View plans, strategies and frameworks

Learn about the City's framework, plans and strategies that guide projects to create liveable, connected communities and places.

The City engages with the community to ensure framework, plans, and strategies reflect the needs and aspirations of our residents. Projects move through many stages, from community consultations to plans, then to implementation.

Infrastructure and transport

The City coordinates and manages the delivery of strategies and plans to deliver high quality urban, economic and environmentally sustainable development within the City of Stirling. 

The City of Stirling's Local Planning Strategy was endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 28 October 2019. The Local Planning Strategy sets out the long-term planning directions for the City. In particular it sets out planning objectives, policy statements and recommended actions associated with housing, commercial property, recreation, transport, environmental and heritage issues over the next 10 to 15 years. The Local Planning Strategy demonstrates an integrated approach to planning, including consideration of social, environmental, cultural and economic aspects.

The Local Planning Strategy provides the strategic basis for the current and future Local Planning Schemes, as well as guide and manage future development in the City. It is a statutory document and provides a link between State and regional strategic planning policies and local interests. It also provides the rationale for the zones and provisions in the City’s Local Planning Scheme (The Scheme), which will be the principal mechanism for implementation of the Local Planning Strategy.

If not suitably planned, population growth and increased commercial opportunities could lead to detrimental impacts upon the City and its residents. The Local Planning Strategy provides guidance and direction to ensure coordinated and responsive land use planning across the City and to capitalise on potential growth opportunities.

Local Planning Strategy - Part One

Local Planning Strategy - Part Two

The City Wide Fenced Dog Park Implementation Strategy aims to guide the installation of fenced dog exercise areas across the City in a strategic and equitable manner.


With the significant success of the Inglewood Oval fenced dog park and the recent completion of the Charles Riley Memorial Reserve dog park, the City is looking to guide future implementation of these facilities across the City over the next four years.

As mentioned above, the City currently has two fenced dog parks - Inglewood Oval dog park (constructed March 2013) and Charles Riley dog park (constructed December 2015). These fenced dog parks have been well received by the community and are very popular. Dog parks not only provide a secure environment for dog socialisation, exercise and training but also provide owners with an opportunity for social interaction. They help create a sense of community amongst those that frequent these facilities.

A user survey conducted at Inglewood Oval dog park in 2014 showed that only 60% of people using the Inglewood facility were local (within a 10 minute drive). The popularity of the facilities has created ongoing operational issues that make it difficult to maintain the grass to a satisfactory standard. The high level of community use due to the lack of alternative facilities also makes it difficult to undertake repairs that require closure of the facility for any extended period of time.

With the clear need for additional fenced dog parks to be established within the City, a number of site considerations have been taken into account when developing the City Wide Fenced Dog Park Implementation Strategy. These include:

A 10 minute drive catchment:

  • Equitable distribution across the City
  • District and regional reserve locations
  • Areas of under-utilised open space larger than 2,800 m2
  • Proximity to existing irrigation system.

On the basis of the above summarised criteria, the following reserves are proposed to accommodate fenced dog parks areas:

  • Princess Wallington Reserve (Balga)
  • Dianella Regional Open Space (Dianella)
  • Carine Regional Open Space (Carine)
  • Lake Gwelup Regional Open Space (Gwelup)
  • Robinson Reserve (Tuart Hill) (pending Master Plan).

The south-west and north-east sections of the City do not have reserves that meet the current criteria to accommodate a fenced dog park. The intent is to develop dog parks in the locations identified in this strategy as a priority and then revisit the North-East and South-West areas of the City in greater detail and with revised selection criteria with a view to finding locations capable of accommodating dog parks.

The size of Regional Open Space reserves allows for dual enclosure facilities. Dog parks planned for Gwelup, Dianella and Carine facilities will consist of both a small and large enclosure.

It should be noted that the installation of fenced dog parks does not change the existing use of reserves by owners and their dogs in accordance with local laws and the Dog Act. Dogs may still be exercised off leash in reserves where a fenced dog park is located. Whether in the reserve or within a fenced dog park, dogs must be under control at all times.


The strategy proposes the initial installation of five (5) fenced dog parks across the City. The reserves identified for fenced dog parks and the proposed year of implementation are identified below:

Stage 1 (2017/2018)

  • Princess Wallington Reserve (Balga)

  • Dianella Regional Open Space (Dianella).

Stage 2

  • Carine Regional Open Space (Carine).

Stage 3

  • Robinson Reserve (Tuart Hill) (pending master plan)
  • Lake Gwelup Regional Open Space (Gwelup).

Each fenced dog park will be subject to further public consultation following concept design. Residents that live within a 500 metre catchment of the identified reserve will be consulted prior to finalisation of the design. 

The City of Stirling has adopted a local housing strategy for the next 5 years to guide future provision of housing, assess the role of supporting services and inform residential density reviews, focusing on 7 issues. Find out more about the housing strategy.

The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) requires the City of Stirling to prepare a local housing strategy.

In December 2009, the City of Stirling adopted the Local Housing Strategy 2010 to analyse current housing-related issues, and identify housing needs for the next 5 years, and is awaiting endorsement by the WAPC.

It outlines a set of principles to:

  • Guide future provision of housing and residential lots
  • Assess the role of supporting services
  • Inform residential density reviews.

The issues and principles in the housing strategy are also used in the Local Area Planning project to address key issues within each local area.

Local Housing Strategy

The City of Stirling's Integrated Cycling Strategy (ICS) sits underneath the Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS) and provides more detail on how the strategic objectives of the ITS, in relation to cycling, can be achieved.  

The City of Stirling adopted the Integrated Transport Strategy at its 22 September 2009 meeting after reviewing public comments, and forms the basis for subsequent strategies and implementation plans.  For cycling this has translated to the following outcomes:

  • The City has a bicycle friendly network allowing cyclists to easily travel anywhere within the City
  • Travel by bicycle within the City is safe, direct and convenient with minimal impediment from traffic or pedestrians
  • The movement of cyclists is given priority over the movement of vehicles
  • Safe, secure and appropriate end of trip facilities are provided in major developments, centres and transport modes
  • Cyclist routes are clearly signed and easy to navigate
  • The City actively works to support and encourage community members in cycling for transport, through the provision of education, skills-training and associated services.

At the time the Integrated Transport Strategy was advertised, the City was in the process of drafting the latest edition of the Bike Plan. As part of this process, we identified some conflicts that required resolution before moving forward.

The conflicts were reviewed, risks were assessed and, treatment plans and strategies were determined to produce a new model that could deliver the desired outcomes for cycling implementation. 


One of the common shortcomings of bike plans, across government in general, was that they failed to address the difference between policy setting (by Council) and implementation (by the administration). To recognise this, the title and content of this document was revised to Integrated Cycling Strategy (ICS) to better align it as a subsidiary document to the City's Integrated Transport Strategy.

Since its release as a public document, following the first stage of consultation in 2011, the initial draft ICS has provided a focal point in many discussions, meetings and workshops in which the City has been involved, and has met with considerable interest and support from several other local governments, cycling advocacy groups and elements within the state government agencies. Recent developments in cycling across the world, together with a greater willingness to see them implemented in WA, have since enabled these concepts to be incorporated into Part Two of the strategy (new).

The Integrated Cycling Strategy, which was formally adopted by Council on 5 May 2015, will determine the strategic direction for cycling for the foreseeable future and set the framework for implementation. In the future cycling should no longer be provided on a piecemeal basis rather the product of detailed route planning and the provision of complete routes. Following the initial public consultation, the document has been divided into two parts, the first of which is essentially a reference document that provides the background study behind the development and sets the scheme for part two.

Part two provides the 'Way forward and 'toolkit' and explains the rationale behind an investment program for cycling based on the development of 'complete routes'. A separate 'Bike Route Development Plan' (BRDP) will identify the Primary and Secondary routes which will form the basis of the City's investment in cycling for the 10-year plan. This in turn will feed into the 5-year planning horizon which will determine the design program required to underwrite each annual budget submission to Council. This BRDP is already under development and defines the corridors within which Primary and Secondary cycling routes will be developed. Once the underlying Strategy has been adopted by Council and the BRDP finalised, it will be uploaded to the City's website as part of the more detailed implementation plan where it will remain available, alongside the ICS, for information and public comment.

As with the footpath program, the individual routes will be weighed with a priority score used to determine the order in which they should be delivered. As these route corridors are assessed and detailed designs produced consultation within the immediate community will be undertaken at the concept stage to ensure that the City can properly accommodate local needs with the wider strategic goals.

The Stirling to Scarborough Bicycle Boulevard is the first major route to be developed, and the concept design is now underway. 

Since the Integrated Cycling Strategy was formally adopted by Council on 5 May 2015, the City has undertaken the Local Bike Route (LBR) review, under the requirements of the WA Bicycle Network Plan.

This process identified prospective route corridors for the primary and secondary cycling routes discussed in section 7.1 of the ICS (pages 106 & 107).

A key outcome from the LBR review identified that the most significant of those primary routes, warranting early delivery, was a four-kilometre long east-west route connecting two of the City's main activity centres:

  • The eastern focus of this route is the 'Strategic Metropolitan Centre' of Stirling, which also benefits from direct connectivity to the primary PSP route along the Mitchell Freeway and Stirling train station
  • The western focus of the route is the District Centre of Scarborough, which is currently the subject of a major redevelopment under the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority (MRA) and through which runs the primary coastal cycling route.

In October 2015 the City applied to the Department of Transport (DoT) for two years PBN grant funding, for the design and first phase construction of the Stirling to Scarborough Bicycle Boulevard, and was awarded a grant for $345,000 in May 2016. Moorland Street is uniquely placed to be the main focus for this route. 

To view the Integrated Cycling Strategy, click here:

Integrated Cycling Strategy

The City of Stirling's Rights of Way Management Strategy was adopted by Council on 10 November 2009 to provide a framework for its approach to the management of private rights of way and dedicated public laneways. Historically, these rights of way and laneways were originally created for the purpose of night carts access for waste removal, however with the advent of modern sewerage disposal systems, they were no longer required for such purposes. With increasing urbanisation, the majority of these rights of way and laneways now have the potential to be used as alternative access to the abutting developments.

The Strategy envisions that all private rights of way (ROWs) with potential for greater public use be constructed and brought under the City's control and management as part of the functional road network.

There are approximately 400 ROWs and dedicated laneways (that were formerly ROWs) totalling nearly 60 kilometres in length within the City of Stirling.

Under the Strategy, the ROWs and dedicated laneways are classified into 5 categories based on certain characteristics:

Category 1High strategic value - Traffic management and commercial
Category 2

Significant strategic value - Potential to reduce negative impacts of infill development

Category 3Medium strategic value - Heritage/streetscape benefit
Category 4Low strategic value - Minimal strategic benefit
Category 5

Special constraints

ROWs and dedicated laneways that have been designated as Category 1, 2 and 3 will be progressively converted to public street status (if they are in private ownership) and be sealed, drained and lit as part of the Development Contribution Plan for Rights of Way Improvement Works. ROWs designated as Category 4 and 5 will eventually be closed and extinguished, or brought under the City's management as unimproved Crown Rights of Way.

To find the designated category of the ROW or laneway abutting your property, please go to Stirling Property Maps on this website, locate you property on the map using the address search, then select the relevant ROW on the map and click on the label "ROW Program" on the menu to the right of the map to display information relating to the selected ROW.

The works program to complete the sealing, drainage and lighting of Category 1, 2 and 3 laneways over a 20 year period commenced in 2013. Indicative schedules for the upgrade works program: (i) ROW Upgrade (construction and lighting installation) and (ii) ROW Lighting Retrofit only (lighting installation), are available for viewing below. The schedules are usually reviewed and adjusted every two years by the City to reflect changes in ROW/laneway characteristics.

Properties abutting laneways in the upgrade works program are subject to the requirements of the Development Contribution Plan for Rights of Way Improvement Works which came into effect on 15 December 2015. Owners are liable to contribute financially to the cost of the upgrade works when they subdivide, develop or undertake major modifications on the lots. The Development Contribution Plan can be found in Schedule 11A of Local Planning Scheme No. 3. The Development Contribution Plan Report, Cost Apportionment Schedule and Frequently Asked Questions and Answers documents are available below. The latest independent auditors report and financial statement for the Development Contribution Area for Rights of Way Improvement Works reserve account can be found in the City's Annual Report for 2023/24.

Proposed developments and subdivisions adjacent to a ROW are also required to comply with the standards set out in Local Planning Policy No. 6.5 'Developments and Subdivisions Abutting Rights of Way'. Local Planning Policy No. 6.5 aligns with the objectives of the Rights of Way Management Strategy and the Development Contribution Plan for Rights of Way Improvement Works.  

Related documents

The City of Stirling's Integrated Transport Strategy focuses on land use and transport integration, pedestrian amenities, cycling, public transport, freight, parking and demand management. An implementation plan is being developed for it. Find out more about the transport strategy.

The City of Stirling adopted an Integrated Transport Strategy at its 22 September 2009 meeting after reviewing public comments, and is in the midst of developing an implementation plan for it.

Please download the Transport strategy, which aims to develop a more efficient and sustainable transport network, with 7 focus areas:

  • Land use and transport integration
  • Pedestrian amenities
  • Cycling
  • Public transport
  • Freight
  • Parking
  • Demand management.

Integrated transport strategy


The Scarborough Beach Road West Area is located on Scarborough Beach Road between Hinderwell Street, Scarborough and Odin Road, Innaloo. Following community consultation, a planning framework for the area was adopted in 2017. This planning framework enables the delivery of transit lanes over time, and facilitates the development of appropriately scaled mixed use transit hubs at existing centres between Innaloo and Scarborough Beach.

Planning framework

The planning framework is a suite of documents which guide land use, built form and road widening requirements in the Scarborough Beach Road West Activity Corridor Area. The planning framework consists of the following:  

  • Scarborough Beach West Activity Corridor Local Development Plan: Contains built form requirements including heights, setbacks, plot ratio etc.
  • Scarborough Beach Road West Activity Corridor Strategy: Is an overarching strategic document which provided the basis for the land use, transport and built form changes
  • Scarborough Beach Road West Special Control Area: Amendment 65 to the City’s Local Planning Scheme No.3 rezoned the properties in the area to ‘Mixed Use’ and ‘Residential RAC-0’, and introduced the Scarborough Beach Road West Special Control Area provisions. These Special Control Area provisions include overarching objectives for the area and requirements for the widening of Scarborough Beach Road. 

Additional documents

In addition to the planning framework, both an Integrated Transport Strategy and a Landscaping Masterplan were prepared as supporting documents. 

The Main Street centre in Osborne Park is a cultural hub within the City consisting of a range of commercial premises, cafes, restaurants and community facilities. However, from an urban design perspective, the way the centre was developed many years ago has impeded its success.

In 2016, the City of Stirling in conjunction with Village Well, prepared a Vision & Activation Strategy for the Main Street centre. In preparing the Strategy it was identified that the potential success of the centre is impeded by the poor historical urban design and design of road intersections. Specifically, the large setback to buildings, the dominance of parking within the streetscape, and the wide roads which enable traffic to speed through the centre, have all resulted in this poor urban design outcome that we see today.

An Urban Design Study was subsequently commenced in late 2017 to determine how Main Street could be designed to become more pedestrian-friendly. The Urban Design Study included three rounds of informal consultation (Vision Workshop, Design Workshop, and Open Day) which informed the preparation of the Urban Design Strategy and supporting documents.

Urban Design Strategy

The Urban Design Strategy, as well as a supporting Transport Plan, were advertised for public comment from the 4 June 2019 to 6 August 2019. Following this, Council considered a report on the outcomes of advertising on the 25 February 2020 and resolved to adopt modified versions of the Urban Design Strategy and Transport Plan. These finalised documents can be viewed below:

Scheme Amendment No. 112 and Local Development Plan

A Scheme Amendment and Local Development Plan were prepared to implement the planning recommendations of the Urban Design Strategy. Broadly, this included the rezoning of all properties within the Study Area, and the adoption of built form provisions to control future development.

The Scheme Amendment and Local Development Plan were advertised for public comment from 4 June to 27 August 2020. A report on the outcomes of advertising was considered by Council on 9 February 2021, where it was resolved to support modified versions of the documents.

The Scheme Amendment and Local Development Plan were referred to the Western Australian Planning Commission in April 2021. In September 2022, the Minister for Planning approved the Scheme Amendment subject to modifications. The modified Amendment was then gazetted (i.e. came into effect) on 25 April 2022. It is noted that whilst approved by Council, the Local Development Plan is still pending the approval of the Western Australian Planning Commission.

Any queries regarding the Main Street Urban Design Study can be directed to the City Future Projects team via the Contact Centre on (08) 9205 8555.

In November 2017, Council considered the recommendations of the Flora Terrace Parking & Urban Design Study and resolved to support the report. The final report is available for download below.

Flora Terrace Urban Design Study - Final Report

Community improvement

Here you will find the City's community improvement initiatives created to enable thriving and liveable communities through cultivating plans, strategies and framework.

The City values the contribution that older people have made to enrich our City and we will provide a healthy, stimulating and safe environment where older people can enjoy good health and continue to participate in the community. The City of Stirling Age-Friendly Strategy is based on these: 

  • Outdoor spaces and the built environment
  • Health and community support 
  • Communication and information
  • Civic engagement
  • Housing
  • Inclusion and respect
  • Transport
  • Social participation. 

Planning for an age-friendly City is one of the most effective ways to meet the needs of older residents and delivers many benefits to the whole community. An age-friendly City does not just benefit older people, but people of all ages, including children, parents, families and people living with a disability.

Age Friendly Plan 2023 - 2027

In response to a number of challenges and changing industry trends along with the current state of bowling participation, an external consultant was engaged and commenced a Bowls Review in 2017. The Review was part funded by the former Department of Sport and Recreation and included consultation with Bowls WA and Bowls Australia. The Review assessed the impact of the decline of bowling participation, engaged with clubs to ascertain their current viability and provided outcomes to address identified issues.

Over recent years there have been significant challenges for City bowling clubs in adapting to changing sport and recreational industry trends. The review identified that the sport's nature is changing and it is the club's resilience and ability to adapt to this change which is having the greatest impact. In particular are those changes outside the club's control such as competing facility catchments, proximity to other facilities and changing sport and recreational preferences which are moving away from traditional all day sports formats.

Industry trends

The  Department of Sport and Recreation (now Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries) identified in a 2010 Bowls WA Strategic Facilities Plan “That bowling (lawn bowling) clubs are currently faced with a number of issues relating to the provision of sporting infrastructure and facilities" and that “In addition to the financial challenges facing bowling clubs, there is a growing need for clubs and members to be aware of the trends and demographic changes in WA”. In particular, it identified that over the past 20 years there has been a decrease in the number of competition bowling participants by 37.5%.

This decline however has not stopped with The National Bowls Census Report (2016) outlining that playing members have been declining for more than 30 years. It identifies that Western Australia has experienced a decline in all participation categories including pennant/other competitions, total participants and playing members. In 2018, it was identified by Bowls WA that participation has further declined to 15,500 participants which is an overall decline of 58% in participation since 1985.

The City has the highest number of bowling clubs in Western Australia with 10 clubs (two on private land). The decline in participation rates and high number of clubs is unfortunately impacting on Club's sustainability and resilience to change.

Common challenges identified through the review consultation with the Clubs were:

  • Changing industry trends with people looking for more flexible and less time consumptive sporting options i.e. 'fast food' sports
  • Growth in recreation bowls has not balanced the decline in competition and pennant participation and hence loss of membership has resulted in loss of income
  • Decline in volunteers
  • Increase in competition between clubs for declining members
  • Fee structure was causing concerns in managing the decline in memberships
  • Ongoing perception of bowls as a sport for seniors and hence difficulty in getting new, younger participants
  • Impact of liquor licence restrictions set by the Department which limits marketing  options and reaching new members
  • Building and facilities are aging in similar timeframes
  • Reduction in available external funding support
  • Traditional user groups resistance to change
  • Changing demographics and surrounding populations
  • Changing alcohol culture
  • Varying level of governance and leadership experience in management
  • Growth of family-friendly venues and orientated activities.


All City bowling clubs were advised of the Review and were consulted with by the consultant’s team during its development. Information was provided by the clubs regarding their financial status, membership, volunteers, depth of management and governance, strategic planning, facility condition and number of greens.

A framework to determine sustainability was utilised for the assessment. Resilience and risk were considered two key factors. A resilience rating from very high to very low measured the ability for the Clubs to adapt to a significant change such as departure of key committee members, major facility repair requirement, replacement of key fixtures and loss of membership.

A risk rating was then attributed to each club based on the resilience rating and aligned with the club's potential prospects and impacts of the external environment such as population growth, competing catchments and proximity to other clubs and community facilities.

Club distribution

The map below shows the City's bowling clubs with an approximate catchment radius of 1.5km (green and purple). It also shows the proximity to clubs outside the City’s boundaries (blue).


Following finalisation of the Review, City’s Officers met with all Club nominated representatives individually over July and August 2018 to discuss their individual recommendations and actions.

Given the outcomes of the review are specific to each Club, requests for information relating to the Review Outcomes relevant to a particular club should be directed in writing to the Club President.

The Clubs which participated in the Review include:

  • Doubleview Bowling and Recreation Club
  • Inglewood Bowling and Sports Club
  • Innaloo Sportsmen's Club
  • Mount Lawley Bowling Club
  • Nollamara Sport and Recreation Club
  • Osborne Park Bowling Club
  • North Beach Bowling Club
  • Scarborough Sports and Community Club
  • Yokine Bowling Club.

For more information regarding the City's Bowls Review please contact the City on (08) 9205 8555 or submit a customer enquiry form.

The City of Stirling is home to almost a quarter of a million people and approximately 23,000 businesses across our 30 diverse suburbs. Our residents and stakeholders have a right to know what is happening in their area and to be included, where possible, in the decision making process.

Our vast urban and social landscape means the City always has a large number of projects in various stages of planning or delivery that might affect day to day life.

To keep the community involved in these projects, we have developed a community and stakeholder engagement framework based on current industry best practice standards.

This means we will tailor our engagement for each project and use a combination of face-to-face, online, traditional and digital methods.

Council supports this approach and has adopted a policy to formalise these objectives and principles.

For more information, contact the Community Engagement Coordinator on (08) 9205 8555 or lodge an enquiry and feedback form.

The City’s Reconciliation Action Plan was developed with help from Indigenous organisations and communities as well as the broader community.

Partnerships are essential for the successful implementation of the plan, as we work towards building a stronger community where relationships are based on respect, appreciation and understanding of each other’s cultures, traditions and lifestyles.

More information on the Reconciliation Action Plan can be found here.

Reconciliation Action Plan

The City of Stirling's Multicultural Framework underpins the City’s vision of achieving an inclusive and harmonious community. The framework builds on the City’s achievements by focusing on three key areas – our newcomers, our community and our organisation.

For more information, please visit the new residents and migrants page, or view the Multicultural Framework document below.

Multicultural Framework

Young people are one of our community’s greatest assets. They represent the future, and the City is dedicated to enhancing the skills, knowledge and opportunities for young people in the City.

The City of Stirling’s youth framework is designed to support the City’s young people’s contribution to community life, society and environment in meaningful ways.

For more information, visit the Young people page of the website. 

Youth Framework

The City of Stirling is committed to building an inclusive community where people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds can participate in and contribute to our diverse community. The review of the City’s Access and Inclusion Plan was launched with a period of extensive community consultation, connecting with people with disability, families and carers, peak bodies, service providers, businesses, and the broader community.

For more information, visit the Access and inclusion initiatives page.

Access and Inclusion Plan 2021 - 2025

The Public Open Space Strategy guides the City’s future public open space planning and provision. It aims to provide our community access to a network of quality parks and reserves to help deliver a healthier and active community. The new Strategy was adopted by Council on 10 May 2022.

In addition to the full version of the Public Open Space Strategy, an overview document and video have been developed as well as a range of FAQ’s which provide a great overview and further information regarding the Strategy.

Related documents

The City of Stirling has more than 50 permanent public artworks in its collection ranging from small to large scale in a variety of mediums. It is expected that the City will continue to add to this collection and to ensure that a strategic approach is taken for new commissions, a Public Art Masterplan was initiated.

The Public Art Masterplan 2021-2025 has been developed through extensive community engagement and sets out the strategic foundation, guiding principles and assessment criteria for future projects.

Public Art Masterplan

Stirling Libraries are vibrant social meeting places and community hubs offering contemporary programs, services and resources that connect communities to information, entertainment, and opportunities for lifelong learning.

The City's six public libraries are strategically co-located with community facilities or adjacent to commercial activity centres. Community history services are delivered via the Stirling History Collection, which incorporates the Mount Flora Regional Museum.

The Stirling Libraries Strategy 2022-2027 incorporates global public library trends and best practice, as well as place-based community development principles. The Strategy establishes the vision and strategic direction for future library service delivery models, workforce planning, and critical decision-making on the future of library infrastructure development. The Strategy concentrates on three strategic community-focused areas:

  • Connecting People - creatively connecting people, information and knowledge
  • Contemporary Places - libraries recognised as valued places and place-makers with community-led design
  • Community History - curate a diverse cultural offer which celebrates the history of the City of Stirling.

Stirling Libraries Strategy 2022 - 2027

Sustainability, conservation and environment

Learn about the City’s environmental projects and initiatives.

The City is committed to achieving 100 per cent renewable electricity supply by 2030 and a 70 per cent carbon emissions reduction target by 2030. This will ensure we are doing our bit to help Australia reach Paris Climate Agreement goals and limit the impacts of climate change.

Our priority is to reduce the consumption of grid-powered electricity on City infrastructure (i.e. City owned buildings) or replace it with renewable sources to decrease carbon emissions.

Sustainable Energy Action Plan

The City is taking action to adapt to climate change. Our Climate Change Adaptation Plan uses a risk management approach to identify what climate risks are a priority and what actions are required.

It focuses on monitoring, implementing and reporting key initiatives within natural and built environments and through community programs.

Stirling Climate Change Adaptation Plan

City has identified key areas of its business that generate greenhouse gas emissions and is actively implementing strategies to reduce or mitigate those emissions. 

The City’s Fleet generates approximately 27% of all greenhouse gases that the City emits. This Action Plan details tangible outcomes to reduce vehicle fleet emissions working towards a zero emissions target for the City’s fleet.

The City aims to implement actions that will contribute towards a zero emissions target for fleet operations. Actions will be delivered across three broad objectives that will see the City:

  • Establish an optimum configuration of fleet vehicles and support services that would produce the least emissions
  • Lead by example in sustainable fleet management
  • Support and enable behaviours that reduce fleet emissions.

Careniup Wetlands Reserve, within the suburb of Gwelup, consists of a number of parcels of public open space that have been ceded to the City via the Special Control Area identified in the City’s Local Planning Scheme No.3.

With the majority of adjacent land developed and most of the public open space now ceded to the City, this Management Plan has been prepared to guide the future development and management of the reserve to ensure both the community’s future recreational needs are met and the site’s environmental and landscape qualities are preserved and enhanced.

Careniup Wetlands Reserve Management Plan

In March 2017, Council adopted the Lake Gwelup Regional Open Space Landscape Plan.  The development of a landscape plan was identified in the Lake Gwelup Reserve Management Plan which proposes to upgrade pedestrian access around the reserve, increase the number of trees on the reserve, upgrade fencing, prioritise habitat revegetation efforts and improve signage. 

The plan will improve the amenity of the reserve, bringing it in line with its significance as a regional open space. The works are proposed to be implemented while further strategic needs analysis of the community parkland node progresses.

Some key features of the landscape master plan include:

  • Pedestrian access improvement - A path hierarchy is proposed to be implemented at Lake Gwelup Regional Open Space which will provide equitable access in line with the Australian Standards for people with mobility issues.  Rationalisation and amendments to the existing path network are also proposed
  • Signage strategy - Three entrances to the reserve have been identified on the landscape master plan for upgrade with the entrance upgrade on the corner of Segrave St and North Beach Road being recently completed.  A hierarchy of identification, wayfinding, educational and interpretive signage will be a detailed project undertaken separate to this landscape plan

  • Fencing upgrades - The master plan proposes to replace the majority of perimeter fencing adjacent to parkland areas with bollards which will increase permeability for pedestrian access
  • Additional tree planting - The City is proposing to increase the number of trees on the reserve whilst improving amenity and habitat.  Tree planting is proposed to be implemented over a number of years
  • Habitat revegetation - Areas are identified as part of the landscape master plan that are priorities for revegetation efforts.

To enable works to continue across the rest of Lake Gwelup Regional Open Space, the community parkland node is not included in the landscape plan and will be subject to detailed resolution at a future stage.

Lake Gwelup has been identified as a location for a fenced dog park in the Lake Gwelup Reserve Management Plan and the City Wide Dog Park Implementation Strategy.  No changes to off leash dog exercise are proposed as a part of this landscape plan.

The priority for the implementation of the Lake Gwelup Regional Open Space Landscape Plan is the completion of upgrades to the primary lake circuit path for access and mobility.  Conversion of sections of the primary lake circuit path from limestone to concrete was completed in September 2018, making this heavily utilised reserve more accessible for the enjoyment of all City residents.

The landscape amenity upgrades are proposed to be undertaken over a minimum four financial year programme. 

Lake Gwelup Regional Open Space Landscape Plan

The City has approximately 7km of coastline, including iconic beaches, such as Scarborough, Trigg and Mettams. The vulnerability of assets within the Western Australian coastal zone to coastal hazards such as erosion and inundation is expected to increase in the future. To reduce the impact on coastal areas and assets, the City has developed a Coastal Hazard and Risk Management Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP).

In preparation for the CHRMAP, the City consulted extensively with the community and stakeholders to identify high priority assets and considerations for our precious coastline. The CHRMAP provides strategic guidance for coordinated, integrated and sustainable land use planning and management and is a long-term plan that informs the City’s future decision making with the aim of making the coastline more resilient to coastal hazards.

Coastal hazards

Coastal hazards have the potential to impact coastal areas and assets. They have always existed along our coastlines. Coastal hazards are not necessarily associated with climate change, but they will be exacerbated by sea level rise in the future.

Erosion is the main coastal hazard impacting the City of Stirling coastline. Erosion can occur in a short time period - for example due to a storm event, or over a longer period of time - as the shoreline gradually retreats due to rising mean sea level or changes/variability in local coastal process.

If erosion occurs where assets exist, the damage is generally permanent. Erosion, however, is not necessarily permanent with sandy beaches often eroding and recovering seasonally. Both erosion and inundation hazard extents will be mapped for the CHRMAP, at various timeframes from present day to 2120.

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For more information, please contact Frank Strever, Engineering Services on (08) 9205 8555.