed and usually forwarded to your business within three weeks.

All information remains confidential, and there is no requirement to implement the advised recommendations.

Please note that an 'access walkthrough' does not address access for every element within a building. It is not intended to take the place of a formal access audit, which inspects and assesses to determine compliance with relevant access legislation, codes, and standards. Rather, a 'walkthrough' offers advice based on volunteers’ personal experience of disability.

To book an access walkthrough of your business, please email or, for further information, please contact the Customer Service Team at (08) 9205 8555.

Liability disclaimer:

The City of Stirling shall in no event be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever arising out of the business walkthrough, the use of information provided during the walkthrough, or in the walkthrough report. The walkthrough report is not intended as a substitute for professional advice.

Did you know?

Improving access and inclusion for your business can be as simple as providing larger print menus to installing an automatic door opener.

Changing Places

Changing Places are bathrooms that are secure, clean, and specifically designed for people with disabilities who need space and assistance to manage their bathroom needs while out in the community. They include an adult-sized, height-adjustable change table, ceiling hoist, peninsular toilet, shower with seat, and space for two people to assist the person using the Changing Place.

The City has two Changing Places at Scarborough Beach. One is located in Scarborough Beach Pool and is accessible to any patron using the pool facilities.

The second is located at Scarborough Beach, beside the Surf Club. This facility is locked using the Master Locksmith Association Key (MLAK) system. Using this system helps keep the Changing Places network secure, safe, and reserved for people who need them, while still allowing people with disabilities 24/7 access.

If you are a Companion Card holder, you can receive a free key from the National Disability Services (NDS).

If you are a support worker, carer, or someone with high support needs who does not have a Companion Card or an MLAK key, please visit the Scarborough Pool reception to borrow the MLAK key.

In addition to the City’s Changing Places at Scarborough Beach, there are two Changing Places located in the Karrinyup Shopping Centre. Please contact the Karrinyup Shopping Centre for more information.

To learn about Changing Places Facilities please visit the Changing Places website.

Accessible events

The City supports accessible events that can be enjoyed by the whole community. 

Events such as art exhibitions, conferences, fundraisers, outdoor concerts, street fairs or award ceremonies form an important part of many people’s lives. 

If you’re organising an event, you’ll need to consider: 

  • The event layout. For example, stall location for best access 
  • Providing parking spaces close to the event for people with disability 
  • Installing portable, accessible toilet facilities, marquees or first-aid cabins 
  • Designating small areas close to a stage for people using wheelchairs 
  • Access with no steps or other barriers from the arrival point at the venue, through the main entrance(s), to all the areas being used by participants 
  • Providing contact details on promotional material, for access enquiries. 

For more information, please see the Guide to Accessible Events.

Other initiatives and services

The City of Stirling in partnership with RECHARGE Scheme Australia, have allocated dedicated recharge points for electric wheelchairs and gophers at the following locations:

  • Stirling Libraries - Dianella, Inglewood, Mirrabooka, Osborne and Scarborough
  • Stirling Leisure - Nollamara Community Centres
  • Stirling Leisure - Mirrabooka
  • Mirrabooka Square Shopping Centre
  • Westfield Innaloo shopping centre
  • Karrinyup shopping centre.

If your business is interested in the scheme, please phone our Customer Contact Centre.

The City’s Stirling Leisure - Inglewood has a portable pool hoist which enables access to the 25-metre indoor lap pool and the 50-metre outdoor pool. 

For more information on the pool hoist, visit the About our pools page.

Quiet space

Stirling Libraries - Osborne

To assist our customers with diverse sensory needs we are creating a calmer and quieter environment in the library.

Every Friday, 9.30am - 11.30am.

Earmuffs and sensory resources

Stirling Libraries - Osborne

The earmuffs are available for use in the library, for both adults and children who are sensitive to noise and may feel overwhelmed during their visit.

Sensory Sing and Play

Stirling Libraries - Dianella and Scarborough

Sensory sing and play is an inclusive program of songs and sensory play based learning in a small group setting. 

Please visit Library membership and services page for further details and information on earmuffs and our sensory sing and play program.

The City is now a participant of the Sunflower Hidden Disabilities initiative, which helps to support and raise awareness of those living with a hidden disability. In Australia and New Zealand, 1 in 5 people are said to have a disability and 85% of these are hidden. 

Established in 2016, The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme is about helping people with disabilities that are not immediately obvious such as autism, chronic pain, dementia, anxiety, visual or hearing impairment, and assist them in attaining the understanding, patience and assistance needed when going about their daily lives. 

Under the Hidden Disability Sunflower Initiative, community members with hidden disabilities can choose to wear a lanyard, pin or wristband bearing a sunflower logo as a subtle way of letting City Staff know that they may require additional support, assistance, or a bit more time when visiting City hubs.  

Sunflower lanyards, pins and wristbands are available to customers for free at City of Stirling Libraries and Administration Centre.  

In addition to making the Sunflower lanyards, pins and wristbands available to community members with a hidden disability, customer-facing City Staff are receiving training identify the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower to better support our customers who may require additional help. 

For more information, please contact the Social Impact and Policy team  

Beach mobility hire

The City of Stirling has a beach wheelchair available for the public to hire for free at our premier tourist destination, Scarborough Beach.

To book the beach wheelchair, please ensure you read the beach wheelchair safety use and instructions (below) before making a booking.

Book a beach wheelchair

To book the beach wheelchair please ensure you read the Beach Wheelchair safety use and instructions below before making a free booking.

The beach wheelchair is stored in a cabinet on the Scarborough Beach foreshore - lower level. To access the beach wheelchair, a free booking must be made. Please ensure you read the Beach Wheelchair safety use and instructions prior to booking.

The beach wheelchair cabinet is accessed using a Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK). As part of your hire of the beach wheelchair, you are welcome to store your existing wheelchair in the lockable cabinet while you use the beach wheelchair.

If you are a Companion Card holder, you can receive a free key from the National Disability Services (NDS).

If you do not have your own key, you can access one from the Scarborough Beach Pool Reception during business hours.

People with a disability are able to purchase an MLAK key that will open all doors, toilets, playground equipment, and other facilities fitted with a lock that uses the special MLAK cylinder. For further information, visit the Master Locksmiths website.

Where do I go?

The beach wheelchair cabinet can be found at the bottom of the stairs at Scarborough Esplanade. View the map to find out more.

As part of your beach wheelchair booking, you are entitled to access a restricted accessible parking bay. This bay is accessible via the C-Breeze Kiosk carpark, northern end, and then drive across the boardwalk into the restricted area. This parking is limited to your booking time only.


Beach wheelchair instructions and terms

Safety information

All participants and carers are responsible for their own safety and must be aware of the following guidelines:

All universal beach rules must be followed at all times. These include:

  • Swim between the yellow/red flags
  • Sun safe message: 'slip, slop, slap'
  • The beach is a public place, and therefore all other patrons’ rights must be respected.

On sand

  • Max safe weight loading for this product is 100kg
  • Care must be taken when using the wheelchair over uneven or unsteady ground
  • Care should be taken in hot weather as the metal frame and armrests can heat up and lead to burns
  • It is recommended to transfer on flat ground for increased stability
  • Users should not try this product on their own. It is designed to be pushed by someone other than the person sitting in it
  • The wheelchair may become unstable if the user has a disability that creates excessive movement or rocking motions
  • The front castors rotate 360 degrees and make turning easy to maneuver
  • To apply the park brake: steady the chair, release the parking brake/anti-tip bar assembly manually from the nylon clip, and swing down towards the rear wheels. Lifting the locking bar upwards releases the park brake
  • The front footrest is adjustable for angle and height using the locking handles that are fitted on either side of the front pivot frame. This is done by turning the locking handles on either side in an anti-clockwise motion and then locking in position by moving the handles in a clockwise direction. The front footrest can be taken off by removing the two spring-loaded drop latch pins
  • Armrests can be raised to a position of 90 degrees from the horizontal, allowing for easier transfers
  • The chair is not designed to move up and down stairs whilst loaded.

In water

  • If entering the water and you are unable to swim, you must be accompanied at all times
  • It is advisable to wear a life jacket and follow all surf lifesaving instructions, such as entering the water in a patrolled swimming area
  • FreeWheeler is stable with water levels at around the center height of the wheels
  • The FreeWheeler has balloon tires which tend to be buoyant depending on the weight being carried
  • By taking the chair into deeper water, it must be noted that the chair will float and become unstable, requiring considerable effort in controlling its stability
  • The wheelchair may become unstable if the user has a disability that creates excessive movement or rocking motions
  • Caution needs to be taken in environments where there is a chance of wave action, as unexpected movement of the chair is a risk factor for users
  • Wave patterns, wind strength, type of beach, and underwater formations can all affect the use of the chair.

Be safe and enjoy the beach!

Accessible parking bays

There are multiple accessible parking bays along the Scarborough precinct.

Please visit Scarborough parking for more information.

Changing Places facilities

The City has two Changing Places facilities, based in Scarborough: one at the Surf Life Saving Club and the other at the Scarborough Pool. Changing Places facilities enable people to participate by providing adjustable adult-sized change tables, a ceiling hoist system, a centrally located toilet, circulation space for wheelchairs, automatic doors, and a privacy screen. Facilities can be accessed using a Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK). Additional locations and further information are available on the Changing Places website.

Access and Inclusion Advisory Group

The Access and Inclusion Advisory Group Comprises of representatives from disability service organisations operating within the City, and residents who can contribute expertise and advice. The group oversees disability service matters such as access and inclusion. Council appoints community members to the Access and Inclusion Advisory Group for a two-year period in-line with local government elections. 

Meet our Access and Inclusion Advisory Group Members, we will feature a new member monthly, follow our socials to see new monthly profiles.


Meet Rochelle

"I am deeply passionate about equity, particularly in supporting access, inclusion, and empowerment for all members of our community. 

Being a member of the City’s the Access and Inclusion Advisory Group allows me to contribute meaningfully to creating a more accessible and inclusive community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. 

I enjoy exploring local activities that foster community spirit and connection. 

Access to quiet zones at some of the City of Stirling events has been invaluable, allowing me to feel more included and at ease".

Access and inclusion - Auslan

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